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Dave James

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Everything posted by Dave James

  1. $300 million is nothing to sneeze at.
  2. Larson is a terrific writer. He has a real talent for personalizing history. His latest book is no exception.
  3. Arco solos in general are unlistenable, but Chambers takes it to a whole new level. I liken his sound to swarming bees or someone hellbent on sawing his instrument in two.
  4. Came across this in today's digital New York Times. In theaters and on Google Play, Vudu and other streaming platforms and pay TV operators. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/03/movies/billie-review.html?action=click&module=At%20Home&pgtype=Homepage
  5. I've been hearing this song on a commercial for Michelob Ultra. I finally tracked it down on You Tube:
  6. On the other hand, there were a number of early vinyl only Mosaic releases...among them the Monk and Tina Brooks sets...that were taken from their Blue Note catalogs, so while it seems that CD's would have been option, Cuscuna and Lurie chose otherwise.
  7. According to the Utah Bureau of Land Management, the silver monolith has disappeared. (CNN) A tall, silver, shining metal monolith discovered in the desert in southeastern Utah -- which prompted theories of alien placement and drew determined hikers to its secret location -- has now disappeared, the state's Bureau of Land Management said Saturday. The monolith was removed by an "unknown party" sometime Friday night, the agency said. "We have received credible reports that the illegally installed structure, referred to as the 'monolith,' has been removed" from BLM public lands, the post said. "The BLM did not remove the structure, which is considered private property."
  8. I have the Cliff Notes for these if you'd like to borrow them.
  9. These days, in order for Mosaic to commit to another a big box set, it pretty much has to be a sure thing, e.g. the Desmond/Bickert. I'm as big a fan of Remler as anyone, but the sad fact is, most people don't know Emily Remler from Emily Littela.
  10. Very much up and down...nowhere near the consistency of "Holy Grail." Having said that, the Biggus Dickus bit is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I'll bet I've watched it 20 times and it still makes me laugh out loud.
  11. Check this out from 2003. Mick Taylor and Buddy Whittington together on the same stage. Yikes !!!
  12. Purely and simply, a war crime. No ifs, no ands, no buts.
  13. When it comes to Veronica Lake, I'm certifiable. Don't ask me why or how, but I got hooked on her years ago. I have books, photos, autographs, DVD's...you name it. Bette Davis said she was the most photogenic actress in the history of Hollywood. No argument here.
  14. Even though Mayall is well known amongst blues rock aficionados, he is still, IMO. criminally underrated. Not to mention that without him, a lot of first chair guitarists like Mick Taylor, Walter Trout, Carlos Montoya, Jon Mark, Harvey Mandel, Buddy Whittington and perhaps even Clapton and Green might have flown completely under the radar.
  15. QAnon proves once again that no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
  16. Why would a record company put a picture of Jimmy Stewart playing Glenn Miller on a Glenn Miller album cover?
  17. I know he covered her song "Sweet Love" at one point. Anyone who has anything to do with Anita Baker is more than OK by me.
  18. If you locked me in a room and told me I couldn't get out until I'd listened to some smooth jazz, I'd go with "Najee's Theme" by Jerome Najee Rasheed (professionally known by just his middle name) and Earl Klugh's "Heart String".
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