Yeah, tell me 'bout it!
It was done via email, so it wasn't any kind of real dialogue, which would of course have been much more fun, but that would rely on me being able to join Chuck for a glass or whatever and really get into business. I did that a few times, but I'm afraid I'm not that good at it ... and I wouldn't really want to try and so such a thing via any means of "modern" communication, too.
Anyway, this is all very low-profile, but I really did enjoy helping Chuck getting some exposure since I have a huge admiration for what he did and is still doing. The printed edition was considerably shorter, alas, but it was part of a large special on music in Chicago, also including a few more bits on jazz. And amazingly enough, three AEC albums made the top fifteen voted amongst the editors and authors of the magazine: "Les Stances à Sophie" even ended up on #5, Roscoe's "Sound" followed on #11 and "Song For" made #15 (and yours truly was asked to write short reviews on them ... but they're in German, so of little use here, I'm afraid).