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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Not much interest for Clarke or Duke (though I do enjoy the MPS box of Duke's). VSOP sounds like a fine idea though... Played the Shorter (sans the WR compilations) and mostly enjoyed it, though honestly I don't yet quite know what to make of the 80s music. The big surprise was "Native Dancer" - very beautiful album!
  2. George Coleman was one of the first of the "old" guys I saw live... when he was on tour with Ahmad Jamal (there's an official release from Paris). They played a long (85min) festival set, Jamal opening in trio (with James Cammack and a fiery Idris Muhammad) and after half an hour, Coleman joined. I got in for free (or rather: for handing out some flyers at the end) and was standing at the side, but right front, a few metres next to Coleman, watching him play... very fond memories there! Never managed to catch him again afterwards, not even sure he ever made it to a nearby place. Anyway, that Zurich concert was broadcast in its entirety and I revisited it many times!
  3. It's indeed those "fulfilled by Amazon" it seems, that won't be shipped outside of the US. I still don't get it... I mean I can order from Amazon and from Newbury Comics on their own... I guess that's why minus and minus equals plus or some such...
  4. I thought Miles was the policeman and Sting interjected a bit of 'cod French' into the intro? Sorry, but I really don't give a **** about that This would likely be about the first Miles album I'd trash... (Doo-Wop can go along with it... never got "Dingo" yet, maybe the one official MD release I don't have, except for a few Japanese ones)
  5. Mine's okay, too - just searched and checked.
  6. There's a "private recording" of a New Year's eve gig tha Princes did, & Miles sits in...Prince kids him by saying "Aren't you up past your bedtime, Miles?" Miles brought nothing particularly profound to the ocasion, but Prince uses the entire evening to play a bunch of "party band" staples about as well as they've ever been played by damn near anybody. The tape is worth it for that. That's what I'm talking of! It's pretty good indeed - and I'd enjoy to hear some more of it, maybe even with better Miles... his solo fits in well into that party groove, but that's about it.
  7. You wouldn't want more, would you? No way! Just wondered if I missed something else... I'd be happy about more than that one Miles solo with Prince, though!
  8. So Sting's the policeman on the MD album with the most ridiculous of all covers, then? That's all?
  9. Yes, that "Flamingo" MP3 is pretty lame! I've got "Stan Getz & the Cool Sounds" on CD so it's not a biggie, but still...
  10. Well, what difference does it make? They certainly know now!!! Ah well - the recent gaffe in the Universal France Ella box was fixed within days... doesn't make much of a difference, it's just a bit weird since the box has been out quite a while. That's all I wanted to say.
  11. Miles & Kenny G. - though that might still happen.
  12. Okay - that makes me think they didn't yet know about the mistake!?
  13. seems correct: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:9631o20UkEwJ:www.jazzinmarciac.com/hiver-soiree-terell-stafford-chs0708-144.html+Charlie+Parker+Legacy+Band+Marciac+2008&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ch&client=opera non-cached link: http://www.jazzinmarciac.com/hiver-soiree-terell-stafford-chs0708-144.html
  14. Chris who? Who cares! I'm quite with Chuck here... furthermore, Miles had so darn many great jazzers in his non-fictional bands, that's enough for me!
  15. Yeah! Mobley is somewhat more exciting on the Carnegie Hall recording, to my ears! But at that point of the quintet's story, he fit in nicely I'd say. Not sure if Miles knew himself where he wanted to go at that point. He sounds poised on the live recordings with Stitt, but some of that was lost again by the time Mobley joined - that's how I seem to hear it at least.
  16. My Murray is faulty, too - crap! Just sent a mail. Has anyone received replacements yet? Are they okay?
  17. you used up your picture allowance
  18. just finished the wonderful "Native Dancer" (had never heard it before!) and now started "Atlantis"... rather a shock, soundwise... but I guess I'll stick with it and spin the rest (skipping the WR compilation discs)
  19. Not sure this is the right thread, but... I've been pissed by newbury comics lately, quite some. Isn't it official amazon policy that marketplace vendors aren't to make any profit from shipping fees and stuff? Anyway, newbury offers many discs twice, once for US only and at good prices, and then in a second listing for international customers, with a price that's some 20$ higher! I know, that's NOT making profit of shipping fees really, but still... sucks bigtime. Example? http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B000000YI5/ref=dp_olp_all_mbc?ie=UTF8&storeAttribute=m&qid=1327156554&sr=1-3&submit.see-all-buying-options=see-all-buying-options&condition=all wtf!? Got to add that I was a regular customer and always more than satisfied before they went US-shipping-only... and now I'm just pissed by them.
  20. Can't they shut down Disney for not releasing the Jack Johnson film?
  21. You got to get "At Last" or some best of with old sides on it then, at least!
  22. LA Times obit: http://www.latimes.com/news/obituaries/la-me-etta-james-20120121,0,1608543.story r.i.p. Will spin some of her tunes later on... sad, but not unexpected after the recent news on her health.
  23. Yeah! No reason not to get them, plenty of reasons to get them!
  24. r.i.p. Johnny Otis Got to spin that fine Pres date again with him on the drums!
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