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king ubu

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Posts posted by king ubu

  1. There was an article on LaMonte Young recently in a german newspaper. Very very interesting. Is there anything recorded of his work?

    btw, Geoff, you should add the "user manual" for that Riley piece!

    (to read those manuals is often half the fun with that kind of music... ever seen "In C"?)


  2. Kenny Wheller,

    the photo was actually taken by me.

    I didn't use flash, (as I don't like disturbing musicians when they perform).

    So forgive the poor quality of the photo taking, mostly due to my terrible digital camera (only 1.3 megapixels) and the bad lighting at the Vortex Jazz Bar London.

    cool pic, Geoff! (It's Wheeler, though)

    Have never heard him perform live. Would like to, of course!


  3. Hey we are almost all online together right now! Shouldn't we do a little celebration?


    (well, let's hope the free jazz police doesn't find us!)

    Geoff, I don't have any CD-burn facilities, and use very slow (phone) online connections usually, so MP3 is no possibility.

    (but if you like to check out some, there's some good stuff on Andrew Hill's homepage, and much music on Greg Osby's - I let a friend of mine burn CDs of that stuff for me - the one who handled the Steamboats...)

    I have heard some Riley with saxophone quartet, him playing piano. Some composed things, some improvised. Beautiful music!

    Д.Д., you're right about that saxophone player - I only have one CD of Sade though, and don't think I need any more of them. It's been six or seven years since I played that one last.


  4. I found this great CD yesterday, in some sales bin for a small amount of $$:


    Proper Records has the following text:

    This CD contains the very first recordings from the Blue Notes. The legendary South African Modern Jazz combo then featured the talents of Pianist Chris McGregor, trumpeter Mongezi Feza, saxophonists Dudu Pukwana and Nick Moyake, and drummer Louis Tebugo Moholo. The racial situation in South Africa forced the Blue Notes to leave the country in '64. They wandered through France, Switzerland and Scandanavia before settling in London, where they were to have a profound effect on the British Jazz scene of the late 1960s. These extremely rare recordings have never before been released in the UK or Europe.

    (souce: http://www.propermusic.com/code/products.asp?recid=1992#)

    The CD contains the following:

    Chris McGregor p; Dudu Pukwana as; Nick Moyake ts; Mongezi Velelo b ; Early Mabuse d

    LT 5718 Schoolboy

    --------- Now

    McGregor; poss. Dennis Mpali t (-1); Pukwana; Moyake; Sammy Maritz b; Mabuse

    LT 5719 The Blessing Ligth (2 takes)

    --------- Take The Coltrane (-1)

    Note to (-1): the liners speak of Feza, while the Discography in the booklet states the above.

    McGregor; Mongezi Feza tp; Pukwana; Moyake; Maritz; Mabuse

    LT 5720 Angelica

    --------- Kay (2 takes)

    McGregor; Mongezi Feza tp; Pukwana; Moyake; Maritz; Louis Moholo d

    LT 5721 Vortex Special

    --------- Never Let Me Go

    --------- Izithunywa

    McGregor; Mongezi Feza tp; Pukwana; Moyake; Maritz; Moholo

    LT 1722 Blue Nick

    --------- Coming Home (Takes 1 & 2)

    --------- Dick's Pick

    All recorded in early 1964, Cape Town (no more information known on dates).

    I have only had a casual listen to it, but I loved it! (And of course I had to grab the Ellington/Coltrane Impulse CD to dig what a beautiful tune Angelica is!)

    Anybody has information on their Ogun albums? Are they available on CD?


  5. I have the Kenton Presents and the Ellington Reprise, and I do know that some day I will also have the Wilson...

    I fully agree with what Matthew said about the Kenton Presents set :tup

    The Holman stuff is terrific! The Cooper, I did not like it that much, though.

    The Ellington Reprise seems to be available in that strange german edition (or is this just a Warner/Reprise edition?) - I saw it in a store yesterday, though not for a nice prize at all.

    Maybe someone can help with that - I seem to remember there was some link pointing to this one in another thread (probably the Ellington Reprise is OOP one)


  6. When I was 19 my jazz collection consisted of one CD: "The Best of Sade".

    You know, there is one big fan of Sade (well, at least her looks) around here (not me, though). (Oh, I sure don't think she looks bad or something...)

    I started buying jazz whilst at highschool, around 16 or 17 years old, and I stopped counting my CDs a year or two ago. It's in the four digit range, much more than 1000, but I really don't know it more exactly... and I'm NOT A COLLECTOR - maybe that I am an addict or a freak or whatever though <_<

    Geoff, thanks for the Rzewski recommendations. I'll look for a recording as soon as I can afford.

    Terry Riley anyone?


  7. Frederic Rzewski - The People United Will Never Be Defeated (on New Albion)

    How's that? I always wanted to get this! Is this OOP or not? What recordings do exist? Are there several?

    Hell, as we are discussing Satie here, and you list such stuff, why not add some minimal music recommendations? Anyone has some particular favorites?

    Any one heard Rzewski's "Moutons du.." (shit, what's it called again?)

    Another piece I love is the Reich Marimba one - five, I guess it is.


    edited (only wanted to have the Rzewski in the quote)

  8. Anyone knows the Music & Arts duo CD by Jarman/Crispell? I think I could still pick it up for a good price, but have bought so much stuff now (and still not all x-mas presents...) and thus need some  :tup

    Crispell/Jarman duo is excellent. Lyrical and bluesy. Get it!

    John, I'll listen to VAO one more time and elaborate. On the first (not very attentive) listen it sounded mechanistic and over-arranged.

    Thanks, I'll look for it this evening, hope it's still around!

    Hey, I'd be interested in hearing more of your opinion on the VAO, too!

    "Mechanical" I do think it is, but that's Satie to blame. Rüegg tries to stay in tune/in mood with the compositions, I think.

    How do you like the soloists? I'm thinking particularly of Roman Schwaller and Wolfgang Puschnig. (One of my favorite VAO moments is Puschnig playing the Donau waltz as an encore of the All That Strauss programme - I love it! Is that on the CD, too? I have it recorded from radio, so did not get the CD)


  9. Anyone knows the Music & Arts duo CD by Jarman/Crispell? I think I could still pick it up for a good price, but have bought so much stuff now (and still not all x-mas presents...) and thus need some :tup

    The steamboats are on their way. I hope at least our dear russian friend receives his in time for x-mas, maybe the europeans, too, but I guess John B, Geoff and Chaney will have to be patient...

    (Where's Hans, btw? Hope nothing bad happened! I would have another copy for him, of course...)


  10. Sad news! I don't know much of his records, but I will certainly look out for the Prestiges!

    I have this one:


    And it is good. Young's contribution maybe the highlight.

    I don't know if it's still available from Freshsound (it's temporarily out of stock right now).


  11. Just picked this one yesterday. Great disc!

    Is it just my copy (one of those blue-ish Spanish Time Life Blue Notes) or is Ron Carter´s bass recorded at a very, very, very low volume??? I can hardly hear him (even when soloing or comping with Tony Williams)

    I was not able to revisit this one (neither when actually AOTW nor ever since) - however I remember there was discussion (maybe at the beginning of this thread?) that the sound of the new Connoisseur edition of this one (copy controlled when you pick it up in europe) was a major step forward in comparison to the Mosaic (which I have). The Spanish edition might use the Mosaic of simply the old McMaster remasterings (if these are not one and the same), so this might explain the problem.


  12. John, we could do some exchanges, however I'm usually pretty slow in doing these. I got that concert I heard from radio. Better quality mix than on location sound (which I experience quite often, and which really sucks! I mean, you see a bass player there, and maybe he's playing some interesting stuff, but you just can't hear him. Then a couple of months later the same concert's broadcasted and suddenly you hear what the guys did play... sure, you don't have the live experience and all, but sound is a rather important part of that, too, no? --- end of rant -_- )


  13. I get more excited about new Rune Grammofon (a label co-owned/sponsored by ECM) than new ECM recordings.

    Have any of you heard Maja Ratkje's debut album 'Voice' on the Rune Grammofon label?

    The most amazing vocal album ever.

    I have never heard of Maja Ratkje...how would you describe the album?

    The only albums I have ever heard on Rune Grammofon are by Supersilent. If you have never heard them you really should get a copy of Supersilent 6. Amazing album.

    I just found that for around 7 bucks!

    I saw Supersilent live (wait until next x-mas to get some supersilent surprise...) two years ago. Great set, great music.

    The same night, The Necks played. Know them, Geoff? They're from OZ, right? They were blowing the place up! Really great music, and it works on CD, too, which I find quite remarkable.

    I did not know ECM was involved with Rune Grammofon. I think I read a feature about Rune in some swiss paper this or last year, but cannot remember many things. Can you give us a little bit more information on this Maja Ratkje? I never heard her name!


    edited some typos

  14. Ubu, Switzerland and ECM go together. Very clean! You know how we French are. We like smelly cheese :g


    You know, brownie, there are several things I LOVE about France - the most recent being that Giscard got elected to the Académie... HELL! THAT MADE ME BURST WITH LAUGHING! (and a day later the EU constitution goes to hell...)

    seriously, I like: french cheese, french wine, french ladies, french movie actresses (and some actors, too), french film directors, french intellectuals (exclude Mons. Glucksmann, in case you consider that creep an intellectual...), the guillotine, Louis Antoine Léon de Saint-Just, some other of those funny guys, the "philosophes"... you know, I might be some sort of a frenchophile... MERDRE!

    ubu (de par ma chandelle verte!)

  15. The Bill Evans I like the most besides the trio with LaFaro and Motian is the earlier sessions where he plays with more rhythmic Verve, like the George Russell RCA and Hal McKusick Decca sides. It seems he wasn't interested in pursuing that direction as intesively as other aspects of his playing, as he asked Orrin Keepnews to hold back a Riverside session with Paul Chambers and Philly Joe that swung like mad, "but there wasn't much happening on other levels", as he is quoted in the Riverside box set.

    Mike, so you might like the last box set available, the Warner one. I think Evans gained some momentum there again, before his death.

    I did not yet find the time to explore it in its entirety, but I loved the parts of it I heard so far.


  16. Geoff, Kenny Wheeler's Gnu High is outstanding. DeJohnette's drumming is fascinating, Keith Jarret is ver inventive and Dave Holland is Dave Holland. And one of the best Kenny Wheeler I've heard on record (and Wheeler is one of my favorite flügelhorn players) - melodic, lyrical, powerful - and his sound alone is mesmerizing. This is the CD I return to very often.

    Yes, Geoff, this might be one of the best records ever done on ECM!

    I love it very much! Very true what Д.Д. said about DeJohnette and Wheeler (well, and about Holland, too :P )

    Grab this one when you see it! A beautiful album in all accounts!

    And it seems this was the last sideman gig Jarrett did.


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