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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Well, the Lateef should be "Number 7", the second track from "Live at Pep's". I'll try to read through the whole thread tomorrow. Thanks a lot Jim, for these enjoyable discs! ubu
  2. First of all, let me apologize for taking that long to answer. I already thought I would not at all be able to jump into the discussion of this BFT. Things went almost too fast for me, the time between #7 and this one was rather short. Then, the ante-qua-non date somehow made me put the discs aside, and once the race was open, I had no time to listen. So finally? (as usual, this is exactly what I wrote while listening) CD1 1 - Great opener! Love the sound of the bass clarinet! What a great instrument. Sounds slightly monkish. Clarinet, vibes and electric bass sound good together! Good clarinet solo. No idea who this could be. Ray Anderson on trombone? The whole thing sounds a bit too cold, but it?s fun and I do like it. 2 - A perfect segue! Again slightly (but much less) monkish. Solid tenor, good sound, some Trane, some blues. Sounds a bit like Joe Henderson (on my very modest listening device, at least)? But I don?t really think it?s him. And if it is, it would be from one of all the records on my to buy list? Good piano, but again no idea. Very good one! 3 - Larry Young? From ?Unity?? Being far from my collection, and as it is several years since I last listened to that one, I cannot tell. Great tune! Very good tenor, good organ accompaniment, too! The trumpet solo is very lyrical. Nice sound, nice pass-over to the organ, too. Another very good one. 4 - I like the atmosphere on this one. The voice fits in very well. Like it. 5 - Great one! Love the deep saxes! And then the klezmer-like melody. Don?t think it?s Zorn himself, but this could be some NY downtown stuff. Zorn on alto? Maybe. Good solo, builds. Love the barisax/bass vamp underneath! Also the marching-band drumming. Uh, going form the ending, this is a bass sax, rather than a bari, no? 6 - Good opening, nice bass vamp, and when the drummer enters, things start to take off. Wow! The theme takes part in the rhythm section, mostly. Soprano has very nice sound, rather soft, full, not the nasal Coltrane type. The piano comping reminds me of McCoy, the drummer?s very good. Nice piano, and very good trumpet. Again the rhythm section (the drummer, mostly) almost steals the show. No idea who this could be, though I have a feeling I might know most of the musicians, though not this recording. Love the drum solo over the bass vamp. 7 - This seems very very familiar. In medias res! What?s this? I know this, I have it, I think! Great tenor, great it continues! The bass, wow! What the hell is this one? LOOOOVE the tenor!! Cat like, sly, slow, bluesy, those almost honking, almost but never cliché phrases. The great blues feeling. Uh, I found out!!! It?s Lateef! From the Pep?s albums, I guess (remember I?m far from my collection). WOW, one of my favourite tenors, one of my favourite albums! His sound is so big, so full, and he takes as much time as he wants, he has patience, ideas, deeply felt emotions? a great rhythm section on that date, too. Then, Richard Williams is, in my opinion, maybe THE underrated trumpet player of that era. At last the flute. One of the best of jazz? flute (and oboe) players ? not in a schooled manner, but felt. The piano that follows the flute/trumpet exchanges is great, too, the bass is very solid, good sound. Love the bass played in the deeper regions of its reach. 8 - Another good opening. Nice alto. Don?t know it. It?s not bad, but it?s hard to follow the last cut! Somehow, the recording, the sound, is not too much of my liking. I often have some slight problem with the sound of recordings from these years (I guess it?s between early to mid seventies and mid to late eighties), and I often find I do not return to CDs from that period as often as I should (this even applies to my Woody Shaw discs!). The alto solo, though is really good! And the piano has a nice touch, too. 9 - Very nice tune! No idea, though. 10 - Another one unknown to me. A good one, though not the kind of music I listen to all that often. 11 - ?Nature Boy?. A nice tune. Cool version, with the bass and flute in the foreground. No idea once again. Very cool arrangement! I like this one a lot. 12 - Another one I know but can?t identify. Not sure I know this version or only the tune. Good groove. Nice sax solo. No I don?t know this version. Yet I seem to know the tune. Cool flute once more. Seems to be a flute-lover here! Hell, I guess I really should be able to identify this tune! Too much red wine with dinner, I guess? A good ending for a great disc! Thanks a lot! Now BIG expectations for disc 2! CD2 1 - Wow! Hell, this is more the kind of stuff I love! Love how this one builds, love the bass vamp, love the open beginning, and how things start to grow together before the thematic material is stated. Great bass player here! Will post more once I have heard tracks 2-4. Hope it goes on that cool! ubu
  3. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Here's the other "russian" disc, the reeds plus violins european-cinematic etc one: ubu
  4. WOWEE! Anybody feel free to send me money now, so I can pick it up as soon as it's out ubu
  5. Zurich, Switzerland. One club here with almost daily concerts (usually two sets, you pay once, prizes between 15$ for local musicians and 35-40$ for big names like Abdullah Ibrahim, the Mingus Big Band). http://www.moods.ch Then there are some other venues, mostly the same local musicians once a week, pretty boring, pretty mainstream. One weekly jam session at a place linked to the local jazz school. One big-budged festival, almost yearly since 1997 or 1998 ( http://www.jazznojazz.ch) - as the name says, there's a share of nojazz every year. It's usually four or five nights, three concerts, and in between two short free sets by one band each day (Goldings/Bernstein/Stewart for free!!). I saw George Coleman with Ahmad Jamal (and Idris Muhammad on drums), Charles Lloyd, Dave Douglas, Jacky Terrasson, Tom Harrell, and Shirley Horn there, also Susanne Abbüehl, Annette Peacock... maybe some others. Pharoah Sanders has been there, Gianluigi Trovesi, Defunkt, etc. Last year they were down to easy listening jazz, with maybe Roy Ayers the only musician not being completely outside the focus of jazz fans... alright, Marcus Miller was there, too, but else, only acid jazz or easy listening fusion... hope they get their thing together for the next festival! Then there are concerts, being organized by www.allblues.ch - usually big names and too big prizes for me. Then on the other end of the spectrum, there is an alternative venue (they have a restaurant, theatre, rock, metal, punk etc) which has their own series of jazz concerts (Movaer and Dave Holland played there, for instance). They are also hosting (but not organizing, I think), the yearly taktlos festival (http://www.taktlos.com/ ), a festival of "improvised and contemporary music". I usually go one or two days. Saw The Necks there, Supersilent, Pierre Favre/Fred van Hove... This year, they have Larry Ochs, Barry Guy, Frank Gratkowski, among others. At the same venue, there is also a new festival (three days), called "unerhört". It took place only the second time last fall, and it was great. I heard/saw Urs Leimgruber, Steve Lacy solo, and some more. So there's not really a constantly vivid live scene, here, but still there's far too much for me to see anything I would like to see. ubu
  6. king ubu

    Helen Merrill

    Well, I'm not a fan of the Beatles, either... I guess it would need some more to push me over the edge... ubu
  7. king ubu

    Helen Merrill

    No idea here for a Select, either. The most obvious might be the Landmark albums that were all relatively recently reissued on Gitanes/Universal/whatever-exactly. I mean the three albums with Dick Katz, then the tunes she sang on that Flanagan, Hanna and Haig records (I only have the Flanagan), and "Casa Forte". That would be a nice bunch, but then it would be the stuff most recently available, and thus it would not make much sense. Lon, care to comment on the Beatles album? I saw you have listened to it. ubu
  8. Great story, Johnny E! I only have the Blue Note album of Sheila's so far, but even with only that, I easily rank her as one of my favourite singers. That Cameron Brown disc looks cool! Would like to know more about it, if anyone has it! ubu
  9. Hey folks! Buy that Fifities Mobley Mosaic to be able to vote here! I mean, when the set came out, I was like: why the hell do they a fifties and not a sixties set. Then I bought it nevertheless, and I rate that stuff as high as I do what Mobley recorded in the sixties. Big surprise it was for me, but a very very pleasant one! ubu
  10. I'm looking for this one, too. I think it came out in 1987! That's at least five average CD-life-times... I found that year on some website when googling for the set a while ago. ubu
  11. king ubu

    Funny Rat

  12. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    The photos above take hours to load. So here they are again:
  13. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Your generosity is outstanding! Seriously now: I would welcome more participation in our discussion! No need to follow the whole thing, just jump in right here if you feel like! ubu
  14. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    about "GERU": http://dragonjazz.narod.ru/rubolino_geru.html: Two photos from that same site: Kowald and Solovyov, Moscow, 1991 Kostikov, Rauschtenberger, Solovyov, Kowald (from left), Moscow, 1991 ubu
  15. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Hey, my version of the Funny Rat thread is only 23 pages long! This might be Jim Dye's work... That depends on your board settings. I use default (I never adjusted anything but the time), and it's on page 62 right now. ubu
  16. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Makes me wonder what you were posting The mystery deepens... Some "red alert! red alert" welcome to Jim Dye, I think it was. No problem, Chaney, I was just so tired today in the morning when I first logged in that I really thought I had some hallucinations maybe... Jim Dye, and everybody else, of course, is highly welcome to jump into the rat at any time of any day. Time for me soon to spin the rat-dried dog again, a distant relative of the funny rat. Who here has that one? ubu
  17. Rooster, I'd say go for it! Give it a try - might be a great opportunity! ubu
  18. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Did I have some hallucinations or was there an additional post last night, bringing this thread to page 62? Some "red alert" thing? Were has it gone? Upon Д.Д.'s insistence, I repeat here what I wrote him in a PM about the two CDs he sent me after returning from his trip to Russia: Now here's Д.Д.'s reply: Now - one more thing: the contrasts between serious european and cartoonish, cinematic (that's a good description!) on "Closed Mountains" is a very cool thing! Would you mind telling us a bit more about your first learning about jazz? ubu
  19. Soul Station. Yet I love all of them, but Soul Station has somehow always stood out. And ît was among my very first Mobley. ubu
  20. This is a hard one! I love all of the Blue Notes! The one with Mogie, the one with Farmer, and then there's the "All Stars" with Milt Jackson... And the one with Shafi Hadi, also the Quartet 10" album is great! ubu
  21. I once gave my TKM away, to a person who was kind enough to give me several rare LPs. No problem with that, but I never gave one away since. On the other hand, I would not know anybody who would know to ask. As far as other discs are concerned, there are two or three persons that more or less constantly have a few of my things, but I'm sure about them not trying to cheat on me. And I get discs from them, too, even LPs. ubu
  22. Yeah, I'd love that, too! They at least should give us all with Griffin! ubu
  23. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Have listened to this one twice, recently, and I do like it pretty well: I think it starts growing to me! ubu
  24. YEAH!! I got hold of a copy of that 4CD 32jazz release which includes it. I think I might love the Atlantic studio stuff better in its entirety than the albums one by one. But then that's the way I got them, and I listened to all of them at virtually the same time, so I tend to mix them etc. There's fabulous music on each one of them, in my opinion. ubu
  25. I hope to join in on the discussion later this week. Had no chance to listen yet. Only, I really don't know if it is considered sane to continue the discussion with all of you anally retentive persons... ubu B)
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