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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. king ubu

    Bobby Jaspar

    Don't be too hard on Mann! Check out the two flute frontline on the Mann/Most Bethlehem album! Some pretty pretty nice stuff! Almost pennywhistle like at times, and almost south african in feel! ubu
  2. I see a parallel to Hank Mobley in the Miles Davis Quintet: Coltrane will always be considered greater etc. Harold Land will unfortunately take second place after Sonny Rollins as long as there are jazz fans. But although Rollins may be the more important saxist, and he and Brownie were breathing as one man, as he reported, Land was just as perfect a foil. I like him better with Brownie than Rollins. Same here! Much better! ubu
  3. Tony, thanks for sharing your story (and sorry for my missing to check this thread again sooner)! ubu
  4. Welcome, ghost. Check the site maybe weekly for new stuff (me and a few others here have been aware of it for maybe two weeks and two albums now...) ubu
  5. king ubu

    Bobby Jaspar

    Thanks, brownie! Shall look for these. I have the Buddy Banks disc with those four short and nice tracks, too, forgot about them. ubu
  6. http://www.yourpaldoug.com/ Cool stuff up there once more! Never heard of this before, but me likee! A band feat. Phil Woods, Jerome Richardson, Jimmy Cleveland, Frank Rehak, Barry Galbraith, George Duvivier, Don Lamond and other can't be that bad, can it? ubu B) PS: Chaney, the yellow canary is on some list, our polish royalties have heard...
  7. king ubu

    Bobby Jaspar

    I haven't heard much of Jaspar on flute, exsecpt for his JiP "Jeux de quartes" - I quite like the sound on that one! Jaspar's flute is coupled with the vibes of Michel Hausser, and this creates a rather unique band sound. ubu
  8. Alright... it has never been my strenght to put things simple, even less in a foreign language... So please go ahead now! And make good for what all those big crap-heads sitting at Vivendi's, EMI's and Sony's top floors don't bother about... ubu
  9. ... welcome in the rule club .... I have been a member since I joined the BFT group with Sangrey's... now it's official, thanks! B) ubu
  10. That's two different CDs! ubu
  11. Oh yes, and I have that Peterson disc, but it's still on the pile of stuff that needs to be listened... ubu
  12. Well, after some quick diagonal screening through all your posts... I did not recognize #2 which is a shame, but then it hase been years since I listened to that one, and I might have not listened to it very often either, simply because there's too much new stuff around all the time... But then I did get Hank Jones right for #2, which is, err, not bad, huh? The other one I own, but similar things apply as to #2, is the Blue Mitchell track. I listened to the quintet albums pretty often, but never really got deeply into the two last ones. I guess I should change that soon! ubu
  13. Alright, here come, finally, hélas!, my answers... extremely incompetent, and ridiculously wrong, as it happens... #1: "Manteca" - cool version! Never heard. A terriffic start for the disc! #2: "Have You Met Miss Jones", a nice little standard (Rodgers-Hart, if I remember right). Love the soft touch of the pianist. Lots of Teddy Wilson in there I hear. Hank Jones maybe? #3: Horace Silver? I love that just a little bit stiff feeling, something between looseness and control. Silver's a master of this. However, I couldn't locate this on any of my Silver CDs, yet it sounds very familiar, so it might not be Silver at all... Junior Cook? If or if not - very nice tenor sound! #4: Well... I'm not too good in guessing pianists (see #2), so I better leave it. Tune sounds familiar. A good one! #5: Lots of interesting things to be heard beneath the bitter-sweet trumpet lead. I know that trumpet player, I should think. Very nice piano solo. All sounds familiar, but I am sure I don't own this (maybe here goes mikeweil's rule #..) I think I know the trumpet player, maybe the pianist, and also the style of this arrangement... #6: Anotehr one new to me. Again I won't guess... Like it! #7: This is a bit too much of its time for me. Some pop tune with pretty stiff rhythm... but then there's that tenor! Wow! Could this be the man pictured as our BFT-compiler's avatar? At least arranging? Some late sixties Blue Note? #8: Love this one! Not Herbie himsef, I'd say. Would like to hear more of this! #9: I'd like to hear more of this, too! Again very very nice. And a good soprano solo. #10: Another one unknown to me - but that's what's so cool about the BFTs - free tunes! And getting to know stuff one might never encounter otherwise. Good one! #11: Another cool soprano solo! #12: Not too fond of this one. Would have to listen more to this one to be sure if I like it or not. #13: Very good tenor, and trumpet! Then again, not the slightest idea. #14: A nice'n'easy one. I like this arrangement. I know the tune, but not who's playing here. #15: a stride-tango? Greeeeeat closer! Thanks a lot for this disc! Lots of music totally unknown to me. Also the style of #7, 9-11,13 is one that I have encountered here and there, but never really gotten into deeply so far, so this was a really interersting listen! ubu
  14. Ubu, you should have this on your must see films agenda, Right at the top. Excellent film. Probably not shown in Switzerland that often! It was really an excellent view of migrant life in Switzerland and Nino Manfredi was perfect there! And Anna Karina costarred in the film! The tone of the film was pretty harsh on the Swiss! brownie, I think it was shown, but I missed it. Manfedi, r.i.p. The tone on the swiss ought to be harsh as far as migration policies are concerned. And it won't get better, no. Though these policies do indeed reflect people's attitudes... I do feel ashamed. ubu
  15. Mmmm, were you watching soccer? You, the one and only SOCCER-HATER! Remember, it was when I was 14, or maybe only 12 years old... family obbligations - and it was a really boring match, too... Anyway, I find soccer boring, wouldn't it be better to follow John Heartfield's tip "Jedermann sein eigner Fussball"? ubu
  16. Didn't see the film, but I remember, maybe ten years ago, being on holiday, family holiday, near Florence, staying at friend's of our parents and watching the swiss beating the italians - which was some sort of a miracle, back then, when the swiss just again rose to the minimal international soccer-ability they still enjoy today... Pretty funny it was, for sure! ubu
  17. And if they do get it done, expect some fancy smancy packaging. Hope they don't catch on the idea of the glass jar PD mentioned at AAJ. I'd have love this stuff get the Mosaic-treatment... Maybe they will jam it up: ubu
  18. king ubu

    Bobby Jaspar

    This one is available in the French RCA Gold series. Got it recently, and it is indeed very fine! The two of them are accompanied by italian players, all unknown to me, but the man on piano, Tommaso, does some good solos! You can find the disc on French Amazon. ubu
  19. I know you're spanish, too, but man, can't you see that slightly dumb look he always had? Yes, it was part of his charm! B) Uh I see! I'm sure Dr-whats-his-name-Freud would have a fitting term for this scheme of looking at turning negative things into positives... ubu
  20. NO! This is what I was afraid of! Next three weeks (or how long does dis "thing" take to finish) will be hard... I will have to constantly listen to jazz over headphones, even while lunching with colleagues at work - I'm always afraid that one or the other could suddenly die of a heart attack caused by hystericalsoccerdiscussions... ubu
  21. By the way, anyone here into cycling themselves? I was up to age 16, when music took over place number 2 in my life (no. 1 always being schooling), once it became less important, and also became clear I wouldn't really make it. ubu
  22. I know you're spanish, too, but man, can't you see that slightly dumb look he always had?
  23. I don't know if you're aware of this: Mosaic was planning a Granz Jam Sessions set. Now they told me that Verve will do this themselves - let's hope they do it right, nevertheless! ubu
  24. Anyone read Siegfried Kracauers "Die Angestellten"? Sports is a big lie! ubu (Is there some corner in Europe were the few - among them I - with absolutely no, dig: absolutely no, interested in soccer can hide?)
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