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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Great one! Wish I had it here! (But I still need to spin some Per Henrik Wallin, as far as memorial listening goes.)
  2. Have a good time, Chris! And spill some of your vast stupidity here, from time to time, among your fellow stupids!
  3. This one's another pretty nice one: Though Lulu is not allowed to play zombie jazz here
  4. You are not talking about this album here? Because over here, this is readily available in a 2CD digipack... (sorry, don't have it handy and couldn't find a decent online Herbie discography to check, myself!)
  5. Taiwanese Fontana? ← Not exactly Try your uhm, back... ahem, grooveyard, Mr. Sydney.
  6. So it needs a thread about beer and rocky comes back? Let's have at least weekly threads on beer, then!
  7. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    I have pulled my copy out too. Will be spinning it tomorrow. Trust the music has aged well... Also: I'm sure you will have plenty to teach those funny rats ← I'd love to hear this one, sounds like a very interesting album! brownie & David: I just listened to the Oliva set from the "jazz n (e)motion" box, and wow! I haven't heard the Bley yet, but anyway, this is the very best, indeed! Fantastic choice of songs/motives, and great introspective playing. Pure beauty! A side-note to brownie: I saw "India Song" in a fatally red copy with very bad soundtrack and no subtitles (meaning I was just about able to follow the "plot", but didn't get no finesses), and it left me helpless, and believing the film was utter crap... now hearing this hauntingly simple motive again, the images, reddish as I saw them, are coming back again, and I would badly like to see the film again. Seems it's quite a good one in my memory, now... much better, for sure, than I thought when I left the theatre!
  8. Because it is sad when someone you like or love or appreciate does die. End of story. R.I.P. Pierre. Will spin the HUM set again soon. ubu
  9. The latest rumour says they put Bush into that Deep Impact thing (how Hollywood can they get?) they used to hurt that harmless comet Tempel 1... so let's celebrate!
  10. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    I have both the Ayler and the Monk CDs, but it's been some time since I listened. I remember them as being pretty good! Btw: Gaslini was part of the Instabile pool for a time, too. He can be heard (as pianist and composer) on the ECM disc, "Skies of Europe." My first encounter with him was in Michelangelo Antonioni's terrific film "La notte", where he and his then (1960) quartet appear on screen.
  11. You mean: Off with their President's head!!! I'll have freedom fries on that ←
  12. I think you miscalculated something... it's the 14th July we ought to celebrate: (above portrait of the inventor of the freedom fries)
  13. Seems like we should have a few together some day! Another good one!
  14. Yeah, bring the kitty back! Hope all's well, Jeff!
  15. Jim, for chrissake, check your PMs! (I just sent one, a minute ago )
  16. and then the one and only, best ever...
  17. I have the Jazz Casual DVD, but haven't come around watching it. Now this thread definitely wants me to give it a spin tonight! And I think I like the Vanguard dates better than most of the 50s Pepper I know (but then I haven't heard many of the Contemporary albums yet).
  18. I can only get this one (large bottle) here:
  19. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    sasha, if you follow this link, you will see that D.D. has already spread "Closed Mountains" among some of us. A very nice disc, indeed!
  20. Mine cost me €19! OK it was not brand new but the booklet was untouched. There was a slight problem with one track on disc 2. A bit of spit and polish did the trick. The disc plays fine now And the set is really beautiful! ← Well, my booklet showed quite some wear... it's ok, though, not damaged. I think my box was probably at the shop and open for everybody to listen and look at the booklet for years...
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