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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. not much else I spin, besides jazz, but I definitely love these two!
  2. hope you'll be seeing a great film! happy birthday ubu
  3. Mark, do you have the CD that looks like the one in my first post, or do you have this one: If you indeed have this one, it's very strange:
  4. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Sam Rivers now on Jazz on BBC3: Listen here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/radio3_aod.shtml?jon3 There's some problem with sound, though. What a pity!
  5. couple of examples... don't drink them all at once!
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. The king loves grappa! no particular favourite. You can get a good (or at least decent) one in almost every café/restaurant/bar here...
  8. Yes. Vol. 4 collects alternates. Good stuff!
  9. Thanks, Berigan. I have the first four tracks, in this case! Brownian Motion, if you see this, could you please type up the musicians? thanks, ubu Bill Coleman-trumpet & flugelhorn Danny Doriz-vibes Rolf Buhrer-valve trombone Patrice Authier-piano Henry Tischitz-bass Michel Denis-drums Better late than never. Al Thanks!
  10. king ubu

    Art Farmer

    Thanks Mike, I do have the crappy Interaction/Sing me softly disc, but I didn't know there was a second one with other two albums! I have both of those on vinyl (maybe original, I don't really care, but I paid a lot, I remember that).
  11. king ubu

    Art Farmer

    I wish someone would reissue the nice Atlantic quartet albums! The live one, Interaction, the one with swedish songs, and what's the fourth one? They're all excellent! Another favourite of mine is the "Jazztet meets John Lewis" album - maybe the Farmer album I love most. I still have to get the Mosaic, but I do have several of the albums included, and they're all excellent! ubu
  12. Finally got this one! A great compilation, indeed! Only I'd wish for a complete discography! Amazon UK has it for 9 £. ubu Thanks for the link ubu. I actually managed to order it from one of their Marketplace sellers for £2.16 a short while ago. You're going to like it!
  13. long live NRA! You can kill someone with a car as well.... sure, long live suvs!
  14. Welcome to this board, Mr. Malik! You're right of course about Edwards/Jackson, sorry for that! I was posting that when being at work and didn't have my CDs there... ubu
  15. I guess I'm safe to assume you have this one: My Harris is pretty thin, this one, two Three Sounds CDs (Lighthouse, Black Orchid), and a swiss live recording (you certainly have that one, Dan? First set in quartet, second set with Frank Wess, Johnny Griffin [drunk], and Clark Terry sitting in). "Blue Hour" is just that - late night music, very easy, very laid back. A classic. ubu
  16. Happy birthday,David, wish you all the best!
  17. Eric, what's on these discs? Style, artists? Now on Masekela: This disc compiles some of his early US recordings (66-70), and I believe that parts of the album mentioned above are included as well. I made a burn from the library, but don't have it here to check for sure. ubu
  18. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Sounds good! I will have to listen again to their Willisau set from '03 (or '02?) - it didn't grab me as the most interesting, I think. Time to give it another chance. Since I'm in bed with a bit of fever, headache and all, I am listening to definitely un-ratty stuff (Flip Phillips Mosaic right now - GREAT stuff!), but last night there was a broadcast of a solo Misha Mengelberg set, recorded Dec. 1 in Berne, Switzerland. I found it quite boring, to be frank. Or maybe not boring, but tame, too beautiful, too much surface. To fill up the 85 minutes of the radio show (the solo set was only 45-50 minutes) they played parts of ICP's Willisau 2001 concert (I've had most of that already), and wow! That was a great concert, playful, funny, maybe a bit too much of ecclecticism, but good music, in my opinion. ubu
  19. Sounds good, Mike! Now what about the 3CD set? Worth, too?
  20. It is!!! And your triple exlamation marks make me believe it is worth getting, right?
  21. Does 'surface' mean it goes by ship versus by airplane? Do you know why the customs people are more apt to check the package if it's airmailed versus the surface route? I'm just wondering... Surface, I suppose, means by ship, yes, thus it is 6-10 weeks (I waited 10 on a couple of big orders, yes!). And no, I have no idea why they scan air-transported goods closer. It's just my personal experience. Thing is, if you order CDs for more than 50 Franks (+/- 35$), you have to pay customs, and usually around 20 Franks. So either you go big (I had Mosaic/Trueblue orders for 1000 Franks, if you have 40 Franks customs on that, it doesn't hurt), or you go small (which often sucks becasue of the high shipping rates of CDUniverse and the likes), or you just try and order an amount of discs that makes sense (say 50$ for four discs, or five discs), and hope the custom folks won't look too close... that's the deal. Then there are nice stores (Cadence, for instance) who mark the gift option, which means that you don't have to pay taxes at 50 Franks, but, as far as I know, only with goods starting at 100 Franks. (With books it's a whole different story, again, though they're a bit more generous, there.) Well, main thing is I have another black box I won't be able to listen to earlier than... say, April 2005...
  22. ...and got my box today! No customs this time! Cool, very cool! Only a month and a half till you received your Mosaic box? The shipment gets stuck going into your country? It simply sits in the customs building? For what? Till somebody looks at it and passes it on through? I ordered something from Belgium in the Spring of 2003. It was at my front door in Arizona, courtesy of UPS, in five days. No no, I went the surface way - chances are much smaller that the custom guys look close! There was a time they opened almost each airmail package I ordered from the US... quite a pain. And besides, my backlog is outgrowing me, at this moment, thus I can wait a bit. Airmail can arrive within four or five days, however a large Mosaic package would probably take around two weeks, too, if not more. The Shorter/Kelly VeeJays took six weeks with airmail, due to the custom fellows, thus I gladly wait six week for surface delivery AND safe possible custom fees.
  23. ...and got my box today! No customs this time! Cool, very cool! Would have cost me around 25$ if I had to pay them, but it seems this time they did believe the total value of "35$" on the custom-sticker... (last time, when I ordered the VeeJays, they kept them at customs, and asked me to send them the full invoice, and I had to send them a photocopy of the yellow thing. It took even longer with that shit, and I had to pay a mighty customs fee...) ubu
  24. Someone better grab that Teddy Edwards! A fantastic disc! (Glad, by the way, my empty wallet lets me stay away from the Bethlehems...) ubu
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