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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Sorry, I'm a bit slow today... so it's just the final three cuts, huh? Hm...
  2. Wow, lots of Coltrane there! Will definitely look for this! Or wait, is some of it from the regular release?
  3. Happy Birthday, Mark!
  4. Thought I'd help out, mike! Good to know the one Gulda is worth getting, thanks! Will also get "Missing Link", I think. The Mangelsdorffs all used to be part of the "complete" edition Universal Germany put out a few years ago ("Originals Vol. 1" and "Originals Vol. 2" each containing five albums on five single discs in separate jewel cases in a filmsy box; "Live" was a 2CD set containing the two live albums and "Solo" a 2CD set containing the three solo albums... or was that 2 solos on 2 cds and 3 live on 2cds? Either way, two 5CD sets, two 2CD sets, plus "Albert Mangelsdorff & Friends", still available in its previous form from around 2004 or so, also in Universal's MPS reissue series.)
  5. crap, you beat me! I wonder, what does "promo" mean? Any difference from the regular boxes?
  6. Very good news!
  7. Albert Mangelsdorff - A Jazz Tune I Hope Albert Mangelsdorff - The Wide Point Albert Mangelsdorff - Birds Of Underground Albert Mangelsdorff - Never Let It End Attila Zoller / Hans Koller / Albert Mangelsdorff - Zo-Ko-Ma Friedrich Gulda - Music For 4 Soloists And Band No.1 Friedrich Gulda - As You Like It Peter Herbolzheimer Rhythm Combination & Brass - The Catfish Peter Herbolzheimer Rhythm Combination & Brass - Scenes Volker Kriegel - Lift Volker Kriegel - Inside: Missing Link Dave Pike Set - Infra-Red Dave Pike Set - Noisy Silence - Gentle Noise
  8. Thanks everyone... off to the dentist's soon, hope to be better after that!
  9. Haven't bothered to read anything yet... but enjoy the box a lot!
  10. I'll have to get "Faces"! The "Latin Kaleidscope" album was part of an earlier twofer titled "Three Latin Adventures" (it was paired with "Fellin 712" there).
  11. It's past midnight over here, so I'm handing over my reign, crown, warts an'all to Aggie87! All the best, Erik, and many happy returns! :party:
  12. Thanks a lot everyone! Bad luck day losing (well it's not lost, but it did fall out) my effing temporary front tooth during birthday dinner in the restaurant tonight... yawn... as if this whole darn thing of having to replace a tooth that's been dead for (by now about) two thirds of my life and had seen lots of work done with an implant isn't enough (it will take most of this year it seems). Ah well, other than that I'm doing fine and have no major trouble to complain about... so that's that... Guess I'll look *much* worse than Lauren Hutton tonight... ... but then I always do, anyway
  13. Thanks a lot, everyone! One of the gifts I just got is a night at the Schaffhausen Jazzfestival! Mêre ubu will join the proceedings as the parade will be off to catch: - Omri Ziegele Where’s Africa Trio (with Irène Schweizer & Makaya Ntshoko) - Miniatur Orchester (led by sax player Araxi Karnusian - check her out, she's good! Her website's down, but a sample can be found here: http://www.yvp-music.de/3147.htm) - Malcolm Braff Voltage (with Patrice Moret & Marc Erbetta) Looking forward to that! Malcolm Braff is a treat each time, and I've not nearly seen Ms Schweizer as often as I should have!
  14. There's mess done in Billy Bang's great "Vietnam: The Aftermath" (Justin Time, rec. 2001). The timings given on the traycard (and not repeated elsewhere) are totally wrong, Sonny Fortune is said to play flute on #7 and #8 but there he is on #6...
  15. Is mikeweil's Patterson disco still around here somewhere? Best source of information for such questions!
  16. so how do Schopenhauer and exta-sensory go together?
  17. Yay! Leave me some of that cake, Marcel! Thanks everyone!
  18. Thanks, everyone! Having a quiet day, playing some Billy Bang... Love that foto, thanks kinuta!
  19. Well, I guess David's point in short is that the piano wasn't conceived as a single-note/linear instrument and has many possibilities that go beyond that... and that too many pianists following Bud's "horn-like" playing don't make use of these possibilities. Not too much fault in that observation, if you don't automatically make a value statement out of it. Oh, and I do love Parlan's playing!
  20. Nah, but he should have punched Lee in the face for that
  21. brownie, you don't happen to have the Franco Cerri and Zodiac for me?
  22. Btw, the Nat Cole Hip-O arrived yesterday - thanks again for the recommendation, it does look splendid, and there seems to be enough new music for me, after all!
  23. That's why they serve beers in plastic cups nowayday...
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