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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. me too! keep going strong, Jim, in real life and a little bit over here, in our nice little internet haven... ubu
  2. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Д.Д., those link, are they of any use? Chaney: re. Newton and laughing... well, I guess on disc it might work a little bit less cripey (?) than live... is FILIGREE OOP? I guess so, I think it was one of the very first HatOLOGies, no? ubu
  3. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    You killin' me, Chaney! Half of my weekend was filled creating my own box for the copies of the Brötz box... and now this!! Do I need to update?!? John and Д.Д. (damn I got to copy-paste your fucking handle everytime! Can you tell me how I can type it FAST myself?): grab a copy of Minimalism of Satie - that would have been my first choice AOTW, but I realized it was OOP and thought nobody had it (which might be true, as even you two don't have it...). It's a great disc. Practically only the VAO's horns, accompanied/supported by Woody Schabata on vibes and percussion. This was a two LP set originally, but I think everything has made it on the CD. Side one includes Rüegg's arrangements (part one of each track) of Satie compositions (piano pieces mostly or all - I have not yet thoroughly explored Satie) and embellishments/variants (part two of each track), including some improvisations/solos. Side two is three duets, all with Schabata, the soloists being Newton, Roman Schwaller (a very good swiss tenor saxophonist, who was a mainstay of the VAO for many years, and has then been replaced by the other very good swiss tenor man, Andy Scherrer, who's been with the VAO for some ten years now, too), and the great Wolfgang Puschnig. This is certainly an adventurous and probably controversial disc, however I love it! ubu
  4. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Chaney, I did close my eyes and try to fix on the music from time to time, but I did not grab me much more either. I have not heard FILIGREE, well, I did get an ear full several years ago at a store, but cannot comment on it. I like Newton's contribution to the Vienna Art Orchestra's Minimalism of Erik Satie, however, but that's about the only thing of her I really know. ubu
  5. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    belly still hurting... My dear Russian friend, the concerts I did mention all took place as part of that little festival. I don't know any particular website, but here's some information: http://www.moods.ch - the site of one of the better jazz locations in Zurich. write an email to this address fredi.bosshard@bluewin.ch and ask to be put on the mailing list (they mail out information - in german, but you'll get the most important parts, otherwise ask me for translation - on concerts/festivals taking place at the "Rote Fabrik", an alternative location here in Zurich - they hosted the unerhört festival, and they also host Taktlos, a free jazz/improv festival, as well as hosting their own series of concerts. If you're interested in jazz festivals, there are some in: Bern (mostly US-mainstream), Basel (Off Beat, some good concerts), Schaffhausen (mostly presenting swiss musicians, always some good stuff), Willisau (you sure know that), and Zurich (jazznojazz) - do the google thing for "Jazzfestival XXX" and you'll get their websites. This then: http://www.nzzticket.ch/index.jsp is the website of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) weekly event calendar. Use the search function (Musik, ganze Schweiz). The friends section of the Intakt homepage might be useful, too: http://www.intaktrec.ch/friends-a.htm And here's the homepage of a rather small swiss jazz magazine, go to the "Hot Links" part and you'll find the web addresses of all the festivals I've mentioned, of some swiss record labels, clubs etc. I'll write you an email if find some other useful sites. I mostly go from newspaper ads etc. Re. Altrisuoni: was that one of Claudio Pontiggia's discs? I have one of the trio discs he made (the red covered one), and recently got the sextet disc he made with Andy Scherrer and others. Knowing your tastes a little bit better than I might have at the time I did recommend this CD, I think it might not be very much to your likings. Don't buy it unheard. It's beautiful and very melodic music, but faaaaar from being free in any way. The larger ensemble, actually, is a modern mainstream unit. What makes it interesting is Pontiggia himself and the rather unusual line up (french horn, tenor/soprano sax, piano, vibes, bass, drums). ubu
  6. That's what I thought about when I started to look through my rarities (broadcasts) bag to get some ideas what I could include in my upcoming disc (some months to go; I don't even have a CD-burner yet). Sure, put in some rare recording by some well-known artist is a good thing, too! (Hey Rooster, I'll have some nice stuff for you... you know, from the guy whose music sounds like a flushing toilet ) I guess at least parts of my BT will provoce reactions as Jim's does (I have not yet received the CDs, but I look forward to them very much!) Jim's explanation re. his inclusion of non-jazz material is good with me. (only I wonder what that "artist whose "status" as a jazz artist is a matter of constant debate" could be - Jim, you did not include some Kenny G, didn't you? ) ubu
  7. Seing this thread again makes me remember I did hear (and do own) one Lacy/Rudd disc: Trickles (with Kent Carter & Beaver Harris). A solid one, with lots of fun included. But I guess I'll have to look for the HatOLOGies, too. ubu
  8. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Nate, thanks for the Gräwe infos! I will look for some of these discs, the first you did mention sounds very good! Regarding Ms Léandre: I have seen her live in a duo performance last weekend. She did play, or better: perform, with Lauren Newton. I have to admit, I did not like that performance very much. It was a free/improvised thing, Léandre sure has amazing command of the bass, can play what she wants in whatever technique she chooses to use, Newton sure is an impressing vocal artist, but somehow it all seemed very "beliebig" (is there an english word for this? I even did grab my dictionaries, but they don't have anything fitting), and people found it funny as hell, while I found it pretty boring, sort of a waste, and all in all did not care much for it. Now I know Léandre can play, what's the point of doing sort of a (in every negative sense) post-modern collage/quotes/puzzle thing, pasting together as disparate components as there are? I mean, hell, they even did sing sort of an aria together (well, sometimes I do like to listen to some operas, and to be honest, they did try... ). Then, Ms Newton was an other case... She moved like some sort of an acting spastic, created sounds that most of the people obviously found funny, but never did they succeed in creating some coherent, sensible (this might not be a good word to apply to free improv, but I think you can understand what I mean) stretch of music. (I saw Urs Leimgruber after that, and he created something out of nothing, really creative and absolutely compelling. The day after, I saw Steve Lacy, solo, and that was one of the best concerts I ever witnessed... And I AM open to free music of any kind, but hell, these two ladies... not my cup of tea!) ubu
  9. king ubu

    Lenny Tristano?

    Thanks brownie! I could have looked for a site myself, but that one CD I own does not look very much like that label has entered the internet age... thanks! ubu
  10. Cher compagnon, "DE PAR MA CHANDELLE VERTE, MERDRE MONSIEUR, CERTES OUI JE SUIS CONTENT!" Mais comme nous representons une royaume sans pays, comme nous representons toute la Polognie, les Polonaises (et -esses, surtout ), et par habiter dans la suisse, qui toujours etait un port sure pour des réfugiés de toutes partes du monde, nous representons un Roi et une Royaum tout à fait différent (comme nous disons ici différand). "MAIS ENFIN JE SUIS CONTENT DE SAVOIR MAINTENANT ASSURÉMENT QUE MA CHÈRE ÉPOUSE MA VOLAIT. JE LE SAIS MAINTENANT DE SOURCE SÛRE. OMNIS A DEO SCIENTIA, CE QUI VEUT DIRE: OMNIS, TOUTE; A DEO, SCIENCE; SCIENTIA, VIENT DE DIEU. VOILÀ L'EXPLICATION DU PHÉNOMÈNE. MAIS MADAME L'APPARITION NE DIT PLUS RIEN. QUE NE PUIS-JE LUI OFFRIR DE QUOI SE RÉCONFRONTER. CE QU'ELLE DISAIT ÉTAIT TRÈS AMUSANT. TIENS, MAIS IF FAIT JOUR! AH! SEIGNEUR, DE PAR MON CHEVAL À FINANCES, C'EST LA MÈRE UBU! And now a toast to our favorite maitresse: Sur l'air Quand le péril est agréable Pour vos façons nobles et franches, Poisson, vous charmez tous les coeurs; Sur vos pas vous semez les fleurs. Mais ce sont les fleurs blanches. ******* MERDRE! Allons enfants de la... ubu
  11. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    On Steamboat: what I have of them are two broadcasts, the trio doing Sam Hayden's composition "dB", and the Steamboat extended ensemble doing another composition, David Dramm's "Orange Slice" - I just listened to this one while coming home tonight. It's a great piece! 55 minutes of uninterrupted playing, constantly building, somewhere between composition and improvisation, but totally coherent. The extended ensemble is Blum (hammond, analog synth, piano), Pliakas (el b ), Niggli (d), with Gerard Bouwhuis (sampling key, piano), Pete Wilson (el b ), Remo Signer (d/perc), Marco Blaauw, Reijer Dorresteijn & Bob Koertshuis (trumpets). Quite a massive sound wall they're building up! The trumpets enter only after about half an hour, and in the beginning it's only keyboards. The two drummers (both swiss) are very good, grooving together, pushing the others. The concert also includes parts where both keyboard players play acoustic piano, and things are quite varied, actually. I do not know (neither did I care until now to find out) if these two concerts are on CD, but I guess they are (on Grob, maybe? Will have to check), and I guess they might be the same concerts that were broadcasted by swiss radio. ubu edited to change B) to b ) B)
  12. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    John, I had a casual listen to the Gumpert yesterday, and it is a beautiful disc. Free improvised pieces, only one is a composition of his. The concert, according to his liner notes, was actually not scheduled (however, this does not sound like a live recording at all, the place given is the FMP studio in West Berlin). I don't have the disc at hand so I have to go from memory: In 1987, 40 years of the german nations was being celebrated. The east Germans (as Gumpert says) were not willing to do something together with the west Germans. So it was fobidden to eastern German artists to do any performance in West Berlin/Germany. Gumpert writes he got a passport in order to attend a concert in West Berlin (some piano session kind of thing), when, only a couple of hours before his concert another piano player (west German, I think, Gumpert gives his initials, but I could not figure out who it could be, would have to look them up) who should have done a solo piano concert, had to call his concert off, Gumpert jumped in and did his "secret" concert (thus the title of the disc). The music is beautiful often in a quite traditional sense/way. Quite accessible, for me, but not mainstream in any way, either. To give some more elaborate comments, I would have to find the time to give it a thorough listen. ubu
  13. Well, you know, Chaney, I actually wanted to do my countdown coupled with pics over there, but I could not find enough of pics of that norwegian lady (or wherever she comes from - I don't really care...), so I thought, why not start another thread - starting threads is not something I'm very good at, I actually rarely do it... and this seemed to be a fitting moment ubu
  14. king ubu

    Lenny Tristano?

    Can anyone provide a list of the Jazz Records CD (were there LPs too?) reissues? I've got one of them, "Live at Birdland 1949", with the following dates: Tristano, Marsh, Bauer, Fishkind, Morton: Remember Pennies Foolish Things Indiana I'm No Good Without You Tristano: Glad Am I This Is Called Love Blame Me I Found My Baby are the exact recording dates known? ubu
  15. Thanks, guys! Rooster, you got my PM? ubu
  16. Among my favorites of this great trumpet player is the Jazz Prophets Vol. 1 disc. Love "Blues Eleganté"! He will certainly not be forgotten in this house! All the live dates he made with Bird would alone guarantee that! ubu
  17. Hell, what was Sue Mingus doing there?! You may be right about where Mr Buzzi's coming from (the name to me implies italian or spanish), but he seems to handle quite a lot of the NY productions of TCB. ubu
  18. clem, now this one does sound interesting! AMG gives it four and a half stars (here), and has the following review: It seems though the 1996 CD version (on Raven) is OOP... ubu
  19. my words! ubu
  20. few things in the world as good as this one... ubu
  21. Well, let's hope they don't shoot you directly into OUTER SPACE ubu
  22. My problem is that I've got to real for University all the time (mostly stuff I'd rather not read voluntarily...), love reading good newspapers (I read the Neue Zürcher Zeitung and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung daily, in the evening get another swiss newspaper from my father, add Süddeutsche Zeitung every weekend, Die Zeit every week, Weltwoche almost every week, and on sundays it's the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung and the NZZ am Sonntag...). So when the decision has to be made: read a book or listen to music, I most often choose the second option... and feel I've got much too little time to listen to music, too. ubu
  23. Rooster, I don't know if it was on a McMaster CD. It was no Conn, and I guess it will rather come out as a Conn than an RVG. I still hope for a Select, and I wouldn't mind the Jordan disc being included or not. That one would probably let the trio track off and be incomplete anyway, so we'd have to wait for a Conn (or RVG) as well. ubu
  24. holy shit, rooster! don't remind me of how long it will take till I'm a funkateer... ubu
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