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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Levon Helm Helmut Kohl Holden Caulfield
  2. Paul Bley Mike Mantler Steve Swallow
  3. the Booze miners the twelve Apostles the Latter Day Sainths
  4. Mother Theresa Holy Father second mother's seventh son
  5. St. Francis of Assisi Sisi Totó
  6. this thread is smug... but I've been recently called smug, so I might not have a grasp of its subject ...
  7. Bo Derek Bai Ling Danny Boyle
  8. king ubu

    Herbie Hancock

    that's a fun one!
  9. Another one coming up, no details yet: http://www.amazon.de/Archiv-Produktion-1947-2013-Ltd-ed-Harnoncourt/dp/B00BCSBU4E/
  10. Details on the EMI box (doesn't look that enticing to me): http://www.amazon.fr/EMI-Eminence-Collection-Various/dp/B00APPSH9G/
  11. Not many details given in the box: disc four info, page 78 of the box/book: it's a splendid set, btw, I enjoy having it a lot, even though I've already had most of the music in other editions!
  12. well, there seems to be that other po' fella who was gulped in his sleep never to be burped out again ... guess golf playin' folk just ain't down to earth 'nuff
  13. sorry, my smartphone didn't show me the latest post, it seems (or rather, I don't know where to see if I'm viewing the latest page). so, next one: Carlo Azeglio Ciampi Gigi Campi Beniamino Gigli
  14. Ronnie Wood Woody Herman Hermione
  15. I see your point and can endorse it for sure! It's just that with Coltrane Reference, the chronology half (documenting gigs etc) was much more intriguing to me than the actual discography half of the book. But of course I could learn some from that part, too ... some of the releases are messy (the notorius Fantasy box is the worst), and some of the chopped up late session were interesting to read up, too. The bad thing is just that any printed discography will be outdated as soon as it's fixed on paper ... I guess it would be cool to put the entire discography online somewhere. If they don't want to give it away for free, put a coupon into the book or something like that ... But regardless, it's a huge achievment (and I will buy a second edition, too, call me crazy! I went for the first a year or so ago, when the paperback was still unsure). So you're doing a Tjader book? A discography? Anyway, that's cool! And if the Gryce book really comes out again, I won't miss it this time!
  16. into disc three now - some magnificient stuff here!
  17. It's a great book! And while I'd love it to update automatically, I don't really care much about updates with regard to new European bootlegs of live concerts - to me, it's more interesting to follow Trane nearly day-by-day. The chronology hence is the much more interesting half of the book to me (I have probably 98% of the recorded music anyway and know on which disc to find what ... call me an ignorant, but I've always been more into having all session info there, rather than knowing that track number seventeen was on this and that various artists compilation, too ... on the other hand, it can be very helpful to actually hunt down some particular track, but then that's not an issue with Coltrane, it's almost all there anway!)
  18. Have you tried "Coltrane Reference" and the updates on David Wild's site? Here's the 1960 additions with some info/updates on March 28: http://www.wildmusic-jazz.com/jcr_1960.htm And here's 1961 with additions/updates on the Africa/Brass session: http://www.wildmusic-jazz.com/jcr_1961.htm
  19. Miles Davis - The Complete Lost Quintet Recordings Still there ... before played the second set from Stockholm (just put together a disc without "This", not that it would really matter ...), and now Rotterdam. Amazing stuff!
  20. I enjoy that one pretty much, too! It was reissued on CD by Sony France (I think) fairly recently. Around the time they did those Dave Bailey and Charlie Rouse Epic reissues, too, I think.
  21. Ronnie Scott's, London, 1969-11-02 love that stuff! Salle Pleyel, Paris, 1969-11-03 This stuff is better than what Sony chose for the (great to have and very, very good) set.
  22. Ronnie Scott's, London, 1969-11-02 love that stuff!
  23. Winnie the Pooh Grand Poobah Anna Livy Plurabelle (oops, Paul beat me, sorry)
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