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Dave James

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Everything posted by Dave James

  1. Only one copy available for the low, low price of 10,000 large. Get it while you can. https://store.acousticsounds.com/d/159639/Led_Zeppelin-Led_Zeppelin--Classic_Records_Road_Case-Preowned_Vinyl_Box_Sets?
  2. Dave James

    Jean Krupa?

    Phil Spitalny & His All-Girl Orchestra it ain't, but it's not bad.
  3. A bit hard to follow at times, but it's Bogie and Bacall so who cares? Over and above the bookstore scenes, I'm partial to this swatch of thinly veiled dialog between Marlowe and Vivian Rutledge. The censors must have had a ball (no pun intended) deciding if someone was trying to do an end run around the Hays Production Code.
  4. Looks like Clemson QB Trevor Lawrence has been diagnosed with Covid-19. The Tigers play Notre Dame a week from Saturday in probably the biggest game of the college season so far, so unless Coach Dabo dabbles in areas most coaches can't go, Lawrence will be in quarantine. Should be interesting.
  5. Wondering why Justin Turner didn't play tonight? According to Sports illustrated, he tested positive for COVID-19 prior to the game. Good thing The Bums won or they might not have been able to field a team to play tomorrow night.
  6. I came across this the other night. Was wondering what others thought of this.
  7. An instant classic. I know I'll never see anything that measures up to the 6th game of the '75 Series between the Red Sox and the Reds, but the one last night gives it a serious run for its money. An epic contest that had a little of everything...the sort of stuff that reminds you of why baseball is such an entertaining and unpredictable sport.
  8. "...You can't switch subjects between clauses..." Unacceptable. The mods need to whack his pee pee.
  9. With the sole intent of improving the collective vocabulary, I offer the following. TRUMPERY: PRONUNCIATION: (TRUHM-puh-ree) MEANING: 1. Something showy but worthless. 2. Nonsense or rubbish. 3. Deceit; fraud; trickery. ETYMOLOGY: French. Tromper (to deceive). Earlier documented use: 1481
  10. Good news indeed. Glad things turned out well.
  11. One of he worst days ever. In 1960 was in 7th grade and already a committed, die-hard Yankee fan. Our teacher let us watch the game on TV as long as we stood for the National Anthem. Everything was going smoothly when an easy double play ball took a bad bounce and hit Tony Kubek in the throat. It was downhill from then on. When Maz hit the winning home run, everyone else went outside for noon recess, but I stayed in the classroom and wrote the Yankee logo all over all six blackboards in the classroom. My teacher was not amused. For my trouble, I had to clean the blackboards at the end of the day for two weeks.
  12. My Dad was musically gifted. He sang in the chorus when opera companies would come through town back in the '50's and '60's and he once sang with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in Salt Lake City. He had perfect pitch and played piano. recorder, ukulele, harmonica and pedal steel guitar. As a matter of fact he traded in his guitar to buy our family's first television set. Unfortunately, his record collection, while substantial, was peppered with the likes of Jackie Gleason, Lawrence Welk and Mitch Miller. I still remember him coming home some nights with five or six LP's tucked under his arm. He loved music, but he absolutely hated rock and roll...all the stuff my twin brother and I listened to religiously. If I had a dollar for every time he yelled at us, "Turn that crap down", I'd have been set for life.
  13. Alabama coach Nick Saban has tested positive. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/14/sports/ncaafootball/coronavirus-nick-saban-alabama.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage
  14. Good pitching beats good hitting. Atlanta has some kids on their staff who are lights out.
  15. Over the last decade, Cashman has had more roster autonomy and access to more money than any other General Manager in baseball history. In eleven years, his teams have not won a World Series. No other Yankee GM has gone as long as Cashman without winning a championship. Point being, in spite of all the tools he's been given, he has little to show for it. If it was up to me, he'd be gone, but since it's up to Hal Steinbrenner, I'm sure he'll be back.
  16. Sorry to hear about Joe. I had no use for the Rose-Bench-Foster era Reds, but you had to admire Morgan's grit and hustle. As a hitter, his signature left arm twitch was unique. First Whitey and now Joe. It's been a sad and somber week for baseball.
  17. Although most Yogi stories are apocryphal to a greater or lesser extent, this is my favorite. Yogi has been invited to a mid-summer doo-dah in New York City by then Mayor, John Lindsey. As is the case at these functions, there's a reception line. Yogi has pulled out all the stops and shows up wearing a lime green leisure suit. As he makes his way down the line, he's greeted by the Mayor's wife who says, "My, don't you look cool today" to which he replies, "Well, you don't look so hot yourself."
  18. That would be my guess. I've heard some speculation that Cashman's job may be in jeopardy. If it was, in fact, his decision to pull Cole, it would not reflect well on him.
  19. From Pinstripe Alley, probably the best post-mortem I've come across. Most interesting is the suggestion that the decision to pull Gerrit Cole in the 6th inning may not have been made by Aaron Boone. https://www.pinstripealley.com/2020/10/11/21510940/yankees-alds-exit-rays-mlb-postseason-2020-gerrit-cole-aroldis-chapman-aaron-boone-mike-brosseau
  20. Bobby Brown last played for the Yankees in 1952. He'll turn 96 later this month.
  21. One of the all-time great Yankees. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/09/sports/baseball/whitey-ford-dead.html?
  22. Speaking of pitching on less than four days rest, does anyone know where or how that unwritten rule became the norm?
  23. I was living with an ardent, over-the-top feminist when Reddy hit the big time with "I Am Woman". Nothing against Helen, but if I never hear that song again, it will be way too soon.
  24. One of a kind. No one played guitar like Eddie. Not even close. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/06/arts/music/eddie-van-halen-dead.html?
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