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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Great news, Jim - congrats!
  2. :-) I was translating peche as fish!! No wonder I couldn't figure out what song it was. what's that fishy smell?
  3. There's a Miles, too ... and a great one by Doris Day And Johnny Cash (another well-picked one, it has his few first Columbia albums in their entirety, I think).
  4. Thanks a lot for posting those pieces, Larry! And thanks everyone for the most enlightening discussion here - I've tried to voice my problems with Wynton, but never as successfully as is being done here.
  5. Sad news indeed. r.i.p. Judging from what little I've heard ("Song For", "Dark Day" and half a dozen ROIOs) he was a fine musician!
  6. Still need the trio from Fledg'ling, too - have never so far heard McGregor in a setting smaller than the Blue Notes ... somehow I'd never think of him as a trio or solo pianist, but I'll eventually find out
  7. Quite wish I had been around to grab the Heifetz! Must be an amzing one (though I absolutely love his earlier EMI recordings on the ICON - I assume they're not included?). Don't think I need the Bernstein, and I guess my about two dozen Horowitz disc are just about enough ... but I'm with you on Gould and Rubinstein, and - later on I hope - Toscanini (I just got a corrected disc one today ... guess I'm ready to get started with it now).
  8. Wynton is ... what the f*ck do I care where he is anyway?
  9. "Miles Ahead" - the whole enchilada, discs 1, 4, 5 and 6 - still in love with this music, after all the years!
  10. r.i.p. that Arvanitas trio was a fine unit!
  11. Am I? You tell me!
  12. That was exactly what I thought - thanks for confirming. Very, very sad.
  13. from: http://londonjazz.blogspot.com/2012/10/rip-john-tchicai-1936-2012.html The source for that news is this here: John Tchicai er syg Posted on juli 6th, 2012 by jazzblog.dk from: http://www.jazzblog.dk/john-tchicai-er-syg.html Google translate of the relevant update from today: or the entire thing, written by Pierre Dorge: So either Google Translate or London Jazz Blog is wrong (some speaks any Danish? Chris, are you around?) - either way, this is very unfortunate and extremely sad news. I didn't know about his fall and subsequent brain hemorrhage.
  14. There is an obsession with old recordings on this board? I did not really notice it. The way I see it, people like what they like because they like it - not because the recordings are old. There seems to be a pretty healthy level of curiosity for newer recordings. And since we are at lashing out about hating the obsessions - I actually hate the obsession of living musicians with recording the old repertoire. What's the point exactly? Is there much new word to be said in Mozart or Beethoven? Yep, I tried to say that last night in the other thread ... To me, listening to classical music for four months now, these boxes are great on several accounts (and hey, most of the boxes I have contain 6-10 discs, so they're not that massive! Sure, I got the Rubinstein, Ciccolini, Menuhin, François, the Ross/Scarlatti, the Gould/Bach, also the Callas and Toscanini boxes, both of which I've not started digging into yet) ... anyway, I enjoy several aspects about them, one is that lots of repertoire is going to turn up again and again (like the violin concerti by Beethoven, Brahms, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Mozart's fourth and fifth) and I get a chance to familiarize myself with various realizations of these, which I enjoy very much. Then there's the other aspect that you get, along the way, stuff you might have never bothered to find out about ... like, Chabrier? I love the Chabrier parts of the Marcelle Meyer box a whole lot! Or that british stuff that Bev so often recommends, Elgar, Delius, whomever ... don't ask me why but I'd not have gone there, still probably wouldn't go looking for any Elgar disc (the day might come, but it's definitely not here). And yes, you do get things that you wouldn't need - like, Horowitz' Beethoven I could absolutely do without, same with Meyers Mozart, and I'm sure I'll find some of this in the Ciccolini, Menuhin and François boxes as I make my way through them, too ... and I might have found some of that in the various ICON boxes as well, but if, say, Milstein has to play some concerto with a not quite up to par conductor, it's still an interesting thing to hear how Milstein copes with that and tries to still get closer to the work in question. As there is no "right" way to play any piece - hey, it's ink on paper, it's an idea, an abstract thought - I'm very much in favour or comparing various recordings, listening to them in a row or over a period of a few days, sort of circling in that "idea" ... I guess next step will be to read along while listening, or maybe even read in advance (for which I have no time now, reading along I did very few times and found it to be most fascinating ... to see the, how to call it, graphical side, the abstraction, and then hear one particular realization at the same time). Plus, very blandly put, as a newbie with (massive) collector leanings, these boxes are a convenient way to find stuff. For instance, I'd love to get a box of Ginette Neveu's - I've paid probably double to triple the sum to get a few discs (some used ones that you hardly find anymore) than if I could have gotten an ICON or whatever box. I enjoy the way these boxes present a snapshot of an artist - though obviously it's a choice in many cases (except with the massive complete boxes) and may or may not be a particularly valid one.
  15. Oh shit no! He was wonderful when I had the chance to meet him ... he sat in our kitchen, we drank coffee, ate sweets and had a lengthy chat. Very sad news.
  16. They may have lacked focus when they recorded "Up Popped the Two Lips", as the band was brand new and - so I read somewhere, this coming from Mr. Threadgill - not quite ready yet to record. But whoever thinks the new one lacks focus ... must be out of focus, really! To me, it's quite clearly the strongest effort of Zooid yet - the point, where everything really does come together!
  17. These new ones look good! But I've not even got any of the first batch yet ... thanks for sharing the news!
  18. recommended! Thank you Д.Д. & Flurin. Order placed. You'll get loads of great Chopin there! And plenty of other stuff ... I've not explored it fully yet, but far enough to say it's a great box! The Liszt is very weird, but fascinating. It's as if he's playing it against will, or against the compositions - as if he didn't want to play it (which I guess makes perfect sense with Liszt, doesn't it?)
  19. (but then who cares for Doha - or Dubai or whatever - except for the global elite running the world?)
  20. r.i.p. I love those "mediterranean" productions he co-produced for SWR and Enja!
  21. Good album!
  22. WHOAH! This one's GOOD! Easily the best I've heard so far of Chico's!
  23. Playing the Giuseppi Logan Project LP for the first time - quality presentation, very nice vinyl sound ... but the music, or rather the sax playing - I'm not sure what to make of it. Obviously there'll be the usual eulogies, and I'm sure Mr. Logan deserves all that he can get, but still, his playing is irritating, sounds very insecure in many spots, his intontation is - well, let's say idiosyncratic and leave it there. I will certainly give the album more spins in the weeks to come.
  24. not sure where else I could post this ... but here's an interview with Seth Rosner: http://gethappymag.de/en/pi-interview german translation available, too: http://gethappymag.de/pi-interview it was conducted in relation to a multi-page special on Pi Recordings (disclaimer: yours truly was involved amongst others) that can be found in the third issue of the independent german music magazine get happy!? - haven't seen it yet, but it also contains what I assume is the first lengthy story in german on Bobby Wellins (by yours truly, you guessed it) and should be another nice presentation. sorry for the plugs ... but the guys are doing a fine job and are struggling to survive! next up will be a review by yours truly on the album in question in this thread - I've been listening to it on and off for several weeks now, and it's absolutely great - still don't have the Mosaic box, but currently this ties up with the About Time albums as my favorite Threadgill!
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