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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. some covers: never saw any of these
  2. previous thread:
  3. It was an LP featuring Sonny Rollins - I don't remember which - and the liner notes were by Ira Gitler. Guy Sonny Rollins Plus Four I'd love to see a scan of that! Had the OJCCD but gave it away when I got the box and have missed that fun taxonomy there!
  4. Sorry, didn't want to be disrespectful... just posting from work, wasn't even sure I got his name right. But these Ember sets sure look nice! There are two 2CD sets (one of which would have easily fitted onto one CD, timings on the tray card are totally off - hope that's not just my copy but a general error there!), then the amazing Chicago 1950, and finally the Birdland 1950/51 4CD set. Some great Bird between these! And I think Bregman wrote the notes and comments. btw, brownie, it's indeed Bregman, not Bergman!
  5. They should have called it "Rick's a Dick" or something...
  6. I'm not saying that... I just want to mention that it might. Another example: the Lonehill release of the Miles Amsterdam concert runs a half step wrong, too, btw... (guess the old Celluloid did already). I don't know either if the Fat Boy/Ember or what it's called (the 4CD set pictured above) runs at correct speed, but it does seem that this guy Bregman (?) who was involved with the Ember discs, was some kind of Parker authority... (he also helped putting out the complete Chicago disc with the amazing Freeman guitar!)
  7. How do you get it? I went to that website and don't see any ordering info or prices. (They may be there but I didn't see them.) There are Paypal-buttons here: http://www.jazzedit.org/contacttb.html Haven't tried yet, though...
  8. Have that one, too! With material of this provenance I don't see why that would be a problem. This kind: - they notoriously don't care... often they don't even wait long enough (after grabbing stuff from dime) to be able to offer better quality sources that turn up after a recording is thrown into the "pond". The first form I had this material in were two Cicala LPs... dreadful quality, but it was ear-opening stuff for the teenager I was back then! Here's the cover of the second volume (the first, I think, is identical but with pink or violet instead of yellow): I also heard the live material by Miles' tuba band on such an LP... and have a Dodo Marmarosa, too.
  9. Got the Don Byas "Savoy Jam Party" 2LP set today One the cases where the CD (using the same cover) omitted several (seven, I think) tracks. Great to have this one!
  10. Can't Mosaic just do a complete Panassié set and we all be happy? @BBS: sorry then, didn't want to come across harshly!
  11. It's been a while, but I enjoyed the Uptown album with Woods! I see two albums with that title and different tracklists - can someone explain ... I'd be interested in that, too! Got the one pictured on the right (Japanese CD in my case) and it's good!
  12. Bechet is on the LP1 of that twofer (side 1 and half of side 2), these are the New Orleans Feetwarmers sessions of October 1941 (with Chazlie Shavers) and December 1943 (with Vic Dickenson). The remaining material is from the Panassié sessions (no Bechet on those). So the Bechet parts of the Panassié sessions are on the second twofer (Vol.3/4), then? Or even at the end of Vol.1/2? Got to check this out... still would love to see a complete Panassié discography (or someone just give leaders and dates and I'll look things up myself)!
  13. Again, there are only THREE volumes of 2LP sets in the Jazz Tribune series! Vol. 5 just indicates LP #5, the first and second 2LP sets are called Vol.1/2 and Vol.3/4, respectively, the third then is Vol.5/Panassié. This is the RCA LP I got: And this here's the B&W: Hm... is Bechet on all dates or isn't he? Don't have my files with me... got to check again tonight. That disc is just MP3, yes? (Not that it matters... sound restoration is a much bigger issue with such old music, if it's properly compressed/encoded to MP3, I wouldn't really assume that I could tell the difference...) http://www.jazzedit.org/Traveling-blues.html Guess I should get this while it's around...
  14. No idea, but's it's one of the many Spanish boot/grey market labels... that might be all you want to know.
  15. Wow, that's a good offer! Just recently got both this and the Ella in Japan (same sort of packaging) in disgusting local stores for rather good prizes, too, but that beats it slightly! Haven't started listening yet, but the packages look very nice!
  16. Just had a listen - the sound Oliver Nelson gets from only four horns is amazing! Johnson's solos are enthusiastic - the themes are typical for a broadway show and a little superficial, but what these guys make out of it is very good music. Yes, that's about my opinion... nice soloing, good writing, lacklustre (to put it midly) material. Will dig it out, soon, too!
  17. put in a pre-order with amazon.fr: https://www.amazon.fr/Movin-Complete-Verve-Studio-Recordings/dp/B005CAAUGM/
  18. yowsah! great spotting, thanks! just ordered it... with the euro worth sh*t in my rich scumbags' country (hey, at least Polanski didn't get arrested again!), it's really quite a deal!
  19. I seem to have totally forgotten about this thread... no pm sent to Big Beat Steve back then - but bringing it back up since I found that RCA LP myself. Looks pretty great! Does the third Bechet 2LP set contain the ENTIRE Panassié sessions? Or is there any other COMPLETE release of them? I've found the first Bechet 2LP set (and could have picked up a second copy since) in very good (vinylingo says NM- or some such, I guess), but haven't had any luck on the second and third LP sets yet... so in the meantime, the RCA LP will suit me just fine!
  20. Love Budd Johnson! Not so sure about that Terry album though, to be honest. Favorites are many... the Quincy and Gil Evans sides, the late recordings with Charlie Shavers that brownie mentioned, then there's a great Basie jam with him and Jaws (who really has to be on guard there!) The two Riversides are fine, too - I think I prefer the one with brother Keg over the trumpet galore one: There's some fine Johnson (and lots of fine music) on this twofer by Claude Hopkins, too: Then there's this fine one from Black & Blue (with great soprano!):
  21. Went on with this one... into CD4 by now - great! Blargh ... yet another set on my 'bypass' list that I now feel an insatiable urge to own. Returning for a second round... won't finish it today, I think, but I'm about to finish disc 3 now - amazing stuff! As Zan Stewart says in his notes, some other excellent, even outstanding stuff (the sessions w/Bud, the Cobblestones, some of the stuff w/Jug) notwithstanding, this group of records may be the very best chunk of Stitt's huge oeuvre! And that says me, who generally prefers Stitt on tenor...
  22. Thanks. It probably is the same performance, although INGO of course provides only the sketchiest details (operating in that manner requires, let us say, a certain amount of reticence Just trust the folks here... and the research done by all the Trane experts. There's just ONE full live version of "A Love Supreme" and it's from Antibes/Juan-les-Pins and included in pretty good sound on the 2CD reissue of "A Love Supreme" (which is an essential reissue anyway, if only for the studio outtakes!)
  23. That sounds cool, thanks! (Sorry for taking some time to reply, forgot to check back in here earlier.) And thanks Larry for the news from Jonathan. Got to put in an order for that disc somewhere, soon!
  24. Don't miss the Herman Single from Mosaic! It's from just after the Philips material in the Select and nearly as smokin'!
  25. Happy Birthday, Ronald! :party:
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