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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. There's also a note about it somewhere, I think.
  2. Sorry if my irony was lost... guess I should add more smilies, then.
  3. I'll thrown in Fred Hersch... not very familiar with his music yet, but more and more intrigued by it. Also Kenny Werner. And Marc Copland (get "Time Within Time", the solo disc on Hat - I got that as a freebie when interviewing WXU some years back, had no expectations and all and was quickly spellbound).
  4. Amazon and the iTunes store have been pretty sloppy about this. They should hire Sue Mingus. I don't know why the bigger labels haven't complained. They would quickly close shop then, I guess... They, this time, being the Amazon and iTunes stores. They, in the previous post, being the RIAA that's going to sue y'all for buying these illegal releases
  5. Thanks for letting us know. It's not what I was hoping for and I don't do downloads. Oh well. Fortunately, I do have the studio track on the Stan Getz and the Cool Sounds CD that Verve released in 2002 Yes, me too... but with all the other tracks of that disc available elsewhere in its right place (chronologically speaking, not realease-wise) that disc would have been one to pass on otherwise. As for good customer service... still no reply whatsoever from Hip-O-Select (I used the well-hidden contact information you find when you visit the "help" section of their site). That's more than lousy for what seems to be a "boutique label" or whatever they call that... one that is supposed to care for the music, not just the bucks. Very disappointing. Hope they read this! The lesson might read something like: fegh off you nuisance you, give us your $$ and shut up now!
  6. Very, very sad news - I really do feel like crying right now.
  7. Only if you apply that special filter that makes it impossible for americans to view the link... if you actually buy these things from yurp, I guess you'd be doing the illegal thing. If you buy them from US vendors, I guess they'd cut you some slack since you acted in good belief... in short: no links allowed, no matter how you turn it.
  8. Happy Birthday, Evan! :party:
  9. Thanks Lon. Will see if I can get the Japanese Hall for a good price!
  10. Too bad I just bought the old US disc of Kamuca/Perkins, then... awww... I'm aware of some Japanese reissues recently (got the Les McCann with Frank Haynes & Stanley Turrentine!) but hadn't been aware of a "good" reissue of "Jazz Guitar" - does it offer the same restoration job (full versions wherever possible, all tunes included) as did the Gambit reissue (that for once, seemed to be the best way to get it so far - I only got a rip-off of it...)
  11. wow, thanks for that, caravan!
  12. Luther Thomas Jean Calvin Billy Jean
  13. They also had a European set - some info here: http://www.parisjazzcorner.com/dis_fiche.php?ArtNum=60416
  14. Well, the Ogun blurb says it's a one-off... so I thought either date was wrong and it was the same music indeed - but we won't know until we get the Ogun CD, I guess. If it's another date (and in better fidelity), that would be even more amazing news!
  15. Vol. 2 was delivered today! Thanks a lot billyboy - wouldn't have checked back at amazon.com for it, had given up hope! So I have them all, wow! A couple of months ago I thought I wouldn't need them at all... but then I got hooked by JB's music BIGTIME! And amazon.co.uk had (has?) a few of them for really, really good prices, so there you go...
  16. I thought I had the JATP but there are 2 cuts not included in the cd I had of the First JATP concert plus 2 cuts from a second concert the same month. I was too lazy to compare - I like these Hip-O boxes and this was a steal... have the JATP 10CD set though, not the single disc of the first concert.
  17. Pee Wee Russell Pee Wee Ellis Pee Wee Moore
  18. PM coming, all hurdles done away with!
  19. Great to see he's still doing his thing!
  20. not even a lousy reply for me they have... bugger off!
  21. Have you sent them an email? Don't know anything, myself, but that's what I'd try.
  22. Wow, never would have expected an official release of this! Hoping for a major upgrade in quality to what's "in circulation"! Thanks for spreading the news!
  23. Mr. K's phone shall be ringing tomorrow... will keep you posted as soon as I know more.
  24. I wish for the Washington to be around for such a great price some day!
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