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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. brownie, I think we had a discussion of this already, maybe on the BNBB? It's been two years or three years since I saw the film last time, but I think indeed there's but a few seconds of Mingus group music. The rest is some solo bass, and some very nice Hadi solo spots. Can't remember Newborn (but don't know him/his playing style at all, anyway). Hadi gets most of the music, but then, even that is but a few moments, the longest of those solo spots running maybe 20 or 30 seconds. ubu
  2. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    We actualy seem to have surprisingly similar tastes. My mother has some very vivid imagination, and her comments on the music were both insightful (I have no idea how she did it, but she was fairly accurate in predicting how Polweschel music would build up) and hilarious. Have to run to catch my plain now (will listen to ubu's BFT on the 5-hour light), but will post some of her comments later. Enjoy the listen! There are a few tracks that are down your/our (ratty) alley, but most of it is just beautiful music (at least that's what I think it is...) And on your mother! Have you tried Soegard? Maybe she instinctively catches those weirdo structures (Krebs etc)?
  3. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    You're so *nasty*, you know... ubu
  4. ugly... it starts and stops snowing, gets freezing cold in the night, wet in the day... and that image below is from two minutes ago, 1.30 p.m., not early morning or something... ugly grey weather. Can't wait for spring any longer!
  5. Got the Mr. Dodo disc recently, but haven't really listened to it yet... souds like you had some serious fun!
  6. Hey wait a minute, that Denny guy was so bad while he was still alive, who would want to hear his music now that he finally left us alone? ubu
  7. Now this is funny! I offered that one, too (mine was gone very fast)! A great disc!
  8. It is 16% - do you want to say there is no VAT in Switzerland? Yes there is, but it's 5 or 6 or 7 %. Not sure if Amazon deducts all of it, or just the actual difference... never bothered to look that close, as I'm just glad to get a 7.77 Euro CD for less than 7 Euros, in the end
  9. Sure sure! And that asshole with nothing intelligent to say (hey that's one of two hebrew words I know, btw) Daniel A cut me to pieces on that attached image! He ought rather have cut "Che" to pieces... Hey Daniel: how about taking part in the BFT I just started? You were a regular there, back when it started, no? Drop a PM with address if you'd be interested! ubu
  10. Saw that after I posted... but how would you do MP3s with FLAC Frontend? Via WAV, as I suggested? Using that or another programme? (Not that it matters to me, as I don't have any use for MP3s.)
  11. http://flac.sourceforge.net/download.html (btw, I don't know the thing John posted above)
  12. Don't know about FLAC > MP3, but if you want to burn them on regular CDRs, you got to install FLAC Frontend. All very easy. That one makes WAVs out of the FLACs, and I suppose you using an MP3 player know how to handle WAVs. ubu
  13. Uh, only now i realise I'm from Germany, too! I guess then I could have safely voted for Europe... (I did that, in teh end, but due to Switzerland's political isolation I considered other for a few seconds) Hey, you gotta see the silver lining ... no import taxes anymore. Yes, but the import taxes from Germany can - at least with Amazon's free shipping for orders starting with 20 Euros - be omitted. AND I get the VAT reimbursed, making everything 12.5% (or how high is that stoopidest and most unsocial of all taxes in Germany again?) cheaper.
  14. Uh, only now i realise I'm from Germany, too! I guess then I could have safely voted for Europe... (I did that, in teh end, but due to Switzerland's political isolation I considered other for a few seconds)
  15. That was be me. Buffalo: a parmesan slice of paradise. Little Italy?
  16. Fascinating discussion here, thanks everybody! Will have to spin Breakthrough again! Cornelius: my nomination for best (which in the end is no more than personal favourite, anyway) Mobley album is "Soul Station". I never really "got" "Roll Call" so far... don't ask why, I don't know... I'm a big Mobley fan!
  17. Just stumbled on this thread. Fantastic idea! To Good King Ubu: If the Miles 64 Concert is still available, I'd love to have it. (Sorry I didn't see this before the BFT business. ) By the time you reply I should have at least a few offers ready for posting. indigo It's yours! Is it ok if I send it without the jewel box (it's one of those fat old ones, would double postage fee, I think)?
  18. you think so? Uhm... I thought you'd show me that there is, some day
  19. beer tastes better there though I tend to prefer some Belgian stuff... However, you'd be astonished by *some* Swiss beer (I suppose there is at least one other German beer, besides Jever, that *is* tasty...)
  20. a small hint for CNN (taken from here): And finally, here's what we use to survive in the evil world:
  21. And definitely not there: It also has been said that: Suiza no existe!
  22. Geographically spoken: Europe. Country-wise: Switzerland. Thus: politically spoken: completely off mark (and not to be part of Europe for at least 10-15 years from now )
  23. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    sent you a pm!
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