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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. two words: Jimmie Lunceford!
  2. king ubu

    Blue Note

    hey, I am a Renaissance man, yessir!
  3. Yeah, same here... nice music, but there are several Mode/VSOPs I'd get before that!
  4. Gee, the Herman once again! Last time this happened, I snatched it up... got all three, all fine ones!
  5. I found it - it's an uncredited text in the booklet of David Klein's great disc "My Marilyn" (Enja, 2001 - Klein plays tenor sax and is accompanied by Mulgrew Miller, Ira Coleman, Marcello Pellitteri, and his mother, Miriam Klein, joins them on a few titles). The booklet also sports a few letters and notes that Klein received in reaction to his sending out review copies of the album to friends and contemporaries of Marilyn, including Jane Russell and Eli Walach. Here's the story as told in the booklet: (typos are mine, of course!)
  6. Great photo! Michel Godard actually plays some great music on the serpent (as well as on his main instrument, the tuba)
  7. I haven't decided on the Hackett Mosaic yet... might well be I'll get it in the end. Keep in mind, "Jazz Ultimate" and "Coast Concert" are not on the Hackett Mosaic, they're on the first Teagarden. I know, I know... I missed that Teagarden set, which is why I got that twofer at all...
  8. will pick up this one later today, but it's a gift, and as it arrived just in time, I won't have a chance to listen to it before passing it on... sounds like a lovely disc though: Daniel Pezzotti
  9. Too bad... but the writing has been on the wall for a while.
  10. That's how it's been for me, since I was around 13 or 14, and I hope it will go on like that for a while!
  11. Interesting and certainly valid points there, Jim!
  12. I haven't decided on the Hackett Mosaic yet... might well be I'll get it in the end.
  13. ok, but in true Habsburgian fashion you'd have to make sure that the heart, the viscera (?) and the mumified body will be stored in separate places... (you know, like those people that keep back-ups of their external harddrives in lockers or safes, in case their house burns down...) - I mean, you never know what happens in Cologne... maybe the ground will just disappear some beautiful day...
  14. amazing! I just played the two first discs of the 4CD Experience box, there are a couple of tracks from the 1966 Paris concert, and some 1967 tracks as well (though I think those are from Stockholm if memory serves me right). Are there any of those ORTF boots around with complete concerts, or are the selections on the box all we can get?
  15. did you buy a plot at the cemetery already? here, graves will be emptied and re-used after a certain amount of time has passed (10 or 15 or 20 years, I don't know... you can pay to prolong it for some more years). would be quite crowded with cemeteries if all mankind still inhabited their own grave
  16. "Ophelia" and "All La Glory" (early versionn) by The Band
  17. nah, the older music is the richest, really... before they all turned into post-Trane robots seriously... i guess that 50s/60s/hardbop fixation here still goes back to the roots of this board, when it was founded after the Blue Note board had been closed. Discussions about other kinds of music (I'm thinking more of anything avant or free, rather than all the new retro and new mainstream stuff, much of which I find rather cold and boring rich/complex harmonies notwithstanding) always had more of a difficulty getting started here.
  18. I have way too much, but I can't see this happening to me... There's so much early jazz around, with all those specialist labels, radio broadcasts, etc etc... And also, there's so much lesser known stuff, non-US stuff... much of it expensive and hence not stuff I regularly buy, but there's plenty of music around there that is of interest. Finally, there's all the other stuff than jazz... world musics, avantgarde stuff of any kind... just read a few issues of The Wire to get some fascinating new ideas! To me (young and foolish... well, past the big 3 by now...), it seems endless!
  19. I hear that you are to blame for the recent Swiss currency instabilities ! nah, I'm merely doing my best to help fixing the economic situation a bit...
  20. I guess I could try and look it up for you, but these Condon(ites) discographies are a real mess, as there are often multiple versions of the same songs (sometimes also multiple sessions, each with multiple takes of the same songs...), and they were released under various leaders' names... I have some Hackett, mainly the Quadromania (which is a messy one, if I remember right, not one of the more or less orderly and chronological ones). "Coast Concert" and "Jazz Ultimate" are on this Collector's Music twofer (which I got) - both were also on the Teagarden Capitol Mosaic (which I sadly missed). The twofer misses some versions of tunes (one of the albums was done in stereo and mono mixes, the Mosaic has all of it). > AMG < The "mood music" by Hackett would then be the albums compiled on the Hackett Mosaic box, I assume? (And also on various Collectables twofers)
  21. Don't know that one, but this here's quite terrific: Sergey Kuryokhin - Some Combination Of Fingers and Passion (CD LR 179 - LEO RECORDS)
  22. I think in the funny rat, there was a discussion once about a solo CD of balloons...
  23. It is the "old CD" with just the original "Bursting Out With The All Star Big Band" album (without "Swinging Brass With The Oscar Peterson Trio" which is added on the twofer). I am sorry!! The other one would have been worth some more, it seems... I bought way too much of late anyway, so it's almost a relief!
  24. king ubu

    Ran Blake

    There just was a story about Ran Blake in The Wire (July issue) - haven't read it yet, the pile of stuff to read is growing incredibly fast... edit: interview transcript here: http://www.thewire.co.uk/articles/2659/
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