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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. king ubu


    I'll have to play both "Clubhouse" and "Gettin' Around" again soon (I have the box, no RVGs at all). Both of these were my least favourite albums from the box, besides the one clinker (Landslide - although the title track which is from the date that ended up on "Dexter Calling..." I love!). The tracks I remember liking most are "Devilette" (on Clubhouse) and the beautiful take on "Manha de Carnaval" (on Gettin' Around).
  2. king ubu

    Mundell Lowe

    This is my only album of Lowe's (of course he appears as a sideman on countless albums...): Very nice one!
  3. Bunny Berigan Mosaic Andrew Hill & Andrew Hill Solo Mosaic Selects ouch!
  4. Just in case, it's 76€ on Germany Amazon (link via big-o): http://www.amazon.de/gp/search?index=blend...;_encoding=UTF8
  5. Agreed. I don't understand the box set fetish. Guy In my case it's just that I have the music in various editions: digipacks, old GRP jewel case versions, a japanese disc... and I think it would be a very varied set. Anyway, I can live with single discs as well, of course. Expressions has not seen a digipack-reissue, has it? There's still only the old CD?
  6. Thanks for the feedback, Late! I have some periods where I feel like upgrading discs, I'll keep this in the back of my head but definitely won't do so right now!
  7. ah, I see - I have the old one there, too - sucks with all these various editions. so what then is the ghost track? something worth updating? or is the sonic difference worth getting the newer edition?
  8. check page 14 in the booklet for instructions. Rewinding from track 1 somehow does not work for me. You'se talking of "Interstellar Space"? I don't think my booklet has more than 8 pages... but I'll check tonight!
  9. That hidden track talk was in another thread, where hidden track(s) on a Satchmo disc and the Billy Bauer VEE CD were mentioned as well. My disc has the same tracklisting you give above. No idea what the hidden track talk is about and how to get them to play... (I have the Bauer as well, never found anything hidden there...) My listing omits the Cosmic one - two tracks with Trane, bass clarinet included. Would definitely be a great thing to have all these sessions, quartet to (almost) big band collected in a nice set - how many discs would that be, 5 or 6? Likely depending on what still lies in the archives...
  10. Late for the party once again - hope you had a good one, many best wishes!
  11. Would definitely be a nice idea - probably just the studio dates: - Meditations - Ascension - Om - Kulu Se Mama (title track and "Selflessness" only - rest is on "Major Works", right?) - Interstellar Space (how do I get to play the hidden track that's on the disc? my disc has I think one alternate listed on the cover, it's the old jewel case GRP version) - the sessions from "Expression" and the posthumous/fairly recent disc, "Stellar Regions" I still have that "Major Works" 2CD set but not the individual albums/CDs. "Om" is not on CD, and the other individual discs (Kulu Se Mama & Ascension) do not contain anything that one doesn't have either on the "Major Works" or on the "Classic Quartet" sets, is that correct? Btw, I still miss the Vanguard Again and Tunji discs... shame on me, but somehow, that's the only Coltrane I don't have yet, and I'm in no rush (there's a Hank Mobley album I don't have yet, too... tough to settle with the thought that there's nothing new to come!)
  12. Got the "Fearless Leader" Coltrane box for my birthday and played disc one last night. A very nice session, I always liked the "Coltrane" album a lot, that chap Johnny Splawn on trumpet is very nice! Except for the awkward positioning of the CDs in the box, it's a very good set, beautiful booklet, good liners (including original liners and covers as well).
  13. some of the latest acquisitions: Cesaria Evoria - Miss Perfumado Allen Lowe's new disc (fast delivery!) Dave Schildkraut - Last Date Giorgio Gaslini - Integrale Vol. 3 & 4
  14. Moholo is active - been discussed elsewhere (the funny rat, I think). I missed I think two opportunities to see him here in the last 6 or so months.
  15. well, you know - I'm on a strict "buy before things go OOP"-policy... all the selects I have I got used from members of this site, and the Hill (the first one) is actually the only one I planned to buy before it would go OOP some day...
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