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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. And google turns up a link to our own home: http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php...opic=3520&st=0& ubu
  2. Not much of a help, but there's some comments on him under one of the listed records: http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&u...l=B2z5tk6kx9kr3 ubu
  3. very VERY cool! ubu
  4. brownie, thanks for all that information! I'd LOVE to hear this date in a good-sounding CD reissue! Copeland, Cleveland and Thompson make a great front line, and Dennard (I don't know anything by him except this date) is pretty good, too. I will have to ask for that LP again to check the details! ubu
  5. Probably the trio sides are my favorite recordings, yet there are many I have never heard (as those ABC Pettiford albums - bring them out again, PLEEEAZE!!). "Lucky Strikes" is a marvellous album, too. And all those '56 Paris sessions (with Martial Solal and Henri Renaud) are cool - begging for a Mosaic! Then the few things with Jackson I have heard (Plenty Plenty Soul being my favorite of those), are very good, too! Begging for another Mosaic! And that Hampton date is very good, indeed! The father of a friend of mine has it on a very old, really beat-up LP (I've got it on some old tape, only). What was the label it was recorded for? ubu
  6. Will those albums also be reissued as single CDs? I ask because I quite recentyl picked up the first two of those albums, and don't really know whether I'd jump for the set now. ubu
  7. I see nothing wrong at all with doing it your way!!!!! B) Perhaps this explains why I forget threads I posted in, or to see what someone says on a particular thread.....so many are started some days, the one you wanted to checl ends up on the 2nd page, never to be seen again... I know this problem! I do it the Catesta of Moose way. Never used My Assistant, sometimes uns View New Posts (maybe three of four times since I became a member here) ubu
  8. Hi Christian! Nice to see you joining in here, too! And thanks for clearing up things re. those Koller/Pettiford dates! I've read that Behrendt passage somewhere, too - that was the reason I bought the LP of "Vienna Blues" several years ago. Mike, a little bit further up in this thread you see that the MPS reissue will not include that track! A pity, indeed! But let us be glad they do finally produce reissues again (and such nice ones, too ) ubu
  9. This is just not out yet, or has only just been released. See this thread for a little bit more info. And here you can get it from Amazon France. ubu
  10. king ubu

    Solo Sax

    Hans, it's just segments of say 10 seconds, which he hums (or whatever you may call this, but "sing" would certainly be an exaggeration) while changing instruments. Nothing to worry about! And it's a great album in my opinion. ubu
  11. king ubu

    Solo Sax

    No one has the Rivers or (I hardly dare thinking this!) no one LIKES it? ubu
  12. might have been one of those "you know the deal" deals... ubu
  13. king ubu

    Solo Sax

    Lacy will play here in two weeks. Solo. Will go there if I can! ubu
  14. I also did some research on this one. No chance, it seems, to find it for a reasonable price whatsoever ubu
  15. That's one of those funny-as-hell moments! Same goes with Alfred Lion! Zat zwings, Herr Löwe! Was quite a shock when I heard JEB on that disc for the first time! And thanks for checking the dates. However, still not certain those tracks are not identical. Knowing the playing time of the tracks on the Koller disc would help, but amazon.de lists nothing, and allmusic has none of these MPS albums listed. ubu
  16. don't exaggerate! You might add another Hal Russell album to your order? ubu
  17. And check out the interplay of Hancock and Carter on STANDARDS! The Billie Holiday tune they do is plain beautiful! ubu
  18. While amazon.de does list it as OOP, you seem to be able to order it directly via the ECM homepage. I never ordered from them directly, and the prize is certainly a proud one, but if their shipping conditions are alright, it might be digestable. http://www.ecmrecords.com/ecm/recordings/1122.html ubu
  19. Let's hope these are two different sessions! What's the Jan.9 date from AMG? An inaccuracy? Maybe there was some sort of deal - you play my date, and I play yours or something? Sure was a small world, and most of these things then evolved around the late J.E. Behrendt probably. ubu
  20. You know, sometimes it's a nice experience to miss the point... ahem... B) ubu
  21. king ubu

    Solo Sax

    SAM RIVERS - PORTRAIT (FMP, rec 1995) He plays some flute and piano, too, and uses his voice to bridge the "gaps" when he changes his instrument. great, great, great, great! ubu
  22. Indeed I did! -_- Sorry, sidewinder. And also, I thought you meant the Walton/Cliff Jordan Boomer's... I did not know about there being Live at Boomer's albums by Art Farmer. Thanks for the recommendation! ubu
  23. a question re: the quartet tracks on the following record: These tracks are NOT from the Vienna Blues O.P. dates, aren't they? "Blues in the Closet" and "The Gentle Art of Love" are on that one, too, but AMG (can't check with my LP or CD) gives January 9 and 12 as the dates. So: are these more tracks with the same (marvellous, I might say!) line up? Edit: AMG for Pettiford, Vienna Blues ubu
  24. Thanks, sidewinder. However, West Wind is a rip off label, as far as I know, no? And they are not distributed over here... Night at Boomers: there's a one CD comp (quite a full CD) on 32jazz. You saw that one or the Muses (two volumes)? ubu
  25. Yep, I think they meant this one. Real nice groove indeed! How about something real old fashoned, like "Sentimental Journey"? "Moontrane", sure! I'll buy this disc, too! ubu
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