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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. speaking of which ... since they did/do tread avant territory a bit more often: a Fontana set would be da shiznits!
  2. Great news! And no, to my knowledge, no Boston material was part of the "usual" boots!
  3. Sheesh! Some yurpeen dailys have a weekly selection of NYTimes articles (in english,of course) added ... and that totally clueless article made the cut - I can't quite believe that! And --- ouch, Larry, that video hurts the eyes and ears! Some of you may remember I once accused Don Byron of lack of clarinet technique, but by comparison he's a grand master in any respect. This is extremely awkward - and yes, most corny, too.
  4. I'll be in in the next few days, Jim!
  5. Mats Gustafsson Ken Vandermark Illinois Jacquet (edited for typo)
  6. I know ... is there no Naxos edition?
  7. It's all in the EMI ICON by Fournier - very well worth buying, in my opinion! Contents are listed here: http://emi-icons.com/5099962953924.php
  8. Stumbled upon this post and also read your personal introduction on Mike's Prospero site and was wondering what you like about Francescatti's interpretation. I often find his tone uneven (Menuhin has the same problem as far as I'm concerned), and he throws in a lot of vibrato now and then. On the other hand Casadesus is wonderful, a great pianist. The Grumiaux/Haskil set is a golden standard for me, despite the not very good, hard sound. A great "older-style" interpretation of Beethoven's cello sonatas is the Fournier/Kempff set - in my opinion, of course I still find it very hard to talk sense as far as violinists go ... I've got no issues with tone or intonation of Menuhin or Francescatti. In fact I'd wish more of Francescatti's recordings were available! I've got both Music & Arts set (the 3CD compiling some Columbia studio recordings, mostly sonatas, and the 4CD set of live recordings of concertos), and I got the Masterworks 2CD set with some more concertos and I just love his overall feel, his touch, his way of approaching things in what to me seems to be a clean cut manner - "aufgeräumt", never pretentious, yet still rather "French" in feeling and tone. Fournier/Kempff was not on my radar, but Fournier/Gulda has been in my shopping cart for months. Guess I'll go for both, eventually ... but then I might try and find some HIP version of those sonatas, too, who knows
  9. What group of records would you suggest, if I may ask?
  10. the dumbing down dumbs itself down in the meantime ... (edited for dumb typos)
  11. was ist das? that's Buddenbrooks, right?
  12. I sure try not to, but Sir Paul is a rather difficult case ... time to dig out the Beatles mono box, I guess
  13. Well, it that helps my karma: I'm not taking Charlie for granted, ever!
  14. okay, I admit I may be prejudiced, but still ...
  15. Re: Dauner - would you know how this reissue compares to the L+R CD reissue?
  16. The non-Columbia Brunswicks seem to be repackaged again, too ... probably missing the thick booklet the GRP "Early Ellington" set had? http://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B00C86KLIU/
  17. 43€ at amazon.de (which gives a release date of April 13 and says it will ship in 2-3 weeks!?)
  18. Hard to believe ... the Macca superflop band ... or did he just make that up? The others are all dead and can't tell him off ...
  19. (Yes, the Commodore and Decca material is Universal now, too ... but I assume Lon meant another box with the alternates, rehearsals and live dates.) Now, I was not aware of this one here, same series: http://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B00B9YDT68/
  20. The only one I found is the Dizzy Reece ... where do the others hide?
  21. belated best wishes!
  22. Nonaah, Sound, Snurdy but then I've still got plenty of gaps ...
  23. Wagner - The Great Operas of all the jubilee boxes, this one looks most interesting to me (though the DG includes all librettos - German versions only, as far as I understand) ... and amazon.it is offering it for a mere 32 euros right now: http://www.amazon.it/Great-Operas-Various-Artists/dp/B008YKRRJU/
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