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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. I haven't heard this one, but I've got the Trio 3 release "Time Being" on Intakt and plan to get the one with Irene Schweizer, was a concert the night before or after the CD was made. Also I've raved quite regularly about Intakt... I wonder, where does that 250 number come from (and why are they called "Trio One"?). I doubt that Intakt could survive on 250 discs sold per release!
  2. Although Lee Morgan did a lovely version on Delightful-Lee, with Johnny Smith's on his eponymous Verve album not far behind. I actually just heard the original version again (from the mono box) and it is a lovely tune... it's just been played to death by too many mediocre musicians all over the place...
  3. As for Hancock playing "ballads"... his most delicate touch and endless flow of ideas in his best years (I'd say 65-68 though I do love the Mwandishi band a lot as well, but it's so different) often had an extremely lyrical touch to it, no matter what tempos he played in... check out his best solos of that time ("Circle" has been mentioned) and you might get in touch again...
  4. The label was founded by Franz Koglmann, sponsored by some finance company (Deutsche Structured Finance), and as far as I know it almost went under. Now, I think ownership has changed, or Koglmann got out of it or something. I guess they just never had a big budget to do marketing... but their roster is quite impressive: Ralph Alessi, Christy Doran, Kermit Driscoll, Trevor Dunn, James Emery, dem Ensemble Plus, dem Ensemble xx Jahrhundert, Drew Gress, Gerry Hemingway, Peter Herbert, Tristan Honsinger, Francois Houle, dem Klangforum Wien, Art Lande, Peggy Lee, John Lindberg, Carl Maguire, Michael Moore, Simon Nabatov, Kevin Norton, Giorgio Occhipinti, Louis Sclavis, Gebhard Ullmann, Wolter Wierbos, Andreas Willers, Nils Wogram und Yitzhak Yedid (from wiki) http://www.betweenthelines.de/main/index.shtml
  5. Michael Mann Dillinger J. Edgar Hoover (this time with the names in the right order...)
  6. Gina Lollobrigida Sophia Loren Claudia Cardinale
  7. Louis Chevrolet Edgar J. Hoover Adolph Rickenbacher well yeah, Swiss or Swiss-originated folks in the US (there are some others, make your pick)
  8. Taylor / Oxley - Strasbourg finally! been looking forward to this for months now!
  9. The Columbia material wasn't only bootlegged by Definitive (see mikeweil's post above), but also by an Italian outfit I think called Comet (on amazon.com, this is listed as by Universe Italy): This version was around in shops here, and there was even one (usually good!) music critic that wrote a review of one of these boot versions, obviously not in the know about the legit release that took place a few years earlier... I guess the avaricious guys from Sony Switzerland didn't send him a review copy of their box, but the bootleggers did...)
  10. he had sex with a contortionist?
  11. Happy Birthday, Rod!
  12. This great recording seems to be out again! It's listed (twice!) in yesterday's JazzLoft news mail. Here's how it used to look, in its old digipack version: The new cover looks different, and I guess it'll be packed in a regular jewel case (they seem to have abandoned their nice digipack/cardboard presentation a while ago - hell, they seem to have almost gone belly-up, so all news there is good news!). https://www.jazzloft.com/p-50878-due-en-noir.aspx
  13. Yes, sure! There's a "corner" here: http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=32937 And three threads (at least) about the great Select: http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=986 http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=1626 http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=17362 Big, big fan here! To truly grasp his genious, I'd recommend you search for some of his great Verve discs (roughly 1988 or 89 to 2000), like "Volcano Blues" (with Teddy Edwards) and "Saga". Some have guests like Pharoah Sanders, Dizzy Gillespie and Idrees Sulieman, on some he adds Moroccan Gnawa Musicians... And don't neglect his 70s work either... there's a great live album with Billy Harper on Freedom (it was on CD), as well as plenty of great piano solo releases. Most recently, he's played with a trio, the release "Zep Tepi" is recommended! http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=26656
  14. c'mon, now relax, have a pint of Guinness, play some fun stuff... I don't always agree with Jim's point of view, I don't find all of Allen's jokes funny, but gee!
  15. I have to add: when Shirley Horn did "Yesterdays > Yesterday" in concert, back in around 2001 (she was still playing piano as well, Charles Ables had just died... she was with Steve Novosel-b and Steve Williams-d), it was magical! But that concert was one of the most enjoyable ones I've heard yet!
  16. Thanks, now I get it.... of course I first thought of OJC, but I could make no sense out of that because I didn't think of the Terri Hinte firing... sorry for being a bit slow these days, but my head's just too full with crappy stuff.
  17. king ubu

    Jean Robert

    He he... you can be the British Hawkins, or is there a contender? I think he's indeed on that session with Benny Carter and Django - classic stuff!
  18. Elie Wiesel Thad Jones Mel Lewis
  19. Nah, he'd be contemtuous because even by the low musical standards applied in that "genre" (they think they're the best though! Only professional musicians can be better than them, that's fersure!) these discs would be horrible... in addition, they're of horrible sound quality... but the Bee Gees shows was great, I tellya!
  20. well, you don't have to eat them
  21. king ubu

    Jean Robert

    never heard of Jean Robert, but I've got some of those Hawkins sides with Freddie Johnson... Alix Combelle was another European Hawk scholar. He can be heard with Django, among others.
  22. Anouk Aimee Guido Anselmi Anselm of Canterbury
  23. we were looking something like this: but our only arms were these:
  24. I have a couple of very badly recorded army band CDs (with yours truly buried in the messy sound on baritone sax)... I'm sure no one could actually survive even one full listen to any of those discs... (the show the sax section did on "Stayin' Alive", alas, isn't on the CD )
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