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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Pretty bad excuse! EAC and some cheap software can do that job... But the 4CD package is great, anyway!
  2. I enjoy the few bits of Tusques I know very much. This is the only actual CD I own, and it's fantastic: A swinging, warm, blues- and emotion-drenched date, with Denis Colin (bcl) and Noel McGhie (d). It's on the Tranes Européennes label, listed on the site David mentioned above, too.
  3. Very sad news (I guess it's to be considered a major achievement making brownie dance through the aisles! )
  4. Whopeee ! Only that you mis-quoted and it's not me that got it
  5. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    This may be of interest... never had a chance to hear it before.
  6. The John Lewis album is terrific! I like this "more organized" hardbop very much -it's just not so lose around its corners as say Blakey or your usual Blue Note blowing date. Not that one thing is better, but sometimes the lose ends are just a bit too unorganized, and then the Jazztet is perfect. About Pepper: that's a *great* one! I got the small edition back in that other sale, a couple of years ago. I was tempted to go for it again (as well as the Wes Riverside ) but now that there are some boxes available that are really new to me, it was easy to make the decision.
  7. holy holy! another 100 € gone... both Bill Evans boxes (after that all I miss, as far as Evans boxes go, is the "Secret Sessions" box...), the Dexter box, plus the recent Bud Powell, "Bebop", for 3 eurozlotys. this should be great! I have not heard any of the Evans, only got one ("The Panther!") of the Prestige Dexters, and have been watching that Powell for a long time (this was the third instalment of the Paris stuff, yes? I also miss the second one...)
  8. I've seen it in a store here yesterday, BUT still no trace of my Amazon France ordered set!?!
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. The Moore disc is great! About the Pepper and Paich feat. Pepper: why did one end up on Fantasy/OJC and the other in the V.S.O.P. catalogue? (I assume V.S.O.P. would be the "regular" place?)
  11. I can never work that one out either ! Just the other day lstening to 'Fuego' vinyl I was pondering this very issue. Maybe future generations will be more sympathetic. That 'Byrd/Adams' set is a beauty. Well, you may remember that I consider "Fuego" ok, but not great... I don't find it nearly as compelling as the 1961 dates, to be honest (same for "Byrd in Flight"). Then "Free Form" for me again has a very special vibe. And even though them Penguin moldy figs (haha!) don't like the with Voices albums, that one is a great album to my ears, too!
  12. king ubu

    Funny Rat

    These discs sound good, David! I only have a trio disc by Shepik (Dip, Drip, soemthing like that), and know Speed from some sideman appearances, but both of them are definitely good musicians. Cuong Vu has an ambient/electro project in trio with an electric bassist and a drummer - I have one CD, mentioned in here before, I think. With that project you can hardly ever really hear his trumpet's natural sound, so it's hard to tell about a Cherry influence... but with Vu coming from (where again?, I think) Vietnam, Cherry makes some sense. ***** I picked up a few interesting-looking discs in a sale, one by Sticks and Stones (never heard them before), a trio disc by Fresu/Salis/di Castri (P.A.F.), that Dave Douglas/Louis Sclavis/Peggy Lee/Dylan van Schyff disc, and another by Aki Takase with Mahall, this time by her "Aki and the Good Boys" ensemble (Enja Weber). ***** Here's my Derek Bailey hommage broadcast from last Sunday, in case you missed the other thread: >link<
  13. Thanks, glad you like it! Pity I didn't have anything better by a Company ensemble - at least I mentioned it having been very important for Bailey and his career.
  14. Happy birthday!
  15. Hope you had a good one, Tom! Belated best wishes!
  16. Thanks mister... I tried my improved english accent, too, with two short quotes of Mr. Bailey's... but I assume it sounded so weird you thought I changed to Français à la suisse?
  17. Sad news.
  18. Played Anita CD3 yesterday (but why has taht liner notes writing guy to complain that much about Bregman's writing? It's not that bad, in my opinion...) Forgot to mention that some time ago I finally played the whole Byrd/Adams - great set, with the highlight being the two albums programmed last (CD3/4 and CD4). Good stuff, definitely, and judging by those 1961 dates quite astonishing that Byrd (still/always?) had such a relatively bad reputation.
  19. Derek Bailey (Sheffield, England, Jan. 29, 1930 - London, England, Dec. 25, 2005) Here's last night's radio show, dedicated to the late great Derek Bailey:,5 (I hope the link works, I cannot check it, being at work.) You'll hear Bailey in solo, in duos with Evan Parker and Joëlle Léandre, in trio with Frode Gjerstad & John Stevens and with Paul Rutherford & Barry Guy, plus an excerpt of a Company live show with John Zorn, Keshavan Maslak, Peter Brötzmann, Fred Frith, Léandre, Bill Laswell & Cyro Baptista (bad sound quality, alas). In between you'll hear your humble king giving some biographical details and all, as usual in our own strange idiom... my friend was stuck somewhere else, so I had to do the show on my own, and this being a live show and me never having handled the technical stuff before I was pretty nervous, but it seems the show turned out quite ok, in the end. I'd appreciate any kind of feedback - we may follow up with a second show next month. And thanks to brownie, P.L.M., gnhrtg (in no particular order, btw!) for helping me pull together a wealth of material! (edited to fix link)
  20. Jude Law?... Alfie?... hahahahahahahahaha... must be one of the most pointless remakes ever! There is, was and will be only one Alfie, for sure! R.i.p. Shelley Winters.
  21. Hey P.D.! Nice to see you hear again! Hope all's well! *** I quite like both of Duke's Bethlehem albums, but I think "Presents" is better, in the end. I also like the Capitol sides - but then that Mosaic was the first larger chunck of Ellington I ever got (just in time before the centennial run on that set started).
  22. I finally played some of the Anita O'Day (discs 1 & 2 that is), and enjoyed it very much! Looking forward to hearing more, hopefully over the weekend!
  23. Belated best wishes, Patricia!
  24. Hope you had a good one Oliver! Belated best wishes!
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