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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. I picked Grindelwald as a place I'd love to live - it's breathtaking! I missed that thread before - funny coincidence... I've only been there once as a kid, but my parents got a hut in a pretty remote area, so when small, I was in the mountains each summer for 2-3 weeks, of course loving it... nowadays, I prefer big cities for vacation... I'm weird, I know. Anyway, you'd have to do away with all the stoopid tourists if you wanted to live in Grindelwald, I'm sure it's horrible in that respect!
  2. but if I look again, also only at the feet, it's clearly right brain again... so I can "get it", can I "get her", too?
  3. very clearly right brain... but then I glimpsed and she went the other way 'round...
  4. For goodness' sake. Children live in the real world. They know full well that unmarried people have sex, including, for a great number of them, their parents, their grandparents, their siblings, their uncles and aunts and cousins. So literature should pretend that this is not so? There's a word for an approach like that, GA: dishonesty. You would have children be introduced to literature through literature that denies reality--a fine way to lead them to distrust and disregard literature from the very start. for goodness' sake, why don't you want children to learn how to turn into hypocrites from the git-go? They live in the real Forld, after all!
  5. Grindelwald is a village in Switzerland, that I know...but what the hell is a Dumbledore?
  6. She purdy. ok then, let's talk about purdiness... like, Mr. Bernard Purdie, for instance! And who the eff is dumbledumb? And why is he happy or not? And who cares? And why do such threads get started if thread-starters would prefer to talk about jazz?
  7. I'll have to dig up the Hague show... great band, that was! Not sure I can help you there, though...
  8. someone should be able to pin down that Waldron tune! (I assume it's the fifth, the only one that hadn't been identified back when we got it?)
  9. 56 € at amazon.de via big-o (release date: Nov. 5, 07) and I forgot to say: this looks splendid to me, I don't have lots of Webster - some/most of the Verve material, the Proper box compiling some of the early stuff, the RCA sides with Ellington, of course, but nothing much beyond 1960, except for the splendid Holland Sessions 2CD set on Blue Note and one of the Black Lion LPs with Kenny Drew, which I *love*! So I guess this shall be a great addition!
  10. It seems to be out, "usually ships in 1-2 days" says CDU, link via big-o, 60 bucks!
  11. Wow, Ornette!? I don't have that disc, though... is it any good, anyone has it?
  12. Thanks in advance! Klazz Brothers? No, I guess not... neither am I! By the way, the great John Lewis solo album "Private Concert" (reissued in Universal France's Heritage of Anniversary series two or three years ago) contains two adaptions of Bach compositions. And I still think there should be many such instances, where someone rather than doing a whole album of Bach, did adapt one composition in between originals and standards etc. But I haven't even been able yet to go through all of my own discs, looking for such "hidden" tracks... still, if anyone has any additional input, I assume it would be welcome!
  13. I've always been partial to the late Erwin Chargaff... Watson/Crick were two eager weirdos from the git-go, it seems...
  14. never mind... for a million $$ even a house in Luxembourg or at the lake of Zurich could include a music room... nothing more we need, really
  15. I got my set yesterday, looks like another beautiful box! Most of the music will be new to me, too. I've heard some of it once, years ago, on some borrowed LPs, and had the Lighthouse CD, but haven't even played it all through so far - looking forward to exploring this box!
  16. some more info on the Rätus Flisch disc here: http://ssl.adhost.com/jazzloft/baskets/pos.cfm?CD=4660 (the respective page on the Brambus site isn't working, it seems) edit: Amazon has 2002 as the year of release. And this site here finally also mentions Abercrombie... Not that helpful, I'm afraid!
  17. Nate, sorry for not having posted yet! I was in Paris the first week of October and after that had tons of stuff to do... no time to listen yet, but I hope to find time latest next weekend! (Maybe I can squeeze it in tonight, but tomorrow is like crazy again...)
  18. I packed all my Miles disc in paper sleeves last night, had to cut them to fit back into the cardboard sleeves in the boxes (all the metal spine versions, plus the IASW and Cellar Door). Won't happen nothing to my disc no more now! Still waiting for the replacement disc, though... and also for the On the Corner box, of course!
  19. Frank Zappa playing bicycles in the Steve Allen show, with the show band accompanying him free-style (I got that off dime some years ago, no official release). Seems it's on u-tube, but I can't check that (blocked where I work) right now: part 1 & part 2 or here here's a story about it: http://www.jerryhopkins.com/stories#zappa
  20. That's good to know, of course! I'm no fan of W. Parker, so the weirdest thing was how great they found his solo improv... and Taylor/Oxley have been doing so many things together that I found it hard to believe that they were merely playing next to but not with each other... anyway, that one too, I have yet to listen to...
  21. not quite jazz, but a great box I found used when in Paris (it's a recent release but OOP already, so I was lucky): I've played discs 1 and 2 (50s and early/mid 60s) and parts of disc 3 (late 60s and 70s) so far
  22. oh, sorry, my bad!
  23. I like Teddy a lot, in fact I've had this one (these two now, in the CD age) on my wishlist ever since reading my first books on jazz (Arrigo Polillo's and J.E. Berendt's books they were, the later of whom recommends this one in his short list of recommended listening.
  24. I placed an order with UK Amazon (not the Monk set) on Tuesday 9th; it was delivered yesterday. I don't believe anyone has received a copy yet to determine that. Yup, one luck bastid did... Daniel, can you enlighten us?
  25. The Modena concert was broadcast (not in its entirety, alas) on Italian radio and put up on dime, I only just burned it to disc last night, didn't have time to listen yet... sounds like this is a pretty weird package... the Wire review of the quartet's London gig some time ago wasn't much more enthusiast...
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