Thanks a lot, everybody.
It was rather tough since I was in the army: my second to last annual repetition of three weeks - being in the Swiss Army Band it's mainly practising some stupid music from pseudo-classical to badly arranged popular stuff, boring marches and cheapo army staple stuff... anyway, Switzerland still having compulsory military service, I decided I would not take the easy way out (doctor or shrink) but instead opt for a troup with no arms, and that's it...
I'm glad to be back home, and of course delighted to see this thread!
Thank you Paul for starting it!
Thanks Clifford, brother in love of Joe Malinga!
Thanks brownie - I still hope to make it to Paris some day...
Thanks to his Bobness, this is the real birthday, no need for official ones, I'm not a royalist, and not royalty either, outside of this board...
Thanks seven - still liking Jon Hassell!
Thank you MG - de nada! it was my pleasure - still I had no time to play your BFT yet, alas
Thank you Erik - did the computer arrive at any conclusion by now?
Thanks never - you're ancient by now, I assume...
Thank you Mike, I hope indeed I can make it! Do you know where the concert will take place? I can't open the site your signature links to!
Thank you bichos, Agustín, David, John, Colin, Simon, Adrian, Mark, Barak, Paul, Lon, Jon, Chris, Paul (reminds me to play your disc again soon!), Dan, Bentsy, Quincy, Gene, Brad, Evan, Chuck, medjuck, GA, Guy, rachel, and Berigan (and last but not least, Jaco, too)!