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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Hm, have any BN sets actually timed out or do they have some kind of special agreement there, since they're closely related via MC? I ask seriously, I never so far got any BN (except the Byrd/Adams) in the last minute, had all the other long before they went OOP.
  2. ha! both fine ones! now how about a BN cover for the great Barney JiP disc?
  3. I had to redo the thing so it's slightly different looks great, thanks!
  4. can you pull my word thing into a jpg and post it again? don't know how to do that, in fact since my computer got set up anew, I don't have any but the stoopid Microsoft software to work with images...
  5. I was unable to do it differently (how to convert the whole word-text-box thingie with 3 textboxes into one jpg), but it's slightly more elaborate than my previous attempt...
  6. Obviously, but I don't think Mosaic is going to tell you that. Well, I never tried asking, but I guess that's the kind of business information one doesn't pass along... but then don't we have a chance to take guesses from looking at earlier boxes and their timing out? Obviously BN sets rarely if ever do so, but maybe there's a difference in Universal ones (the Max right now) and Sony ones (the Bailey) that would allow to draw conclusions? Or are these deals done anew for each box set?
  7. Why? Timing out is so and so many years after a set got on the market - all one would have to know is for how long they have a license for what set.Seems to me of late most sets were timing out long before their actually planned edition had been printed!
  8. seems I was wrong (blame the messy threads so far on the board, I did do an Org-search and some reading before posting here) JSP also has a live box out: How does it compare to the Definitive? I assume it has better sound? What about the contents?
  9. bumping this old one back up - question regarding the live material: There's no comprehensive live collection of Christian, besides the 4CD set Definitive put out? All live material I have so far is this one here:
  10. bumping this up again - has anyone sorted things out between JSP boxes and Mosaic/Jazz in Paris releases? I have all of the later (JiP and Mosaic), so I assume I'd only need the Rome JSP and have all or most of what's on the first two JSPs?
  11. The Django I've had for a while - word is that the JSP boxes sound a lot better, but I never started buying JSPs so far, all Django I have is the Mosaic, the Jazz in Paris discs (7 or 8 of them, a few nicely complementing the Mosaic and containing music that's at least as great), as well as the Definitive hackjob 4CD set collecting all he did with American musicians.
  12. I asked about the Hodges when I ordered the Roach and got as an answer that it "should be around until the end of the year"... but I see that one as a likely candidate, I think it came out around the same time as the Roach.
  13. seems so, the whole JC tour is listed in the itinerary on King's website... he's been the drummer of the JC organ trio for several years, it seems.
  14. Thanks for your report, Reinier - I think I'll make my mind up depending on the mood a few hours before the concert...
  15. I'm enjoying the fact that I finally got a shipping confirmation for my Roach set - phew! The Berigan still hasn't arrived, so I'm looking forward a lot to both of these! During the wait, I'll try and make my way all through the Mildred Bailey, a great one, in my opinion!
  16. Hah, great ones John! How about some ECM-Booger?
  17. modest attempt... had to do this with them cheapo paint things, thus no variation on fonts etc...
  18. He's playing here with the organ trio on Thursday - should I check him out? I've never been too much of a fan, but then I can imagine him being a pretty good live act... (I found the "Baker's Keyboard Lounge" guests parade a very boring disc...) On the plus side: I don't think I *ever* actually saw an all hammond concert (seen concerts where keyboarders changed between grand piano, organ, rhoder, wurlitzer, etc, but never just a band with organ...)
  19. Thanks for providing the info - looks interesting, what with Don Sleet!
  20. What's that Lenny McBrowne? All I know of his are some sideman appearances (with Booger, for instance). As for Lewis, "Stick Up!" may be my one favourite session with him - probably my favourite Hutcherson (followed closely by "Happenings").
  21. Indeed his deep big sound is something I enjoy on whatever album he appears. Sad news to start the week with
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