I have no idea what is out on DVD, but here are a few other favourites:
"Man Hunt" (1941 - picture above taken from that film)
"The Woman in the Window" (1944 - one of the most beautifully photographed, and image-wise, not necessarily story-wise, darkest noirs I've seen)
There are more that I've seen, but these two are the ones that come to mind immediately (besides M and Metropolis and the Mabuse ones).
I think I've also seen "Scarlet Street", but I don't have any vivid memories, same, I think, for "Ministry of Fear". Then there's "Hangmen also die", a curiosity, rather than a great film. Poor BB (not Brigitte Bardot, mind me, but the author of the famous "Ballade...") was one of the script writers of that one.