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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Peter Gunn Sam Spade Philippe Marlowe
  2. The perversity of the holding corporation called America ... don't you love it?
  3. No idea how to get there with a Mac ... but be aware that the DVD has lossy audio (all DVDs have). Prob. 192 kbs or something. With Windows, I've got some software which creates an MPG from the DVD and that then can be opened in audio progammes and saved again as audio-files (WAV) ... has to be tracked manually then. I did that with the DVD in the big Bitches Brew box, but quite frankly I'm not even sure I ever once listened to the CDR I burned in the end. It's a hassle anyways.
  4. I guess it's time for this perennial favourite once more:
  5. The Supreme Being Bai Ling People's Liberation Army
  6. The Tremble Kids The Mama and the Papas Adam & Eve
  7. Got the first LP with some delay ... guess I might go for #2, too, if the price is right! Enjoy the first one a lot!
  8. Terry Shannon Gerald Cannon John Wolf Brennan
  9. Ronnie Ball Eddie Bert Ted Brown
  10. Oh, sorry, we're not supposed to even think political here
  11. Well, you're a new member to the church anyway
  12. Jørgen Leth Lars von Trier Satan
  13. Just checked mine (Verve Originals, 2008, seems to be a US copy as it has all the FBI crap printed all over) - the noise instability goes on for quite a bit longer, 20 or so seconds. No need to get a new copy, Guy! But too bad they couldn't fix it. However, as Big Beat Steve says, it's really hard to tell if it's a reed (too much saliva) issue or an audio issue - but brownie's post and my ears suggest it's indeed the later!
  14. Eddie McFadden Thornel Schwartz Quentin Warren
  15. ... but, he asks, stepping awkwardly onto foreign grounds, where's "Natural Essence"? and then he's gone again ...
  16. Hm, to be honest I find "On Broadway" one of the weakest of the many Prestige releases from those years ... as I have it and "Today and Now", I will certainly not downgrade by going Fresh Sound anyway.
  17. Harold Lloyd Charlie Chaplin Buster Keaton
  18. previous thread (discussing not necessarily the Mosaic LP version):
  19. Happy Birthday, Claude!
  20. Ol' Blue Eyes The Mob JFK
  21. Rosa Parks Pat Flowers Richard Roundtree
  22. I've not ordered it yet, but plan to do so soon!
  23. Oh, I love the spaghetti harvest one! Those were the days when lots of Italian "workers" came to Switzerland as so-called "saisonniers", meaning they were allowed in for eight or nine months per year (and not allowed to bring family with them). Once the Swiss realized that most of these Italians were even squarer in many respects than they themselves, that started - very slowly - to change ... when I was a kid, Italians were still called "tschingge" (derived from cinque which seems to be some exclamation made in some game?) ... but then the mess in Yugoslavia started, Tamilian fugitives came here in big numbers and most Italians had actually long since became part of society anyway, so ... but yeah, the spaghetti ... I grew up on pasta (not potatoes, which would be - or would have been - more regular) and always loved Italian food. You can get good Italian food all over Zurich (and I guess in most other places in Switzerland, too, even though by now the folks in the kitchen might be Turks or Tamilians or Vietnamese).
  24. Happy Birthday!
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