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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Is death the meaning of existance?
  2. What is death?
  3. What is the meaning of "to be"?
  4. Do we exist?
  5. Wish I could say the same about the lady on the B-3 ....
  6. The only thing I was referring to was that, in this series, you either get the insert or you don't. Ok, I was only wondering, as I have only about twelve of these releases, and all coming from the earliest batches. ubu
  7. Yeah, but you can't crunch an LP cover in one hand trying to get the darn thing out of it, can you? Some of these Verve LPRs are so cheaply made - however, I really do like those I have, for they were all unknown to me, and it's great they do release the music in some way! (Even if I'd prefer them with a bit bonus material and unedited versions etc.) Back on topic: Soul Stream: check out the Giuffre Three album on Atlantic (it is also included in the wonderful Mosaic box). It features Jim Hall and Ralph Peña. As you are the funky kind of guy, you should really like it. Its sort of scaled down and rural funkiness is something that never fails to astonish me again. On the outside, that music is so different in style, yet if you really listen, it's just as funky as, say, Horace Silver's groups were. ubu
  8. I do watch out for my mail, yet nothing so far... ubu
  9. I have some simple, non-resealable sleeves that fit the covers tightly. Just shove the flattened "obi" in there and tadaa. You know, I spend my money on CDs... Have to look for such things. The latest batches I saw were digipacks, anyway. ubu
  10. This is what I thought. That there wasn't much to print for the liner notes. This series of re-issues often has, for liner notes, only an exploded view of what the backcover says. Are there releases in the series with something else? From the ones I have, I'd say they include a blow-up of the back if it's too small to read. Some have nothing, as there's nothing to read on the back, some have nothing as there's so little text that you can read everything. The main problem I have with them is that you alway have to keep them packed in plastic "bags", so as not to lose the thing wrapped around the back of the disc - if you lose that, you don't have the information about personnel, dates etc anymore. ubu
  11. Thanks, Gary. I think he does A-Train and maybe also C-Jam on that broadcast I have, too. How about his solo playing? ubu
  12. Autumn leaves will never be the same again. Gary, is "Summertime" on the CD? I have that one broadcast where they play four tunes only, "Summertime" among them. ubu
  13. Well, so let's hope he is and will be among us for some more time! ubu
  14. I did not choose my avatar - my avatar chose me. ubu
  15. So: 1. The music is the man 2. The man never communicates follows: the music does not communicate. q.e.d. ubu
  16. The last one was reissued on Hat, that's the one with Dickey. ubu
  17. Is history?
  18. Is life cyclic?
  19. You talkin' with me, sir? Should I edit, too? Did you?
  20. I have only heard that band live, and the disc is OOP and pretty difficult to find, it seems (I don't have it), but I tend to agree - it would be a good introduction to his earlier work, I think. Btw, sometimes it was not Ibarra on drums but someone called Walt Dickey (an album of this trio was reissued on HatOLOGY, I have it but did not yet listen to it). I find the duo with Mat Maneri, "Gravitational Systems", rather good, too, though I'd check out some trio stuff first. ubu
  21. Ceci n'est pas un dentiste... ubu
  22. I had first listen to the Heads Up CD last night - and I do like it! I think it has to grow onto me - I have to get used first to some of the more generic, and quite contemporary-sounding rhythm sections and sound mixes. Barney Rachabane is killer, though! I know him from a few tracks on the Kaz/Camden discs, not sure with or without Ibrahim. Otherwise, most of the musicians were unknown to me (some of them, though, were featured in those radio programmes I mentioned, some months ago, such as McCoy Mwrubata (sp?)). Thanks, however, very much, for making me buy this CD! I'll listen more, and I know I'll end up liking it a lot! ubu
  23. since you asked...i took the time to listen to the audio and video clips. personally, i think they're crap. the crooning on the "jazzed up" beatles tune is second-rate harry connick (which makes it third-rate sinatra). the other selections are uninteresting smooth jazz. definately not my cup o' tea. You're too kind ubu
  24. jazz1 or anybody: how does the Rossini studio (HatArt 6002) compare to the Rossini live (HatArt 6152)? I see they were recorded on consecutive days (they went in the studio two and three days, respectively, after the live performance on Hat 6152 took place. Also, the tracks are identical etc. Now, I do have the live one, and as I might order something relatively soon from Cadence, my question is: do I need the studio disc, too? How does it compare? Is the difference in the two records big enough to get them both? Btw, I had a first listen to the "Piano" disc - and, "arranger's piano" or not, it is beautiful! Thanks for making me pick it up! ubu
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