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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Ramblin' on My Mind - A Collection of Classic Train and Travel Blues (Milestone MLP-3002)
  2. The Harry Miller set on Ogun hasn't yet been mentioned. It's a notch below my favorite avantgarde box-sets, but there's still some pretty great music on it!
  3. sorry that he had to endure Grace Kelly at his 90s b-day party... r.i.p.
  4. another one bought a couple of hours ago... dirt cheap, and in pretty fine condition: Road Show - Stan Kenton and His Orchestra, June Christy, The Four Freshmen (Capitol STBO 1327)
  5. my first original Jazzland LP... not in great condition but for a rather acceptable price - and the sound is terrific! The Soulful Piano of Junior Mance (JLP 30) front cover of mine looks much worse than above, back is better, vinyl is clean enough but in silent parts there's plenty of pops and clicks... still, Ben Tucker's bass comes through wonderfully!
  6. Btw, there are a few very interesting art exhibitions going on in Basel - haven't seen them yet: http://www.kunstmuseumbasel.ch/en/home/ http://www.fondationbeyeler.ch/en/Home You'll need to take the tram to get to the second, but the first one is right in the centre (and they've got an amazing collection, parts of which are on display permanently). Not sure if that's of interest to you at all, just thought I'd mention it in case!
  7. Production is by the same gang who did the SagaJazz discs (which had some very fine releases and good presentation - but again mostly aimed at the cheapo market), and part of that gang was involved with the "Jazz in Paris" series, I think. Got the Bechet today and it looks great! The production credits are: Text & Music Selection: Fabrice Zammarchi English Translation (of Zammarchi's ca. 12 page essay): Martin Davies Illustration Research: François Lê Xuân Discography: François Lê Xuân & Fabrice Zammarchi Mastering: Studio 101 Art Direction & Design: Hervé Imbault & Pascal Béjean for Les Télécréateurs Production Coordination: Anne Carlier & Claude Chabane Geneeral Coordination: François Lê Xuân Legal Coordination: Christellee d'Almeida & François Clarou Supervision: Yann Ollivier and among the people to whom "thank yous" are given are Daniel Richard, Alain Tercinet, Daniel Nevers and the Rutgers Institute of Jazz Studies To me, it all looks splendid - and it's obscenely cheap. I've got the Ella on the way, too. Don't need the others, but hey, the Bird might be nice for daily listening, after all... so might the Satchmo and the Billie, although I'm going for the Frémeaux by Armstrong and have all of the Billie and Bird.
  8. Part of the Threadgill are brilliant but to me it wouln't quite rank as a favorite (I have higher hopes for the Mosaic, which I don't yet own)... neither does the Taylor... maybe the Dixon, but I still need lots and lots of time for that! And indeed presentation isn't all that much, alas. I like the mini-lp covers alright, but those with generic back-covers are just too bad. Faves of mine: the Lyons box from Ayler the Ayler box from Revenant the Art Ensemble Nessa box both Brözzimann boxes (the Okka and that recent 5CD set) Miles "On the Corner" (if it qualifies) Ornette Atlantic Coltrane Village Vanguard (again, if it qualifies) Andrew Hill Mosaic (the big sucker - if it qualifies) Taylor Codanza (don't have the FMP, alas) Blue Notes Ogun (has 5CDs, btw) can't yet list the Braxton Mosaic and the Carter/Bradford Select as I still need to really dig deeper into them.
  9. I heard amazon has some stock of Nessa rekkids to give away
  10. Very interesting, thanks again! I do have that Nino Rota thingie, although on LP and only listened to once several months ago when I found it... pretty nice one! Also have the Murray and the Ferguson, too... and probably should have recognized the Cootie track if I had listened to it a few times.
  11. Errors when playing them on a CD player or errors when ripping them? I guess it's as Mr. Sangrey has put it so well in some other thread: you get what you pay for...
  12. (the Definitive sets seem to be MP3 sourced!)
  13. That looks mighty good! Where did you find the listing? (sorry, didn't see the tiny post above the large one...)
  14. Monday: Miles Davis - The Complete In a Silent Way Sessions Miles Davis - The Complete In a Bitches Brew Sessions Tuesday: Miles Davis - The Complete Jack Johnson Sessions Today: Miles Davis - The Complete Fillmore Sessions 1970 (not sure I'll make it through all of them, not even sure I have each and every one, but this is glorious stuff!)
  15. If anyone ever sees a homeless Roulette Studio set, please get in touch... I'd be happy to grant asylum
  16. Not the beginning of the end, not even the end, this seems like the aftermath... Yes indeed. It's really ridiculous... even most of those new RCA/Columbia boxes (Wayne Shorter, Sam Cooke, Nina Simone etc) are being sold for ridiculous prices. On the other hand, you get the super deluxe crap, ridiculously price on the other end of the spectrum (they had several copies of the Miles BB Anniversary box for 300 - effin' gimme a break, 300! - swiss francs in a store here... and I'm sure some rich guys paying no taxes bought them).
  17. Guess we all have this, but at less than 10€ this is a steal: http://www.amazon.de/Complete-Columbia-Studio-Recordings/dp/B0041PIJOO/ Somehow I can't help feeling sad about this whole development... 30 or 40€ would already be a steal in my book - this music really is beyond any price tag!
  18. I've not heard "No Problem" for I guess 15 years... failed to connect back then, guess I ought to give it another chance. I do love "Peace" and "Broken Wing" a lot. And the Criss Cross with Warne Marsh is mighty fine. As for the trio albums, I'll hand over to Niko... he knows them much better than I do, but I do really enjoy "Strollin'", the first I've heard of Chet's trio with Philip Catherine. And "Mr. B." (recently reissued) is pretty good, too (though with Michel Graillier in Catherine's place).
  19. What errors? Will type them down as soon as I find the time ... Thanks, no rush!
  20. Sorry, can't help - never went to Basle shopping for rekkids... too bad you don't visit Zurich (not that I knew too many record stores here, either, but we could have a beer together)! rockefeller center was living in Basle last time I heard of, but the CD-buying folks won't necessarily know good stores nowadays (I do buy vinyl, occasionally, but I don't go around searching for it too hardly). from the discussion Niko linked to: this one looks good: http://www.ohrwurm-oase.ch/ should have some jazz, too - click the menu links on the left side to find a map and opening hours etc. maybe this one, too: http://www.plattfon.ch/about/ sorry Niko, didn't look close enough to see you posted those links already...
  21. belated best wishes! :party:
  22. Happy Birthday :party:
  23. Sounds excellent, thanks a lot, Volkher!
  24. king ubu

    Barney Wilen

    Very cool, thanks! "Moshi Too" (Two?) sounds just as great! Wow! Seems after the debacle with their last attempt (with the release of "Le Jardin Aux Sentiers Qui Bifurquent") the heirs might have found someone else to collaborate with... On the first link it says CD & LP, on the website it says CD & MP3... well, I guess I'll go for CD anyway, so I won't care what else they offer. (from Niko's second link above)
  25. Do you get a decent discography with it? Line-ups, dates? Any liner notes? My Bechet was only just sent out... guess it will take a week or so to arrive. And lest I forget: always a pleasure to see you around here!
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