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Dave James

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Everything posted by Dave James

  1. Quora is OK if you limit your exposure to topics that are of interest to you. There are more than a few contributors who really know their stuff. There are also a lot of really stupid questions and posters you just learn to ignore. With respect to the coffee issue, Starbucks straight up is undrinkable. Bitter and burned tasting. That's why probably 90% of their sales involve so-called coffee drinks.
  2. "Well my guy i hate to get into a technical Kenny G argument/convo with you here maybe we should open a backchannel if we wish to discuss this further but prior to Lorber, Kenny was in the horn section for a time, in this band." Aric, It's all good.
  3. That's the Jeff Lorber Fusion where Mr. Gorelick made his first indelible mark. I saw Lorber's group at The Euphoria Tavern in Portland. They were the opening act for Pat Metheny.
  4. When Tork auditioned for the show, he had been recommended by his roommate, Stephen Stills. Stills had also auditioned and the producers liked him but they didn't like his crooked teeth. Other musicians who read for a part include Paul Williams, David Crosby, Danny Hutton, Van Dyke Parks and Harry Nilsson.
  5. Kevin, Absolutely. Make sure if you go to do the tour that includes all the guest houses. Most people only get there once, so don't pass on anything. As it is, the experience is overwhelming, but if I understand correctly, there is maybe twice as much stuff in storage that never goes on display. It's an impossibly fascinating and beautiful place.
  6. Even though he played for the hated Dodgers in the 50's, he was a hell of a pitcher. RIP.
  7. I've heard there's going to be a U.S. version that will star Tom Hanks.
  8. I'm afraid to start watching this again since I knowI won't be able to stop. Other than The Sopranos and Mad Men, this is as good as serialized television gets. Rachel Griffiths is outstanding, but she's just one of many.
  9. What would be done about revenue sharing?
  10. Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in. The Padres have been "very aggressive" with their offer to Manny Machado, who is not sure if he wants to play for the club. Some people in Machado's camp are pushing for him to take a "shorter term deal" with the Yankees. (Andy Martino, SNY)
  11. With respect to the two Reacher films, the first one is actually quite serviceable (the fight scene outside the bar with the five smart-ass punks is really well done)...while second is a real dud. Cruise is surprisingly effective in the title role in spite of the significant physical differential. Lee Child has said that if there is a third Reacher film, Cruise will not reprise his role. That begs the question, who among today's actors could most effective play Reacher? I don't see The Rock doing this...but perhaps you disagree. Something kind of fun to consider. FWIW, I have also heard that the third film would be based on "61 Hours" which, IMO, is the best of all the Reacher books.
  12. If this has been posted before, I'm being redundant, but I did a cursory search that didn't turn up anything. Anyhow, here is video of Jarrett in 1967 playing with the Charles Lloyd Quartet. I'm not a huge fan, but this is impressive. No vocalizing either.
  13. Here's some more: The New York Yankees reportedly offered infielder Manny Machado a contract worth $220 million ranging between seven and eight years, according to former New York Mets GM Jim Duquette.
  14. Leonard had one of the great baseball nicknames ever. Penitentiary Face.
  15. The Yankees have always been my favorite team, but back in to late '50's and early '60's, I closely followed the Reds, or the Redlegs as they were called back then. Vada Pinson, Ed Bailey, Gus Bell, Jim O'Toole, Johnny Temple, but most of all, Frank Robinson. Far from a rah-rah guy, but a quiet leader who was as naturally gifted a ballplayer as you could ever hope to see. In 1956, his rookie year, he batted .290, hit 38 home runs, had 166 hits and was the NL ROY. He remains the only player in MLB history to be named MVP in both the National and American Leagues. Quite the legacy.
  16. I'm getting all verklempt. That's not Murderer's Row, it's Assassin's Row.
  17. Aaron Judge is already on record as saying that he would move to center field if it facilitates the Yankees' addition of Harper. Not sure where that would leave Hicks in the mix, but I'm sure he could be accommodated.
  18. That's one of my all-time favorite Tonight Show moments. Thanks for posting it.
  19. Still no mention of the most significant change that baseball needs to make. You want more offense? Get rid of the shift.
  20. When you suggest that I'm unfamiliar with the game, I'll just say that you don't want to go there.
  21. Interesting factoid. While this was the lowest-scoring game in Super Bowl history, it was also the Patriots’ largest margin of victory.
  22. You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but you're in a rather distinct minority. Defenses can easily be made to seem extraordinary by a poorly imagined offenses. Jared Goff looked no more or less than he'd been tasked to reiterate his rookie season when the term "bust" was applied to him more often than not. He was a deer in the headlights. When what are, at least in theory, the two best teams the NFL has on offer, fans have every right to believe that a game balanced by offense and defense will ensue. This one missed by a country mile. As to the commercials, you must have been watching a different game. There were a handful of decent ones, but the vast majority were unimaginative, careful not to offend and sleep-inducing. Not a single one came within hailing distance of the best from prior years. As to the entertainment, here's the best characterization I've yet run across: "The whole show in fact seemed geared toward older millennials or millennial wannabes, from Sponge Bob to Big Boi to Adam Levine’s torso covered in tattoos that look like they came from a catalogue called “Tough Tattoos For Cool Boys Starter Kit."
  23. Bad game, worse commercials and halftime entertainment that will easily rank in the all-time bottom five. Not a day the NFL will look back upon fondly.
  24. He was out. The umpire was poorly positioned. It's as bad a call as the third strike on Dale Mitchell that handed Don Larsen his perfect game in the '56 Series.
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