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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Oh, and let me share this cover, love it!
  2. Alright, some very kind person I came to know through the board sent me a self-compiled Lee Wiley disc, and... needless to say: love at first listen. Checking what's out there, I see that (of course...) Definitive has a couple of collections available (descpriptions taken from their website): DRCD11157 Manhattan Nights The Complete Golden Years Studio Recordings WILEY, LEE Worldwide first issue of all the songs recorded by the legendary, distinctive singer from her debut in 1931 to 1951. Includes her pioneer songbooks dedicated to works of the leading american popular composers. A glorious tribute to a forgotten lady. Carefully remastered [WOAHAHAHAHAHAAA!] 4 CD set JFCD22811 Complete Fifties Studio Masters WILEY, LEE For the first time, all the studio master takes recorded at the fifties (except Victor two LP and a half), plus a rare rehearsal recorded with pianist and club owner George Wein, and a session with Joe Bushkin in 1965. Includes Irving Berlin, Vincent Youmans and Richard Rodgers Songbooks, featuring Bobby Hackett, Ruby Braff and the duo Stan Freeman and Cy Walter. 2 CD set [funny description here! learn some english, folks!] JFCD22815 Manhattan Moods Outstading Live Recordings. WILEY, LEE Rare live performances recorded along her career. The perfect complement for our previous issues. 2 CD set Then I see that Baldwin Street Music (I have their fine Bill Harris release) has three volumes (plus a fourth in preparation) of Lee Wiley, "Completists' Ultimate Collection", as well as a release "Legendary - Collectors' Items 1931-1955" Now since I don't know anything about Wiley and her discography, I'd be glad about any pointers! It looks like Definitive may be the cheaper way to go, but I am certain that the Baldwin releases are prepared much more lovingly, and maybe are more complete, too (?). Next question: how are some of her later albums, such as "At Carnegie Hall 1972" and "Back Home Again"? Any recommendations, insight, episodes etc. appreciated!
  3. And they don't either, at least not nowadays. In the early days of copy protection, the discs sometimes had the CD logo, and the record labels pretended that the discs were in accordance with the Red Book standard (of course they knew that they were lying). Philips reacted and forbade this: "...We've made sure they would put a very clear warning that you're not buying a compact disc, but something different. We've been warning some labels to begin with, and they've adjusted their behaviour. That means labels would also be barred from using the familiar "compact disc" logo that has been stamped on every CD since Philips and Sony jointly developed the technology in 1978." ← Now if only the guys & gals in the stores would have a f*@%ing clue about it! I've yet to meet some vendor who is aware what that copycrap symbol on their "CDs" means! No one has a feghing clue over here, so obviously no one is going to complain... Now more important: are these Legacy reissues *not* copy-protected over here? Has anyone checked that, are they out already? They'll be in stores here 2-4 - or in the worst case 8 or 10 - weeks after the European street date, so I'll be the last to really know... and I'd hate the Cellar Door being copy protected! What dumbasses!
  4. This fits in with the American stupidity thread... this is so ridiculous. Should Selmer print on their ad something like: the beautiful women will not be delivered with the saxophone and are not related in any way to the product we sell? Or rather: only learn to play the saxophone if you already have a beautiful woman on your side? Why should tax money be spent because of such a moron? Probably future Selmer ads should include a line: "If you're a meat packager and thus - that's only natural, if you pursue that profession - constantly smelling of meat (not yours, but that of dead animals, of course), you will not have any rendez-vous with any beautiful ladies, regardless of your owning and mastering our Selmer saxophone."
  5. The Shorter parts they broadcasted were absolutely great and stunning! It's so good to hear him play so well! I think he has gotten quite a bit better since he started with this quartet, some years ago, and he was terrific even back in 2001! The Moutin twins were pretty good as well - though it was mostly Rick Margitza who caught my ear. Let's hope for a later re-broadcast of the complete Shorter show! And thanks so much brownie for making me aware of this broadcast!
  6. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    I just got a confirmation mail from John that he sent out the package for me. He told me that Jack has just sent him a few more discs of 8x9 - thus it's not too late, if anyone else still wants to get it!
  7. Great on the fast tunes, but... uh, not really good on the ballads? Too much youthful drive and want to show off? Hawk is terrific throughout, of course!
  8. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    I sent him a mail yesterday to put one on hold for me, and his reply was he had two left. I just sent the payment. Seems the us rats got hold of last ones! Chaney: no, I have only heard the two Leos by Not Missing Drums - I think the one you mention is on a different label. Not sure how Newton would fit in with what I've heard, but... would she not be too... what shall I say... to much of an individualist to really fit in with all the others?
  9. I know this is not what you asked about (I have a cheapo disc on Definitive with some early sides, plus the fantastic Navarro/Dameron Blue Note 2CD set which has the Navarro/McGhee sides, nothing else as far as early Maggie is concerned)... but don't neglect this one: A mighty fine disc, in my opinion!
  10. Thanks!
  11. Wow! I was aware of the Moutin Reunion, but not of the Shorter broadcast! Will record it! Can't get France Inter here, I think. Only France Musiques and France Culture. For those inclined: in the night from Friday to Saturday, 1.15 a.m. to 2.20 a.m., the German tv station WDR will have Wayne's quartet from Duisburg!
  12. Ooops, you did it again! And you even managed to edit your above post without any editing-notice! You can enjoy the menu on your next trip to the Polonaises...
  13. Thanks for chiming in John! I wasn't aware of sound differences... no need to spin the 1CD edition (I've never heard the others), since I've bought the 10CD Columbia set (and indeed, it's one fantastic box! The only thing I dislike is the grouping of alternates at the end of the set, rather than at the end of the sessions, or any other way - annoying to always have to change the discs if you want to listen to all of it chronologically!)
  14. Maybe this one's too obscure? Anyway, I made my first acquaintance with both Billie and Lester on this disc... Here's the info: *************************************************************** CD - Livret 4 pages - ENGLISH NOTES - HORS SERIE "... Trop émerveillés d'être ensemble pour ne pas rester des amants chastes, qui n'enlacent que leurs musiques. Qui se moquent des fêlures dans les ciels de faïence. Et qui font des miracles comme on fait des chansons." Alain Gerber. ALL OF ME (S. SIMMONS, G. MARKS) • THE MAN I LOVE (G. GERSHWIN, I. GERSHWIN) • I CAN'T GET STARTED (V. DUKE, I. GERSHWIN) • THE VERY THOUGH OF YOU (R. NOBLE) • BACK IN YOU OWN BACKYARD (A. JOLSON, B. ROSE, D. DREYER) • WHEN YOU'RE SMILING (L. SHAY, J. GOODWIN, M. FISHER) • TRAV'LIN ALL ALONE (J. C. JOHNSON) • GETTING SOME FUN OUT OF LIFE (E. LESLIE, J. BURKE) • WITHOUT YOUR LOVE (J. LANGE, F. STRYKER) • F. SIGNORELI) • FOOLIN' MYSELF (P. TINTURIN, J. LAWRENCE) • MEAN TO ME (R. TURK, F. E. ALHERT) • YOURS AND MINE (A. FREED, N. H. BROWN) • SUN SHOWERS (A. FREED, N. H. BROWN) • I MUST HAVE THAT MAN (D. FIELDS, J. MC HUGH) • THIS YEAR'S KISSES (I. BERLIN). *************************************************************** There's also a 2CD version: *************************************************************** 2 CD - Livret 20 pages - ENGLISH NOTES - HORS SERIE ALL OF ME - TAKE 1 (G. MARKS, S. SIMMONS) • FOOLIN' MYSELF (P. TINTURIN, J. LAWRENCE) • MY FIRST IMPRESSION OF YOU (S. H. STEPT, C. TOBIAS) • WHEN YOU'RE SMILING (L. SHAY, J. GOODWIN, M. FISHER) • BACK IN YOU OWN BACKYARD (A. JOLSON, B. ROSE, D. DREYER) • HE'S FUNNY THAT WAY (N. MORET, R. A. WHITING) • HE AIN'T GOT RHYTHM (I. BERLIN) • NOW THEY CALL IT SWING (L. HANDMAN, N. CLOUTIER, W. HIRSH, V. DE LEATH) • I'VE GOT A DATE WHITH A DREAM (H. REVEL, M. GORDON) • IF DREAMS COME TRUE (E. SAMPSON, B. GOODMAN, I. MILLS) • I MUST HAVE THAT MAN (J. MC HUGH, D. FIELDS) • THE MAN I LOVE (G. GERSHWIN, I. GERSHWIN) • WHEN A WOMAN LOVES A MAN (B. HANIGHEN, G. JENKINS; J. MERCER) • YOU'RE A LUCKY GUY (S. CHAPLIN, S. CAHN) • EASY LIVING (R. RAINGER, L. ROBIN) • EVERYBODY'S LAUGHING (B. OAKLAND, S. LERNER) • LAUGHING AT LIFE (C. TODD, B. TODD, N. KENNY) • GETTING SOME FUN OUT OF LIFE (E. LESLIE, J. BURKE) • I'M PULLING THROUGH (I. WILSON, A. HERZOG JR.) • I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH ME (J. MC HUGH, C. GASKILL) • LET'S DO IT (C. PORTER) • SAY IT WITH A KISS (H. WARREN, J. MERCER) • THIS YEAR'S KISSES (I. BERLIN) • SUN SHOWERS (N. H. BROWN, A. FREED) • TIME ON MY HANDS (V. YOUMANS, H. ADAMSON, M. GORDON) • A SAILBOAT IN THE MOONLIGHT (C. LOMBARDO, J. J. LOEB) • YOURS AND MINE (N. H. BROWN, A. FREED) • I CAN'T GET STARTED (V. DUKE, I. GERSHWIN) • THE VERY THOUGH OF YOU (R. NOBLE) • YOU'RE JUST A NO-ACCOUNT (S. CHAPLIN, S. CAHN) • MEAN TO ME (F. AHLERT, R. TURK) • TRAV'LIN ALL ALONE (J. C. JOHNSON) • WITHOUT YOUR LOVE (F. STRYKER, J. LANGE) • I'LL NEVER BE THE SAME (M. MALNECK, F. SIGNORELLI, G. KAHN) • ME, MYSELF AND I (I. GORDON, A. ROBERTS, A. KAUFMAN) • ALL OF ME - TAKE 3 (G. MARKS, S. SIMMONS). Un trésor d'amoureux (Billie et Pres) pour amoureux (vous et moi). Lady Day incarne lumineusement la nuit du jazz, le Président laisse flotter le monde réel comme une bulle bleue de saxophone. Ce double album déroule trente-quatre chansons entre deux versions de All of me. Tout ce que Billie Holiday, jeune femme encore, battue déjà, défaite jamais, avait encore à offrir de meilleur : "You took the part that once was my heart, now why don't you take all of me?" (Vous avez pris la part qui un temps fut mon cœur, maintenant pourquoi ne pas prendre tout de moi? C'est une belle idée d'Alain Gerber, le plus épris des amoureux déclarés de Lady Day et de Lester Young, que de choisir les chansons qu'il préfère parmi 49 "masters" et un certain nombre de prise "alternatives" produites par les treize séances de 1939-1941 pour Brunswick. Mais qui aurait su, comme lui, retrouver les accents d'Aragon pour écrire de Billie et Lester : "Trop émerveillés d'être ensemble pour ne pas rester des amants chastes, qui n'enlacent que leurs musiques. Qui se moquent des fêlures dans les ciels de faïence. Et qui font des miracles comme on fait des chansons". Michel CONTAT, TELERAMA DIAPASON D'OR - ƒƒƒƒ EVENEMENT TELERAMA - CHOC JAZZ MAN - DISQUE D'OR LE GUIDE DU CD *************************************************************** And a complete Lady Day & Pres set (3CDs): *************************************************************** 3 CD - Livret 32 pages - ENGLISH NOTES - HORS SERIE COMPLETE BILLIE HOLIDAY/LESTER YOUNG CD1 HE AIN'T GOT RHYTHM • THIS YEAR'S KISSES • WHY WAS I BORN ? • I MUST HAVE THAT MAN • SUN SHOWERS • YOURS AND MINE • MEAN TO ME (PRISE MASTER) • MEAN TO ME • FOOLIN' MYSELF • EASY LIVING • I'LL NEVER BE THE SAME • ME, MYSELF AND I • ME, MYSELF AND I (PRISE MASTER) • A SAILBOAT IN THE MOONLIGHT • BORN TO LOVE • WITHOUT YOUR LOVE (PRISE MASTER) • WITHOUT YOUR LOVE • GETTING SOME FUN OUT OF LIFE • WHO WANTS LOVE? • TRAV'LIN' ALL ALONE • HE'S FUNNY THAT WAY • I CAN'T GET STARTED • CD2 MY FIRST IMPRESSION OF YOU • MY FIRST IMPRESSION OF YOU (PRISE MASTER) • WHEN YOU'RE SMILING (PRISE MASTER) • WHEN YOU'RE SMILING • I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH ME • I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH ME (PRISE MASTER) • IF DREAMS COME TRUE (PRISE MASTER) • IF DREAMS COME TRUE • NOW THEY CALL IT SWING • NOW THEY CALL IT SWING (PRISE MASTER) • BACK IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD (PRISE MASTER) • BACK IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD • WHEN A WOMAN LOVES A MAN • THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU • I CAN'T GET STARTED (PRISE MASTER) • I CAN'T GET STARTED • I'VE GOT A DATE WITH A DREAM • I'VE GOT A DATE WITH A DREAM (PRISE MASTER) • YOU CAN'T BE MINE • EVERYBODY'S LAUGHING • HERE IT IS TO-MORROW AGAIN • SAY IT WITH A KISS • CD3 THE MAN I LOVE • YOU'RE JUST A NO-ACCOUNT • YOU'RE A LUCKY GUY • I'M PULLING THROUGH • LAUGHING AT LIFE (PRISE MASTER) • LAUGHING AT LIFE • TIME ON MY HANDS • THE MAN I LOVE • LET'S DO IT (PRISE MASTER) • LET'S DO IT • ALL OF ME (PRISE MASTER) • ALL OF ME • ALL OF ME • I CRIED FOR YOU • FINE AND MELLOW • HE'S FUNNY THAT WAY • THE MAN I LOVE • GEE BABY, AIN'T I GOOD TO YOU ? • ALL OF ME • BILLIE'S BLUES (I LOVE MY MAN). CHOC JAZZ MAN - SELECTION NOEL JAZZ MAG *************************************************************** Nothing wrong with going for a Columbia compilation, though. The three releases above are all on the Fremeaux label (that's the fellows who do the Django Intégrale series). ubu
  15. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    I picked up the Gies solo, as well as two Not Missing Drums Project discs in that Leo sale I mentioned here... of course I haven't really listened to all three discs, but the one I had on in its entirety, I quite liked: Here's the homage: http://www.not-missing-drums.de/ There's plenty of info there (but much of it in German), also on Gies himself. If you go to "CDS", you'll find a few downloadable cuts. Be warned taht the Not Missing Drums Project is not about jazz, neither only about improvisation... maybe David can describe it better (I picked up the discs upon his recommendation - thanks again!)? I'd say it's a mix of improvisation, opera singing, and chamber music (of the modern classical, "Neue Musik," kind).
  16. Congrats, Alexander! And to brownie for making use of my own patented word! Here's the punishment: MERE UBU Voici le menu. [...] Soupe polonaise, côtes de rastron, veau, poulet, pâté de chien, croupion de dinde, charlotte russe... [...] Bombe, salade, fruits, dessert, bouilli, topinambours, choux-fleurs à la merdre.
  17. Worth a try I'd say! Even if it won't work you'll please her!
  18. Guy Remark = Gary Kramer ... ← reincarnation of E.M. Remarque?
  19. I wasn't aware he lived in Switzerland until I read it this morning in the FAZ. As for retirement: the FAZ article says he taught at the conservatories of Fribourg, Sion, and Lausanne (jazz composition and arranging) - does seem like he was a busy man!
  20. incredible news, though!
  21. Hey John! Nice to see you again! Got to surprise the missus with something she wanted for a long time, and in return figure out where to place that hifi set
  22. I assume this was the original cover?
  23. Jay Cameron has always been a baritone sax player. And a good one! This was the first report I have seen that mentioned he played trumpet. My guess is that the report is wrong! ← I see... I am aware of his talent on barisax (the Cameron international sax band is fun! And he also plays on the Slide Hampton "Exodus" JinP, one of my favourites from the series!)
  24. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    I need more Vinny Golia. (And OH! how I wish Garth Powell recorded more!) Recommendations? ← sent in an order glad the dollar isn't more expensive than a roll of toilet paper... (which, as a bonus, is far more expansive... )
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