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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Looks as they're from Drevo's "Swing, Waltz, Swing" indeed. That whole album was reissued in 2008 by Rearward/Schema/Edizioni Ishtar. It's pretty nice (as is Drevo's other CB-related album, "Clap Hands Here Comes Charlie" (reissued by the same outfit earlier - my CD gives no year, but with RW105 as a catalogue nummer, it must have been among their earliest reissues, also it comes in regular a jewel case, opposed to the later cardboard boxes with booklet of jewel-case size and the most recent digipacks).
  2. Wow, wow, wow! The Schweizer/Favre set was absolutely stunning! One of the most beautiful concerts I've witnessed! Malcolm Braff's "Voltage" is - as the title suggests - plugged in. He's playing a modified/extended fender rhodes (some "pad" and an ibook on a desk next to him, but he never "played" that, I guess it was just there to steer the stuff), and Marcello Giuliani/Marc Erbetta of Erik Truffaz fame were the rhythm section. Giuliani had this huge sound, you couldn't make out notes, you saw him playing but could only feel it in your guts, and mightily so! Very cool! The band in between took me a while to get into... it's a septet with trumpet, trombone, tenor, clarinet and bass clarinet, as well as two drummers. Sort of minimalist at times, the pieces being short, mostly composed and written out (with some room for solos, the bass clarinet guy was terrific, Araxi herself, more or less the leader of the band, had a few fine spots on tenor, too). Anyway, the very special world of sound they're creating started really opening up to me about a quarter of an hour in, and it got beautiful at spots, intriguing at others (imagine some funk rhythms by the group, and some very easily and flowingly done 15/8 stuff etc, paired with beautiful voicings and quite some humour, too). Bought the "Voltage" (two gentLemen records, 2010) and Miniatur Orchester discs (the later is titled "Pro Specie Rara", Unit Records 2010). Got the most recent Schweizer/Favre disc of course, the magnificient "Ulrichsberg" on Intakt.
  3. today's haul from the used book shoppe nearby... The Complete Sidney Bechet Volumes 1/2 (1932-1941) (RCA Jazz Tribune N° 10) François Jeannea - Techniques Douces (Owl, mit Michel Graillier, JF Jenny-Clark, Aldo Romano) Hank Crawford - Midnight Ramble (Milestone) Wish I'd had the other Bechet (Vols. 3/4 and Vol. 5), too! Got to look for them!
  4. going to the Jazzfestival Schaffhausen tonight: Irene Schweizer & Pierre Favre Duo (*) Araxi Karnusian: Miniatur Orchestra Malcolm Braff Voltage (w/Patrice Moret & Marc Erbetta) *) Schweizer should have appeared with the Where's Africa Trio with Makaya Ntshoko and sax player Omri Ziegele. I just read that Ziegele has had some accident and will be unable to play for about a month... as much as I love the Schweizer/Favre duo, I'd have loved a Schweizer/Ntshoko duo even more and was very much looking forward to seing Ntshoko live finally... well, guess it was not to be this time...
  5. I guess you have all those rare John Wright LPs? Nice! Have just sped up my ol' Lenco L75 and am spinning this one for the first time: Not exactly a quiet pressing, but the music's fine!
  6. Finally got the other Bennie Wallace on Blue Note ("Twilight Time") and in addition found "Harlem Piano" by Luckey Roberts and Willie "The Lion" Smith - seems to be the original Good Time Jazz LP. What a great cover photo!
  7. Is that actually a Duvel or just the glass? I love the regular and dark Duvel but tend to not try all these fruity and otherwise flavored ones... but nothing beats Belgian beer anyway! (Well, maybe French Belzebuth... very strong one, tastes best after a couple of hours in the freezer)
  8. Happy Birthday, Chuck!
  9. Simic has been honoured for his lifetime achievements at the 50th poetry festival in Sarajevo - German article here.
  10. I've seen a great concert of the Ullmann/Swell quartet some years ago... alas there was almost no audience there that night, but the band (Barry Altschul and Hilliard Greene) was mighty fine!
  11. thinking I'm falling asleep as I type thi.... zzzz zzzz zzzzzzz zzz zz
  12. Some good stuff there, too... but nothing new (a few that I never wanted, the rest I have) Anyway, had these been around fifteen years ago when I was young and getting into jazz, I'd have been all over them! Here's hope that there are some youngsters today that are in such a situation and will enjoy these and use them as a starting point for further discoveries!
  13. um, just noticed in the listing here that there are TWO discs by Hod O'Brien: 116 O'Brien, Hod Ridin' High 155 O'Brien, Hod So That's How It Is I have the second and think it's more like ok to good than great.
  14. Don't have many... Barry Harris' "Live in New York" would be the anti-climax. The two fines ones are: Steve Kuhn - Dedication Steve Kuhn - Countdown Then there's the Hod O'Brien, which is somewhere in between, I guess.
  15. Happy Birthday, Larry! :party:
  16. Weird... amazon.de and amazon.fr differ, the German site lists an eighth track ("Satin Doll"): http://www.amazon.fr/Olympia-mars-1965-Thelonious-Monk/dp/B0000457G9 http://www.amazon.de/Live-Olympia-07-03-1965/dp/B0000457G9/ But these are the same discs (same ASIN No.) As for the LaserLights, there are three volumes as well, but no tracklistings on Amazon that I can see: Vols. 1 & 2 (March 6) http://www.amazon.fr/Thelonious-Monk-His-Quartet-Olympia/dp/B00006IJ09/ Vol. 3 (March 7): http://www.amazon.fr/Thelonious-Monk-His-Quartet-Olympia/dp/B000084HE4/ With these LaserLights being identical (from what I've seen/heard so far) with the Trema discs, I guess that Vol. 3 then would be the genuine March 7 set and it should be identical with the 7 or 8 track Vol. 3 from the links on top? The Hyena you're talking of is this one here, right? http://www.amazon.fr/Monk-Paris-Live-At-Olympia/dp/B0000CC82Z/ I recently ordered it, but am still waiting - might not come through in the end. RYM gives 1965 as year of release: http://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/thelonious_monk/monk_in_france/ Discogs gives 1961 as year of release: http://www.discogs.com/Thelonious-Monk-Monk-In-France/release/2750426 I guess both aren't to trust...
  17. Nah, great cover! And great news it's new stuff (didn't doublecheck myself yet, will do so before buying...)
  18. Happy Birthday! :party:
  19. I fell out of the mailing list... thanks for the update. Here's hope the McPhee will indeed come this year! The Konitz/Solal has a "t" too much there, btw.
  20. Yes, these are just more of the "collector's edition", it seems - there have been 30 or so of them, discussed further up in this thread... cheap if you go for the jewel case versions (5€ or some) and more expensive if you opt for the (nice, four-fold) digipacks. The Davis I'll definitely grab, and call me crazy, but I might go for the Wilen again, just for the cover! And Eric, in case you're interested: do some reading further up, most of these tend to be rather shorter than the previous issues (which coupled some albums or added some EPs etc, while these new ones stick to presenting the contents of original albums - hence the original cover art). There where were a few of the first batch that had new music, in the case of "Les tricheurs" even never before released music. All details further up in this thread!
  21. Listening to this for the first time. It really highlights Hawk's influence on the early 50s R&B saxophonists. Yes! That's a very good one! Love the long track! And as Allen says: I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk I love Hawk
  22. Nice one! Got it a few months ago, have to dig it up again!
  23. Lon, you might enjoy this one: http://www.amazon.com/Chica-Chocolate-Olivia-Ruiz/dp/B001LV5OHG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1305201492&sr=1-1 (samples here) As for being weird... I ordered the three Barry Sisters Collectables twofers last night, after having (for the fifth or sixth time in the past year) played their "Our Way (Tahka-Tahka)" three times in a row again.
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