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king ubu

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Posts posted by king ubu

  1. I also think Blow Up is tighter. Love it! It's just as good as the Medina Conn (besides the sound of course, but it is alright, however I'm far from being an audiophile).

    The Montreux, great as it is, is much less organized, a much looser affair, I think.

    Bu I'd have to listen to both of them again to make more precise comments.

    Nice find, however, undergroundagent!

    (I found mine used very cheap, a year or so ago)


  2. so we finally know who's the real... :g

    I love him! His playing seems to be so chock-full of joy!


    - the dates of the Kelly trio with Wes (complete on that Wes twofer "Impressions: the Verve Jazz sides" or similar)

    - the Miles in europe live recordings from when Stitt replaced Trane. I love Miles on that, and I think the departure of Trane and the new, much more mellow sound of Stitt led not only to let Miles play harder, take over the role of the "challenger", but also led to a new axis between Miles and Kelly.

    - then of course the Miles/Mobley/Kelly/Chambers/Cobb trio - all they recorded. I love it all! The Blackhawk stuff would maybe be on top of the list, but I always did love the Carnegie concert, and Someday My Prince Will Come is a great album, too!

    (And don't forget Kelly's got a short spot on Kind of Blue, too!)

    - of his leader stuff, I have virtually nothing, but Kelly Blue is a real good one, in my opinion. Maybe one of my favorite hard bop discs, though Golson adds a touch which is more subtle than "your usual hardbop".


  3. Hey, I think I cannot offer any help regarding place & girl... and I most probably won't be able to make that concert. Sorry!

    However, they're quite active, and there will certainly be another chance to catch them.


  4. By the way, some time ago I emailed Mosaic about a Reece Select and MC answered something like they think about doing it... not very specific, but there's still some hope!


    I would think that we've got more than a little hope; it seems as though Reece's BNs are perfect for the Select concept-too few for a full scale box but too obscure for a regular box set or really many regular reissues.

    Why not drop them a couple of requests?

    It's been some time since I did (that was right after the concept of the Selects came public, I think)

    I guess without the Duke Jordan album, it would perfectly fit on three discs. With the Jordan added, it might be a 4CD select.


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