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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. So what's the word, a friend of mine hasn't yet made up his mind if he ought to get the mono or the stereo box... has anyone actually done some real comparison? And for my own interest: are there any albums that are recommended to have in stereo, in addition to the mono box? (I did get "Abbey Road", "Let It Be" and "Past Masters" in stereo already, and won't get "Yellow Submarine", as the Beatles tracks from it are part of the "Mono Masters" compilation).
  2. Ah well... the US$ is so cheap these days that even with VAT and post taxes added, Mosaic sets are still cheaper nowadays than they ever were! The cheap $ easily makes up for any taxes, even for the lack of surface shipping option for orders over 100$!
  3. Great news! I've never heard (of) any live shows with KD and Henderson... some stuff with Sonny Red is floating around, but it's in horrible sound. Also some with Fathead... would be great if these could be resurrected in acceptable sound, but I won't hold my breath.
  4. Will fender produce Lucilles now, in return?
  5. K7 for me please!
  6. Erich Fried Carl von Clausewitz Von Freeman
  7. continuing, with disc 4 again (which wasn't complete yesterday) finishing disc 5, getting started with disc 6 soon! finished this one - great! looking forward to one day actually sitting down and listening to it attentively!
  8. Ooops - my bad! I thought it was just some kind of a compilation series, wasn't aware it was (almost?) complete! I guess I'm too young to have known...
  9. Can we get a solid confirmation of this? Yes, this does not seem possible. The smaller booklet is 68 pages and contains the following; 1. Song Index 2. Ladies Day by Gary Giddens 3. Literary Lady by Farah Jasmine Griffin 4. Discography 5. Production Credits Did the first big one have a track by track analysis as well? Yes, by Michael Brooks, if I remember correctly. Yes, they were by Brooks, and were the same liner notes that accompanied the individual "Quintessential Billie Holiday" volumes that Columbia put out in the late 1980s/early 1990s. So they were not new ones commissioned for the big box??? They would have to be re-done and amended at least, I figure... or did those (four?) Quintessential discs contain all that was on the big box? Rather unlikely... I think I found that "Literary Lady" essay quite weird... they should rather have dropped those essays and included the track-by-track in the small box, in my humble opinion. But then of course if this is directed at newbies and casual fans, maybe they prefer having some more general information over the specialist and detailed analysis that's in the track-by-track comments of the big set.
  10. Veronica Lake Bette Davis Joan Crawford
  11. Here's a thread on the Mode label - plenty of good releases there! http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=7006 And that Nocturne 3CD set is highly recommended! I missed grabbing the Fantasy CDs in time, alas... there's some stuff on those that's not in the Nocturne box.
  12. This single one is from the same gig, I gather? Seen it but haven't heard it:
  13. Lou Levy (p), Herb Ellis (g), Wilfred Middlebrooks (b), Gus Johnson (d) Crescendo Club, Los Angeles, Ca., May 11 & 21, 1961 Could be nice... or a nice x-mas gift for my mom, that's for sure! Quite a steep price for a 4CD set though, 70€! Will it include one of Ella's 70s glasses as a bonus?
  14. i belive that in emails with mr. landolt, that number was mentioned. hopeully, my memory is faulty, Gee, that is shocking! This label is far too good to be so little known, really! I think they have done about 150 CD releases by now (and some vinyl before that), and I have probably about three dozen or so and they're virtually all good!
  15. continuing, with disc 4 again (which wasn't complete yesterday) finishing disc 5, getting started with disc 6 soon!
  16. continuing, with disc 4 again (which wasn't complete yesterday)
  17. Mickey Folus Mickey Mouse Mickey Rourke
  18. Happy Birthday! :party:
  19. Happy Birthday, Marcus! :party:
  20. Happy Birthday! :party:
  21. this afternoon, discs 1-4 of: Bill Evans - The Last Waltz: The Final Recordings live at the Keystone Korner
  22. yesterday had most of the Carmell Jones Select on (all except the Harold Land album on CD3, for time reasons)
  23. Camille Desmoulins Marat Jacques-Louis David
  24. Walter Bishop Reverend Gary Davis Odean Pope
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