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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. king ubu

    Funny Rat

  2. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Thanks. "O'Neal's Porch" has been recommended by many around here, but I remembered D.D. not liking it too much, and I am afraid I know his tastes a bit by now and might end up just like him with this disc...
  3. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Nate, it's been quite some time since I hear the disc.... Any other opinions on the Parkers? Well, I do a search first. ubu
  4. Nope, sorry! No connection at all, except for the name B-)
  5. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Thanks, John! Just looked up AMG, and Test and Transonic sound very good! Not so sure about the Parkers. I'm not a big fan of his. How is "Mayor of Punkville"? If AMG is to be believed on that, it might be the Parker for me to go for among the AUMs. ubu
  6. Don't tell that to B3-er! will i be banned? hopefully not right now while catching some sleep! however, I can't help, I always have to smile when I see Rachel's avatar.
  7. king ubu now catches some sleep (it's 3 a.m. here now...), after downloading (and partially listening and enjoying) tons of those Prince files... They even added another one, which is barely two weeks old! I wonder how long this site will be working... Rachel: you have the all-time cutest avatar! ubu
  8. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Anything on this list that's a must have? http://www.allegro-music.com/label_search.asp?label=AUM Nate, I think the fact taht the Tatum/Webster works out fine is a small miracle, as both have, to say the least, "baroque" styles. However, their combination works perfectly well! Maybe my favourite date on the Group Masterpieces box! couw, glad you like DLAD! ubu
  9. Looks like there's the complete list now, but without any of the short texts they'll usually have - they'll add them later, I suppose: Jazzfest Berlin - Programme ubu
  10. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    That Art Tatum group masterpieces recording with Ben Webster is GREAT! A fantastic recording, and most highly recommended for the rat pack! ubu
  11. Can only check tomorrow, as I didn't take my notebook with me, but from the tunes I'd say yes it is!
  12. Thanks for checking, brownie! Wonderful music, I might add
  13. Click the smiley, I might add B-)
  14. Don't have a chance to see him live, but: ubu
  15. Thanks, Aric - I'll check that tonight! (Unless Milan is faster...) ubu
  16. Thanks for posting the photos, Mark! Wow, Moody & Vonski! How where they? A pairing that worked out well? ubu
  17. Aric, would you do us this favour? Titles/Timings should be enough! thanks, ubu
  18. a castrato?
  19. Please do! I heard a Wallace show in I think '99, with Wilson instead of some announced piano player. Very very nice! ubu
  20. Yup, and Mars Williams will take over from Liebman, and Mats Gustafsson from Lovano, right?
  21. for "Spiral"! Interesting to hear Ted Curson and Lee Konitz with Hill!
  22. lazy! so you're the anonymous member always browsing the babe thread? Gotcha! Thinking you're god you ought to be able to create your own babes, no?
  23. I like "Dusk" and "A Beautiful Day" a lot! If you go here and scroll down a bit, you can find two unedited performances that ended up (edited) on "A Beautiful Day". "Passing Ships" is great, as has been said. I am another Hill fan, so I like all of his BNs I heard, so far... ubu
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