Lazaro, I have only just now realized that my post above could be read as me implying you took your ideas from Jost - I was far from wanting to say that!
Why I'm actually posting here again is:
This site mentions the 10CD "Two Ts For A Lovely T" Codanza box being recorded from August 27 to September 1, 1990 - this would make perfect sense, five nights, two sets per night. Does anyone know if this is accurate? The box just says "Recorded in London in 1990".
And another question: the Berlin 88 stuff: I think there was some part not released on a single disc, but only in the box, right?
The single releases are: "Riobec", "In East Berlin", "Regalia", "The Hearth", "Alms/Tiergarten (Spree)", "Remembrance", "Pleistozaen Mit Wasser", "Spots, Circles, And Fantasy", "Legba Crossing", "Erzulie Maketh Scent", and "Leaf Palm Hand". Is this list complete and correct?
And what does the not separately released recording contain?