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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. You're welcome! Oh, and watch your mailbox - you're gonna get some ..... well, before Xmas! ← I will... still 10 weeks to go, no hurry!
  2. I have seen both Metropolis (in a gloriously restored edition, from Berlin, I think, 2002) and M in a theatre, last year or so - terrific films! Bought this one, recently:
  3. not that I really care, but: ← OK Switzerland proved to be a good match for the French team BUT the Swiss goal was headed against his side by Lilian Thuram ← On the other hand I've heard (of course I haven't seen a minute of the match, myself...) that once the French could only stop one of the swiss by attacking him? Doesn't exactly make a good impression! Has God turned his back to Zidane? Or was that only the media/marketing God anyway, that talked to him? Or was it la liberté? Would she speak to Arabs?
  4. not that I really care, but:
  5. Thanks Chris, the disc has been in for some days!
  6. Interesting way to look at it, Chuck! For me it's: 1917-42: 6 missing (I know I know...) 1943-59: 2 missing (Manne & Mulligan) 1960-79: 1 missing (Sun Ra) 1980-00: I have 2 of these (Jarrett Vol. 1 & Dave Holland) Would be fun if others posted their haves and not-haves, too!
  7. I think you have to apologize because some of the pasta's names in the picture are not correct. ← bowties? angel hair? corkscrews? wheels, shells & ruffles? wtf? those 'mericans again... (I had penne rigate for dinner, with fresh tomato sugo...) now on topic: if I ever behaved really bad, it was in that annyoing incident that stirred quite a few waves here, but even then, I tried not to be too harsh.... that does not mean I succeeded, but in general I do agree with pasta that we should try to behave. On the other hand, trying to behave also means pointing out if someone does not. Now on to driking a couple of Guinness (seriously)! cheers! ubu
  8. Rare LP no doubt, but that cover was used on the CD issue (still, kind of a "seldom seen" CD ). ← ...yet still a great one!
  9. your or the croc's relatives?
  10. And on the Andorran issue: of course I have the Decca set, not the Definitive, of the Basie material - and I think the same argument you (Fer Urbina) used with regard to the Satchmo best of could be applied to any Decca Basie 1CD compilation...
  11. Let me complain a bit more, too... I'm ubu roi, so I'm a little bit French (and Polish), too... First: thanks for chiming in, Fernando! (Are you a nobleman? Glad you're not French, then, otherwise your ancestors may have been beheaded... ) About Taylor: "Nefertiti", the 2CD live recording from Copenhagen should definitely be part of the 25 discs, in my opinion! "Unit Structures" is a fine choice, and probably a very important album - even more so with your criterium to list albums that represent a new style of music at its very early stage. But just that point (new music) makes me bitch once again about Wynton and David Murray (and, sorry to put them in the same pot here, but also about Keith Jarrett - his trio is magnificient, but there's not much new there...). What's new about the neo-classicists? I'd rather see musicians like Taylor honoured than those that didn't bring anything new. I agreed above with Agu's statement that one cannot simply ignore the neos, but then, in this case at least, one has to ignore the criterium of choosing albums that represent new styles of music. Being a bit of a devil's advocate here... not that I strongly disagree with this list! For me, personally, it's fun to create and discuss such lists, but then actually I don't need them. I can see that they are useful for neophytes, though (I used similar lists, too, when I got into jazz as a teenager and had to decide which discs I should spend my little money on...)
  12. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    Forgot to mention I also got a copy of this one: And it's excellent! These guys are truly fantastic! The combination of reeds, trumpet and bassoon allows tons of different nice sounds. Really a music of their own, like I never heard before. Having Yaremchuk in on this one makes for more reeds and an even broader sonic spectrum. John: sounds like you had a great time with Brötz! Good to hear! After having heard David's take on the quartet's concert in Geneva (McPhee, Kessler, Zerang), I skipped their Zurich concert, so I still haven't heard/seen Brötz in person...
  13. But you can´t avoid considering the neo-bop/neoclassicism/whatever thing. It´s also an important part of the last 25 years. Be sure that Jorge LG, who was the person in charge of this period (though all of us has discussed and helped in every decade), is the guy with the most open-minded, wide, profound, clear and personal vission of the last 30 years in jazz that I´ve ever met. And this is not shameless promotion! ← Well, I'm ready to believe that, sure! But my point is: there has been *much* music performed and recorded in those years that is *much* more interesting than *any* of the neo-whatever stuff. Of course the problem is that jazz has gotten so fragmented in these years. There's the modern mainstream (with guys like Golson and Woods and whoever, many of those were still around by 1980 and some are, still today), there's what grew out of fusion/jazz-rock (covered in your selection by Steve Coleman), there's the neo-cons (Wynton et.al.), there's free jazz of many styles (Brötz and them Germans, the downtown scene - not really covered by including a Masada disc, I think, although Masada certainly deserves inclusion! - and many more local scenes... Chicago, Bay Area, whatever... much of the interesting music not coming from the US...) - it's virtually impossible to do it right for those years and I think you did a good choice for those years, all in all! I would maybe tend to be as polemic to exclude them neos, and instead include an album or two by mainstream guys who still do (did) what they always did, unlike them young ones trying to do what the old ones always did and thinking they were better at it... but that's just my opinion. And I'd be in trouble to pick one or two essential albums (but then I would not rate any Wynton as essential, either)!
  14. Nope, didn't click on the decades yet, thanks! I only now see that "Giant Steps" is not part of the 25 (ok for me!)... as for the Lacy choice: that man's discography is huuuuuge... my preferred one would be the quartet's live set from Paris on hat, "Morning Joy". Similar for Braxton... I'm no expert, but I would tend to pick a disc that includes the quartet with Crispell, Dresser or Lindberg, and Hemingway. I see your point about Basie - but still it's a bit... asymetric, to have the full hot 5 & 7 sets (Columbia has a best of, no?) and full (well not quite complete) Ellington, while Basie only gets one CD. Maybe Atomic Basie could have been added to make up for that? But then again, there's be much more Duke to chose (whom do I tell that...). Where's Prez? Only part of the Basie package? Why not the Aladdin sides, or the Keynotes?
  15. Very true! I'd be in complete loss if I had to pick essentials from those years. They would, though, include some of what here is called "funny rat"-stuff, rather than more mainstreamy-items as the Marsalis and David Murray... But then, why already choose essentials for those years? Probably only time will tell...
  16. Hey Agustín! Hope all's well! I had a look at the page last night, and all in all I think it's a fine choice! Two things crossed my mind: Basie: why not have the Decca 3CD set (available in Spain cheaply, courtesy of you know who...), if you have the 3CD set for the Duke? Mingus: I'm not the biggest fan of Changes, and if there's only one appearance of Mingus, I think it should be either "Mingus Ah Um" or "Mingus Presents Mingus". Another album I'd have loved to see (but I understand it's omission, too): Max Roach's "Freedom Now Suite". Then one that I think should be on there, no matter what else would have to be skipped: Sonny Rollins "Saxophone Colossus" (or the Village Vanguard recordings)? Not much going on after 1964... I agree on all the choices of the fifties and early sixties, sure, but there's a gap after that, that "Changes" and "Headhunters" don't really close... I might go for "Thrust", or maybe even more for "Sextant" as the Herbie choice. "Headhunters" may be the big commercial success, but musically, I think "Sextant" is more interesting, and would fill that gap better, representing (some of) the best of ca. 1970 explorations in music. This all sounds a bit harsh, maybe. It's not intended to - I can imagine how hard it must have been to make these picks!
  17. dumped by their owners???? wtf????
  18. now this must be a lame joke... crazy, these americans
  19. Have a good one, Brad!
  20. All the best, Marcus!
  21. But your discs have the most evil stickers on the right side of the jewel cases, just a 2 cm long and 5 mm wide strip... never one succeeds to get those off without any glue being left on the case! And on this photo you can see the other Italian variety that's even more evil than the small ones:
  22. Ah, I see! So you meant the "Liberté surveillée" set!
  23. Thanks but no thanks, I guess...
  24. Than tell us what diffrence their is!
  25. But then you like copy protection???
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