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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Very good read, Clifford! I really ought to check out somre more recent Shipp ... I've got much of his Hat output but that's just about it. Some catching up to do!
  2. Anthony Braxton / Taylor Ho Bynum / Gerry Hemingway - Willisau, 1 September 2013 couple o'bad snapshots:
  3. Thanks AH for your further explanation. I can see your point, but - similar to Bigshot - I can't quite see what boxes you're considering the "bad" ones. If HHeifetz and Arrau and Fournier and Richter and Milstein and Rabin and Gould and Schnabel and whomever have recorded mostly bad stuff, I could easily agree with you, but as to my ears they mostly recorded very good to great stuff (with a dud in between sure), and as you were making the point of comparing (which I really enjoy doing), I still don't quite understand what you're talking of. In youw world, there must be many boxes I'm not familiar with. I mean, okay, it will take me a while to make my way through the Rubinstein box and what I've heard of his Beethoven sonatas isn't really great - but as I adore Rubinstein and thoroughly enjoy lots of what I've heard of him so far, it's definitely interesting at least to also hear his approach to Beethoven sonatas, no matter if they're great or bad (I'd say they're not bad, but nowhere close to those I really, really enjoy: Schnabel, Kempff, Solomon, Gould, Gulda ...). Similarly, it will take me ages to get through the Furtwängler box and through plenty of others, but really, I don't know what all these bad boxes are supposed to be. There are however boxes I'm not in the market for, which include those Mercury boxes, as well as the recently announced Erato, Teldec and Das alte Werk boxes .... but not knowing much of what they contain, I just say: they're not of interest to me, the names and pieces included don't pull me in (while I did go for the Baroque box by DG, which again may contain some duds, though honestly I've not heard any "bad" recordings in there so far). There are others, performer based ones, I'm not interested in either - but I'd not call them "bad" just because I'm for instance so far not a big fan of Karajan's (and I can't see that change). Anyway, there's just too many angles in it all for me to make such simplistic statements as "most boxes are bad because they contain mostly bad stuff". I'd really be interested in you listing a few of those bad ones, just so I can get a closer idea.
  4. If you like piano (and piano trios), the Pieranunzi might be to your likings, too!
  5. I can of course see both sides, too ... and other sides and many in-betweens - it was mainly the univocally put opinion in post #10 that prompet my reaction. That's where my "no easy way out" was pointed at. Now surely not all boxes are of value to all listeners ... some don't like boxes because they lose track of single albums/pieces "lost" or "hidden" in there (and I can relate to that part as far as my jazz listening goes - there are many Mosaics I don't take out of the shelves nearly as often as I should), others might just not be interested in this or that artist (like, I don't feel I need the Reiner box, nor do I need the Van Cliburn box - but again that may change and I may regret having bought some stuff in the future, who knows), and of course you get parts you won't listen to at all, or maybe once only. But then again I really like exposing myself ot unknown stuff, music I might just not have encountered otherwise (or I might have encountered it in some years, who knows). I don't like having too many plans - sure, I make them, but I keep changing them, tumbling them, throwing them out, replacing them by the next one, knowing that won't hold for long ...
  6. Also the Williau concert that did took place, ten or so years ago, released on Intakt. Too bad the repeat is not going to happen. I wish Cecil all the very best, but what I read did sound pretty darn worrying!
  7. Don't think so ... browsing through it (it's a splendidly done set, but holds no real discography, all info is spread on the back sides of the thick cardboard-pages holding the discs) it doesn't seem to contain anything unissued. But it has all the tracks from "Just Walkin'", the overdub versions of the Half Note tracks that appeared on "Willow Weep for Me", the actual versions that appeared on a double LP called "The Verve Small Group Recordings" plus one cut each that first appeared in Japan (on "The Complete Smokin' at the Half Note Vol. 2") and one from the 2CD set "Impressions: The Verve Jazz Sides". I mainly bought this to get "Further Adventures", but I also never had "Tequila" and "California Dreaming" before ... and I love these Hip-O-boxes, they're very nicely done. But I guess if you have the music already, you don't really need it.
  8. Paul, I guess I should have quoted AH's post, sorry. It was the tone of his, not of your post, that bugged me into answering. Sorry 'bout that!
  9. Not sure, but yeah ... maybe. If you want accessible (comparatively, that is) Taylor, look for "Love for Sale" or "Jazz Advance" or "The World of Cecil Taylor" and go from there. I was lucky to catch him in duo with Tony Oxley a few years back, but I'd have absolutely loved to see him again! Willisau is still pretty much okay as a festival, I think ... but the main thing is people like Taylor or Ornette are much too expensive for those festivals where their music would actually fit in (there are two of these in Zurich alone) - and I'm not complaining, these giants are entitled to do whatever they wish.
  10. I guess it went under in the "what live music" thread ... but for the reason of very bad arthritis, Taylor had to cancel both his concerts in Sant'Anna Arresi and in Willisau -- they got Braxton in Willisau and as I've bought a ticket in advance, I'll probably go ... but damn this is very, very sad news.
  11. Um, okay, so you always know in advance which are the best albums and hence can restrict your buying to just those? But then you're saying it's worth comparing various recordings, too ... and that's one thing which these make rather easy - say my boxes of Heifetz, Rabin, Milstein ... and no, they're definitely not mostly crap either. Furthermore, there are people who are only getting into classical (I was one of them, a bit more than a year ago) and boxes allow for several things like - comparing various versions of a piece - following one artist through various composers works - discovering stuff you might never have run into looking for THE one great album Now sure some boxes are better than others (all animals are equal, ya know?), some performers less steady than others, some interpretations more you cup of tea than others ... Anyway, I'm just not a fan of such absolutist opinions (and the according language). There are boxes I don't need and others I love or am looking forward to getting a lot - obviously it helps if you're starting from scratch and have little or no duplication. Though what I like most, in fact, is being able to compare stuff ... at the same time by work but also being able to follow one artist and his or her look at various composers and pieces. No easy way out. (edited for typo, though there might be more of 'em)
  12. well, I had my shit 'n' piss this morning, but not vomitted for a while ... am I still allowed to post here?
  13. Ugliest thread of these days.
  14. Yep, says Golson there ... that's the other one, I assume, that was also in the JiP series? Very good one! This one here: Other cover: There's one more by the band with Golson from Paris, 2CD edition: I'm a fan of that Morgan/Golson/Timmons band, maybe even more so than of the Morgan/Shorter/Timmons one ... there's also Morgan/Mobley/Timmons on one Blue Note double, love that one a lot, too! The Morgan/Shorter/Timmons did plenty of live recording in Paris in 1961, look for this 2CD set: There's a second one but I can't seem to find a cover (the above is the "second concert" as the cover states, the "first concert" is - or was - around, too)
  15. Damn! Cecil Taylor at Willisau, to take place Sunday, just got cancelled .... bad artritis, in medical treatment etc. They got Braxton (with Hemingway and Taylor Ho Bynum) as replacement ... but damn I'm so pissed and sad about this right now I'm just about to tear up my ticket rather than go there. Damn, damn!
  16. Belated best wishes!
  17. Did you get the Freshsound or the cheaper other one?
  18. As usual, they're great ... and will be putting in my coupon code before charging my card
  19. Oh, Gulda! Intriguing!
  20. from my (old) Bruyninckx source: ___________________ -Out of this world- : Pepper Adams Quintet : Donald Byrd (tp) Pepper Adams (bar) Herbie Hancock (p) Layman Jackson (b) Jimmy Cobb (d) Teddy Charles (vib-1) New York, 1961 Curro's Warwick LP2041, (Jap)RJ7179 Day dreams - , - Bird house - , - Out of this world - , - 61WA70 Mr. Lucky theme - , - 61WA71 It's a beautiful evening (1) - , - Curro's (alt take) T.C.B. 1006 Note : Warwick LP2041 = T.C.B. Records TCB1002 entitled "Takin' care of business" and issued wrongly as by "Donald Byrd/Herbie Hancock" = Fresh Sound (Sp)FSR638 = (Sp)FSRCD137 that contains the complete extended versions of the Warwick LP2041. -Out of this world Vol 2- : same pers. New York, 1961 Curro's Fresh Sound (Sp)FRS347 Day dreams - Bird house - Out of this world - Mr. Lucky theme - I'm an old cowhand - Note : The first 5 titles are apparently alternate takes. Although the review doesn't mention this specifically it states that on Volume 2 Herbie Hancock gets more playing time. ___________________ No idea what "review" is meant. And no idea if any of this makes sense/is accurate.
  21. new link - just ordered the book: http://www.commpound.com/apprenticehouse/2012/03/21/music-at-the-crossroads/ and a lengthy article on the book: http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2010-08-07/entertainment/bs-ae-jazz-loyola-20100807_1_baltimore-jazz-apprentice-house-loyola-students
  22. Got some Debussy by Michelangeli in his DG box (the Préludes) ... don't get all the fuss about him, I'm afraid. Those are from 1988 ... but then the fans keep saying he was perfect from day one and there isn't that much change between his interpretations and stuff, or so they say ...anyway, not for me, I think. Also got Crossley and Entremont as part of a big Debussy box (the Sony one), but then I got that one mainly for other recordings included.
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