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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    btw, John (couw), John B, our favorite Russian free jazz fan, Hans (if you're there), and Tony/Chaney: you interested in a little steamboaty x-mas gift? get the drift, write me a PM. ubu
  2. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    No problem, John. This thread IS taking turns, it became sort of "our small little avant exile corner", but everybody is of course invited to take turns with us! Please join in! And tell me, do you know more about Gumpert? I did not yet do a Google search, but I know nothing about him, I picked up that disc in fact only because it was cheap and looked interesting and because I have heard him on that one track with Steve Lacy (on "Five Facings", FMP). ubu
  3. that one was not hot enough, you know! great work, couw! ubu
  4. This might also lead to the core of AAJ's problems. It seems to be a little bit more lively however. I started to check it out again, maybe twice a week, after several months were I only accidentaly went there. ubu
  5. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    couw - you mixed up the label "Ayler" with the man! The discs you listed, I have them all and love them! One of my favorites, Ayler! John, thanks! I have received an print out of the Ayler catalogue with the Lyons box, but as I know hardly anybody in their roster of artists, I thought I'd ask here! Thanks! ubu
  6. cool new avatar, Mike, by the way! ubu
  7. alright, I have to admit that the folks in Basel eat similarly terrible stuff, but me wants to have nothing to do with that, dig? seriously: I had to "survive" a "alsacian food special" week at the place where I work. And while I did survive I'm still suffering some damage from that... no harm intended, by the way! "Der Rest ist Schweigen." as has been said... ubu
  8. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Д.Д., what other stuff from Ayler can you recommend? I only have the Lyons box and that Albert Ayler live disc. ubu
  9. ARR!! Bloody Tom Bonney ARR!! Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it's the open sea. For others (the masochists), it's the food. For you, it's definitely the fighting. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr! Hell, the Bloody part fits well, but what the f%@# ubu
  10. Yeah, you know, this is the way we're supposed to consume publicity pics in the movies ubu
  11. and not in Rooster's orgasmo thread, above all things... I'll keep my mouth shut ubu
  12. Not sure what they mean by 'strange novels your art historians write'. Any idea who they have in mind? Don't think the French have a special interest in love. We just mention it more openly Anyway let's all have another cheer for Rooster who leads all the way There was that lady who wrote her "memoirs", Catherine Millet. I cannot come up with other names from memory, does not interest me that much... And I did not intend to say that you were WRONG by any account! But: I maintain that France will only be the "grande nation" again after they have given away the Alsace, either to Germany or to UK - mostly because of food-related factors... And yes, let's have another bottle of good red wine on rooster and his future "orgasmos"... ubu
  13. I got this mail too, yesterday. I guess we don't have to care that much, do we? We can go over to AAJ and do some search, and the wealth of information from the BNBB will be avaiable again, which is cool, but I guess we'll continue here, won't we? I at least will do so for sure. ubu
  14. a nice recent picture of Don Ruben:
  15. How about Langston Hughes? I absolutely love his work! I have nothing at hand, but could post some later. One of my favorites, too! (and then there's his prose, too. Ever read some of his Simple stories?) ubu
  16. This then, is a "veritable portrait" of one of my lookalikes... ubu
  17. Great to see some of your faces, guys! I have no possibility to upload a photo, but I can give you this one: (I'm the man on the right, you know, the one with the big belly...) ubu
  18. another happy birthday, ghost! All the best ubu
  19. (you know, there was another recent allusion to you French people and your constant interest in love in all its facets in a german newspaper discussing one of those new half-porn films, and alluding to all those strange novels your art historians write... ) ubu
  20. Hell, I'd need about three of these (http://www.boltz.com/cd/cd1800.stm) to fit in all my CDs. Send PM to ask for my bank account... ubu
  21. Hey what are you talking about? Couldn't you pleeeaze... (vive la république! by the way...) My jazz CDs are alphabetically, with a "Various" section at the end (there you find stuff like "World of Jazz", "Birth of Third Stream", the "Jazz & Cinéma" series, the Lost Sessions etc.). I try to order albums by date of recording, as good as is possible, but that often gets mixed up of course. Then I always have several piles of CDs and LPs lying around to be listened to "right now"... And piles of Tapes and Minidiscs recently filled with broadcasts from radio... so it's part chaos part order. Maybe the taxonomy tree printed on Diderot/D'Alemberts Encyclopédie could offer further help B) ubu
  22. HOLY SHIT! This is SAAAD news! And I post in the KD and Dolphy threads before even seing this! Gonzalez was a great musician. And a great human being, as could be seen in the Buena Vista Social Club film of Wim Wenders (I just watched that sunday night on tv!). They're dropping like flies... no wonder, considering their age, but still very, very sad! Check out "Introducing Ruben Gonzalez" (on World Circuit), his first of two records made after the success of Buena Vista Social Club. Some great GREAT piano playing. ubu edited to add cover of his "Introducing" album.
  23. Adrian, I don't know if the erratic thing had more to do with KDs career in general rather than his playing. He seemed not to get his things together. I mean he was with Bird, which should have granted him a great start - but just not everybody who's an excellent musician makes an excellent leader/manager/accountant and whatever that includes, too! Dorham seemed to pop up and disappear from time to time. What did he do between Bird and the Jazz Messengers? What after the Messengers? He did not lead his own band in the years he made his now OJC records, didn't he? And why did he only make "Whistle Stop" for Blue Note at that time? Was that a lame seller? Or did he fall out with Lion (which seems not to be the case as he entered the Blue Note roster again later with Henderson, Hill, and as a leader)? What did he do in the first years of the sixties? And what after the five albums with Joe Henderson? I get it he was in Europe, too? And what's his story from say 1964 to his death? Lots of questions... maybe some answers are known by somebody here?
  24. very well said! I first heard Whistle Stop when it came out as an RVG, and I loved it right from the beginning! One of my favorite RVGs! ubu
  25. danas, aren't you a little bit unfair? I mean, it's been some time since I listened to the Brooks albums now, but as I heard them first when I got the Mosaic (I was one lucky bastard finding this one for around 70 or 80$ worth three or four years ago), I started with track one from Minor Move, and that one is a highlight of Brooks' whole output, in my humble opinion. Blakey & Watkins of course are a great team, then I AM an avid Clark admirer, and Mogie turns in such a great solo... that must have been a very frightening moment for Tina, having to play his first solo on his first leader date after Morgan's and Clark's homeruns, no? ubu
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