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king ubu

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Posts posted by king ubu

  1. Wow, brownie! I really wish I had such memories!

    Thanks for that link. I have once seen that Note bleu CD, but missed it...

    Some recent available Barney is on the Bud Powell discs released by Fantasy from the Francis Paudras recordings. He appears on just one track of the first one (came out last year) and on several cuts on the second one (which has just been released, if I am right). I only have the first one, so far.


  2. The New York Romance with Kenny Barron is a winner! Barney plays some bari on that one, too. And his soprano playing is beautiful.

    See the cover a little bit bigger:


    anyone seen it thus?


    Another very good disc:


    A quartet featuring Gourley and Wilen. One of my favorite discs including Wilen.

    and this one:


    It includes some of the finest Barney I've heard!

    Then this one has been mentioned by Jim (Sangrey) also in that other thread. Please post your impressions here, Jim, after you've listened to it!


    I love it, Milt Jackson plays piano, Kenny Clark is on drums.


  3. Yes, let's start the Barney Wilen Corner!

    There has been some discussion of his music here recently, I know some others here are very fond of his music, so let me give a big :tup for a true master!

    The following was posted in the Sun Ra sidemen thread:

    posted by Lon (jazzbo):

    I think you're going to enjoy hearing his playing evolve over the years, taking the lessons he learned from Newk and Pres and that spark he always had from the stat that was HIM, and becoming more and more a saxophone master (and I mean of all the horns save maybe bass and contrabass!) and an elder European jazz statesman, and a proliferator of French music as well. . . .  Keep me posted on your Wilen journey (and I can probably help out here and there too.)


    posted by myself:

    Yes Jim! Have fun with Wilen. I love that Jazz in Paris album a lot!

    He plays bari on some later things I have, though if you're new to him, I'd recommend you hunt down the following two:


    available here



    There's a two CD edition subtitled "The Complete RCA Victor Recordings". Recorded live on two days/nights in Paris (Club Saint-Germain) with Kenny Dorham, Duke Jordan, Paul Rovère and Daniel Humair. Wilen plays some soprano there. He also made a soundtrack-album with Blakey's Messengers (maybe you have this), where he turns in some good playing.

    posted by Lon again:

    Yes, this is amazing stuff, but I prefer his final decade or so of work, ultimately; it is varied and yet always wonderful.

    BUT really flippin' hard to find, at least at a reasonable price!

    I really love almost all of those with girlfriend Marie Moor on the cover!


    posted by brownie:

    The thread seems to be turning into a Barney Wilen appreciation society which I'll gladly join. Been a fan of him ever since he came all over the Paris jazz scene in the mid-fifties. Jazzbo and Ubu have already mentioned many interesting dates, let me just add a couple of 'freer' Wilen dates that should be checked, if they can be unearthed: 'Zodiac' (1966) on Vogue, 'Dear Prof. Leary' (1968) on MPS and 'Le Grand Cirque' (1992) on Nato.

    There is also a beautiful 1986 duo date with guitarist Philip Petit which came out in France last year. It was distributed by Harmonia Mundi. Also worth checking.

    and Lon again:

    I've never heard the Zodiac and Prof. Leary releases. . . mythical beasts, I've only ever seen them on ebay for far more than I would spend!

    Le Grand Cirque is indeed a great one, though L'Auto Jazz, an earlier similar date with (even more) racing sounds mixed in seems more avant garde to me. . . .

  4. THE SHIT indeed!

    I have the 3CD VEE. Absolutely essential, as has been said.

    Paid some 80$ for mine (the "normal" swiss price for three VEE CDs - at least that's what they consider normal here!), but it's worth every penny in my opinion.

    Is the new LPR that much better in sound quality that one should mind picking it up, too?


  5. wesbed: stop bothering about remastering on this one, instead: GRAB IT! Some real good music, one of my favorite Grant Green sets!

    I never thought remastering on this one was bad, never bothered about it, actually.

    What was on the Mosaic additionally is: the "Born to Be Blue" date with Ike Quebec, and two tracks added to the CD of "The Latin Bit", also with Quebec.


  6. General question: those sets distributed by Verve, are they also part of the 5000 or whatever limited edition, and also numbered, as if you got one from Mosaic directly?

    I could get it from amazon.de for less than 52 euros (swiss don't have to pay one of thoes EU taxes), but those bastards from would certainly have me pay some 15 euros duty (swiss should NOT import anything from anywhere outside switzerland, I suppose; we are rather supposed to pay our ridiculous CD-prices, nice price meaning around 17$, full price meaning 22-25$ !!!!)


  7. Alright guys, ...

    ...HAL'S COMING!...


    I did freak up the date, I know, but nevertheless, COUNT THE DAYS!

    I really do hope some of you have already picked up this great and unique album (or will head to the store getting it real soon)!

    Dmitry: as you were so gracious as to pick me, I do apologize for my un-greazy selection. However, our favorite record producer would have certainly said: ZAT SWINGS about the Russell stuff. Maybe it's a little strange upon first listening, but once you get used to it, YOU'LL LOVE IT (GOTTA! :rmad: ) you'll see. At least so it was with me. It quickly became one of my favorite records.


    ubu :)

  8. Yes! Mellé! I would not think of him primarily as an instrumentalist, maybe that's why he did not come to my mind. His Complete Blue Note 2CD set is a real winner.

    I recently found his TOME VI (on LP). A real original.


  9. Yes Jim! Have fun with Wilen. I love that Jazz in Paris album a lot!

    He plays bari on some later things I have, though if you're new to him, I'd recommend you hunt down the following two:


    available here



    There's a two CD edition subtitled "The Complete RCA Victor Recordings". Recorded live on two days/nights in Paris (Club Saint-Germain) with Kenny Dorham, Duke Jordan, Paul Rovère and Daniel Humair. Wilen plays some soprano there. He also made a soundtrack-album with Blakey's Messengers (maybe you have this), where he turns in some good playing.


  10. This might be my very favorite bari sax disc:


    Then the ones mentioned already: Mulligan (also a growing collection in my house), Adams (though I have none of his leader dates so far, but he shows up on so many great albums), Tate Houston (that date with Curtis Fuller is great), Cecil Payne (I just listened to some of those Tadd Dameron Big Ten broadcasts again - he does some excellent playing there).

    Then a new name: Bob Gordon - check out his recordings with Jack Montrose.

    And the stray european (besides Surman, who sure is a very individualist musician, who I dig quite a little): Carlo Actis Dato (of Italian Instabile fame).


  11. But when you're really ready for some heavy Lou, find "The Scorpion: Live at the Cadillac Club."  Lou live in 1970 in Newark.  To me, this is THE live organ group recording.

    Man, I gotta go with Lonnie Smith Live at Club Mozambique. That thing is just flat-out stupid. Not a stinker on there. Than again, this is coming from someone who doesn't play organ and a number of people here do. So.....

    On another note, don't forget Lou on Jimmy Smith Cool Blues. That's some of my favorite Donaldson on record.

    ...Well, you got me there. "Live At Club Mozambique" is THE live organ album!!!! I don't care if I contradict myself! Oh, and did I meniton "Move Your Hand." ;):D


    While I'm not the biggest fan of this kinda stuff (would be difficult beating some of our worthy constituents...), these two CDs always did it for me! Check out that Muhammad solo on Scorpion! And a nice'n'easy version of Seven Steps on Mozambique... (and after all that, throw in some Ayler to relax :g )


  12. Thanks for your wake-up call, Brandon, it's still quite early (and snowy) here.


    Is this what you see from your window, ubu? :lol:

    Oh Hell! Get *************!

    That image at least has some sort of beauty... (although I have not yet figured out the use of snow at all), but here it's sort of drizzling wet ugly grey dark shitty weather... some Watusa would sure help me to travel our swiss spaceways (hell, why go to the moon...)



  13. I guess the Randy Weston Select would belong on that list, too! (I don't have it yet)

    Then the recent Jimmy Lyons box (eagerly awaiting delivery...)

    The Holland is a good one, but I don't think it would made it on my best list.


  14. I actually have ... Wynton's autograph. (Hey, it was 1984.) After his name, he wrote one word: Practice!

    I remember he wore funny looking socks, and because I played the saxophone, he said to me, "Man — Trane." Then Robert Hurst said: "Trane."


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