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Dave James

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    Hillsboro, Oregon

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  1. I make an honest mistake and get dumped on like I'm some of poseur. I'm outta here. Nice knowin' you.
  2. Sorry if I made a mistake by letting people know about this. You've always been a prick. Thanks for confirming it.
  3. Sorry if I rang an unnecessary bell, but the fact that Craig Moerer runs both Discogs and Records By Mail, I thought the message was a advisement about both entities. See below: https://www.discogs.com/user/recordsbymail
  4. Discogs, a.k.a. Records By Mail, distributed this earlier today. I know some of us use their services from time to time so, in case you hadn't heard, you'll be aware of it. Here's the note from Craig Moere and Tim Zagelow: RBM News Records by Mail is contacting you to share information about a data security incident that involved your personal information. We are notifying you so that you are aware of this situation, understand what we are doing in response, and know the resources that can help you if you have questions. We take your privacy seriously and value your trust, so please review this communication and let us know if you have any questions. What Happened On November 22, 2020, Records By Mail discovered that a bad actor accessed our server and two customer databases on it. The first database with data from 1995 to 2020 contained no credit card information but did contain other customer personal information. The second database with data from 1995 to 2017 did contain encrypted card numbers and passwords for the subset of customers who had dedicated accounts with Records by Mail. In the interest of caution, we are notifying all parties whose personal information, no matter how limited or dated, could be accessed. The bad actor was not able to view credit card account numbers or Records By Mail account passwords, because that information was encrypted. However, the data that the bad actor was able to access may have included some combination of your unencrypted name, shipping address, billing address, telephone number, fax number, email address, credit card expiration date, and credit card verification value (CVV) number (but not the associated credit card numbers). We have no reason to believe that the data that the bad actor accessed will be misused in the future. What We Are Doing Records By Mail is continuing to gather information about the incident and is taking additional steps to protect your data. We shut down the impacted database and are building a new database that will have added security for customer records. Records by Mail’s existing website remains offline, but we will soon debut a new website with improved security features. In the meantime, Records by Mail will continue to sell through third parties such as eBay, Discogs and Amazon. What You Can Do While we hope you will not experience any further inconvenience or issues, we recommend that you remain vigilant and immediately report any suspicious activity related to this incident or your accounts to the proper law enforcement authorities in your area. In addition, you can contact tim@recordsbymail.com or call 503-232-1735 if you have questions. We value the trust you have placed in Records By Mail and deeply regret any concern this incident may cause. Sincerely, Craig Moerer Tim Zagelow RBM News Records by Mail is contacting you to share information about a data security incident that involved your personal information. We are notifying you so that you are aware of this situation, understand what we are doing in response, and know the resources that can help you if you have questions. We take your privacy seriously and value your trust, so please review this communication and let us know if you have any questions. What Happened On November 22, 2020, Records By Mail discovered that a bad actor accessed our server and two customer databases on it. The first database with data from 1995 to 2020 contained no credit card information but did contain other customer personal information. The second database with data from 1995 to 2017 did contain encrypted card numbers and passwords for the subset of customers who had dedicated accounts with Records by Mail. In the interest of caution, we are notifying all parties whose personal information, no matter how limited or dated, could be accessed. The bad actor was not able to view credit card account numbers or Records By Mail account passwords, because that information was encrypted. However, the data that the bad actor was able to access may have included some combination of your unencrypted name, shipping address, billing address, telephone number, fax number, email address, credit card expiration date, and credit card verification value (CVV) number (but not the associated credit card numbers). We have no reason to believe that the data that the bad actor accessed will be misused in the future. What We Are Doing Records By Mail is continuing to gather information about the incident and is taking additional steps to protect your data. We shut down the impacted database and are building a new database that will have added security for customer records. Records by Mail’s existing website remains offline, but we will soon debut a new website with improved security features. In the meantime, Records by Mail will continue to sell through third parties such as eBay, Discogs and Amazon. What You Can Do While we hope you will not experience any further inconvenience or issues, we recommend that you remain vigilant and immediately report any suspicious activity related to this incident or your accounts to the proper law enforcement authorities in your area. In addition, you can contact We value the trust you have placed in Records By Mail and deeply regret any concern this incident may cause. Sincerely, Craig Moerer Tim Zagelow
  5. For those who are on the fence with regard to Octopi or Octopuses, and need some enlightenment, might I suggest "My Octopus Teacher" now airing on Netflix. When you're finished, you won't care about proper "pluraling", you'll just be be entranced and fascinated by what you've just seen.
  7. This one wasn't bad:
  8. Yes and yes.
  9. Another touchstone of my misspent youth falls by the wayside. Brit soft rock at its very best.
  10. The spread of COVID-19 is based on two things: 1. How dense the population is. 2. How dense the population is.
  11. I'd give my left you know what to have access to the Aric Effron (chewy-chew-chew-bean-benitez) recounting of his phone call with Lou Donaldson. All-time great stuff.
  12. I'm a fan of Washington, but I didn't know he'd done anything like this gorgeous ballad.
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