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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Uh, I'm sorry! Hope you're not mad at me -_-
  2. One to add here: There are some other great Ibrahim live recordings, of course (I love "South Africa", the Montreux disc is good, too), but this is my favourite of his. Beautiful sound, intimate club atmosphere, and the bassist and drummer a bit more active and supportive than he allows his accompanyists to be, nowadays. ubu
  3. I don't know if I'll be able to teach you any, but... it was my intention that folks don't have a clue on lots of the music... open your easr, listen, and tell me what you like and whatnot etc (as soon as the thread's there). Same to indigo: no need to play the identification game - just discuss the music, I'm more interested in that, anyway! Oh, and not to be indiscreet, Jim, but indigo ain't no "dude"
  4. big for the self-titled "Bennie Wallace"! Wonderful playing by him and Flanagan! "The Old Songs" comes in a close second, in my opinion, but has some great moments, too - namely the three tunes were Lou Levy sits in. They both sound magnificient, too (again, the self-titled one better, to my ears). ubu
  5. just wanted to chime in on the shipping issue... I mailed the "Alphea" disc with jewel case by air mail to the US... not the cheapest, but I got that great Duke Jordan disc, myself, so...
  6. Oh, and you can't say I didn't hear the dancer In fact, a few years back I guested once with a local big band (second alto, they had someone who dropped out just before two gigs I played) and they had two numbers written by/featuring a tap dancer. That was great fun! ubu
  7. Hey Cary, this was quite an interesting ride! Much on disc one that was new to me, and not one cut (I think) that I had and missed. I know it's not about the i-d thing... I enjoyed hearing some new-to-me tracks! I've had the Feldman on "the list" but never actually got around getting it. Enjoy both him and LaFaro a lot! Oh, and I'm completely with you on Bill Stewart, saw him live once, at a festival, with Goldings-Bernstein, and he played that killer solo that just makes you get up and leave when it's through, with a feeling that you've hear it all and can't take anymore, complete satisfaction. A great moment that was!
  8. king ubu

    Henri Texier

    Texier on Label Bleu Btw: the new disc is called "(V)ivre" - that's a wordgame and a dedication to Rimbaud (le bateau ivre...). "Strada" of course is reminiscent of that old Italian film... ubu
  9. king ubu

    Henri Texier

    I would guess that not Tony Rabeson but rather Christophe Marguet will be on drums. I enjoy Texier wherever I meet his music and playing. The trio disc with his son S. Texier and Rabeson is the only studio release I have of his, so far, but he appears on radio broadcasts again and again. His most recent outfits are called "Azur [Quartet/Quintet/Sextet]" - depending on the number of disposable sidemen. These include his son, Sébastien (a sure bet), trombonist Georgeui (sp?) Kornazov, guitar player Manu Codjia, and Christophe Marguet. Not sure who the sixth man would/could be, but he mentioned the varying size/name of the band in a France musique programme (Mardi Idéal, February 15). The quintet line up (with the musicians mentioned) is great, btw! ubu
  10. king ubu

    Archie Shepp

    Picked up a 1980 disc of Siegfried Kessler's (pianist), called "Invitation" (Marge/Futura/Terrones), on which Archie guests. He appears on an extended version of the title tune, playing beautifully, and on one of those Golson titles (Along Came Betty? The new Marge website is blocked on my work computer, don't ask me why...).
  11. Happy Birthday, Johnny!
  12. You're not the only one, Milan! And then you'll get some nice extras, too, so be patient! ubu
  13. Thanks for sharing, brownie!
  14. Is that the new issue or the Columbia Jazz Masterpiece 2-disc set? The old one. I guess that's not of much value anymore, nowadays, but for me it has *a lot* of sentimental value... one of my first Miles CDs, and one I've loved very very much ever since I got it! ubu
  15. Happy Birthday Al, and many happy returns And again thanks for your help with my BFT! ubu
  16. Garth, hope to see you around here a bit more often again soon! Happy birthday, and many happy returns! ubu
  17. Speaking after the fact, I know... Tony: the (In)Complete box is really nice, in my opinion. For myself I did just as a few others did: bought the box, got rid of the single CDs, and then also got the Deluxe sets (including Ballads). You'll have to get the Atlantic (am I speaking after the fact here, too, and you just didn't tell us yet? Or is your wife looking over your shoulder? ) Get the box if you want it all in a nice package, get the European Rhino (jewel case) reissues if you want the fine sound (though I didn't check any of the Tranes out, myself, and won't, as I love the box - hell, my first ever boxed set of CDs). Then, "Africa/Brass" is a very fine 2CD set, as has been said. It was among my first Coltrane CDs (just after the Atlantic, which was THE first Trane, if you don't count a tape of "My Favourite Things" I made from the library, and my fathers LP of "A Love Supreme," which I wasn't able to dig back then [i was fourteen]). And if you feel like checking post-Love Supreme trane: go directly to "Sun Ship" (part of the [in]Complete box) to hear some of the most accessible (and beautiful) free jazz ever recorded! ubu
  18. Drop a mail or a PM with your address, Matt! ubu
  19. Hi everybody! As no one seems to be without any version of the Miles 1964 concert, here's a more attractive offering: just got it new, sealed, in a local Leo sale, and I can assure you, this is a fantastic set of music, featuring the late Peter Niklas Wilson on bass, with Hannes Wienert on alto and trumpet: First to post here gets it! ubu
  20. spent all my tender years on buying cds...
  21. Village Vanguard! And big on "Crescent" - I absolutely love that disc! ubu
  22. Jim, I plead guilty of offering a live recording to others now and then, publicly (though I don't exaclty consider the "funny rat" "public", I'd be happy if the public would take part in discussion there, though). I understand that, too, should be handled more discreetly and will do so in future. Apologies if anything I posted caught your eye in this regard!
  23. king ubu

    René Thomas

    Sorry, can't link them to appear right here, but these are two very nice photos: Paul Gonsalves & René Thomas same, with Rick Laird & Johnny Butts From this nice site I didn't know before: http://freddywarren.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/index.html ubu
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