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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Well, maybe there's some second generation or safety thing or whatever ... original tapes are lost all too often anyway, it seems.
  2. with beats or without?
  3. http://www.villagevoice.com/2013-09-04/news/wbai-death-by-democracy?utm_source=Newsletters&utm_medium=email
  4. You'se old, Sir! But at least not getting mo' older!
  5. I've been wondering if the Fresh Sound one is as nicely done as their Nocturne box ... but the price it goes for is usually nearly twice as much. Couldn't make up my mind and don't have the music at all as a result Guess I got to change that! Get the Fresh Sound set. The sessions are not broken up and there is one extra take. I got the cheap one first and gave it to a friend. Okay, thanks! Will look for it! I really don't like those Domino (or whatever the label's then current incarnation was called) sets. The one I do enjoy having is the Q live box, but then again that pirates a TCB and a Warner Bros. disc (no biggie on the later, I guess, they pirate us, too ... but if small enterprises like Uptown or TCB get pirated, it really pisses me off).
  6. Sounds kinda like Bud jumping in as a sub for George Wallington? Definitely interested in this!
  7. Pre-ordered (from amazon.de, cheaper for me than amazon.co.uk ... but I'll keep an eye open for it to turn up on amazon.it and amazon.fr, pre-order prices tend to vary a bit). Not sure it's pointless, after all I'm not sure why albums originally produced in mono (with a stereo-mix often created with far less caution, since it was for a smaller market and dubbed less important - at least that's my understanding, up to sometime in the sixties) are usually presented in stereo mixes when they're being reissued on CD. Anyway, since this is in a cheaper price league than the Dylan Mono box (which I got as well, but I had to pay the custom n***s and it sucked!), I'm in for this.
  8. Furtwängler, Bayreuth 1951 is amazing
  9. Happy Birthday, Bob!
  10. Got mine today - looks nice, though the booklets don't seem to be that much of a deal (tracklists + synopsis of the respective works - for the librettos, there's a CD-rom with PDFs included) This will take years to digest, but then it's the kind of investment that I consider for lifetime. Btw, it's only out via UK so far it seems, and compared to pre-order prices I've seen, that's still the very best offer there (amazon.co.uk that is).
  11. friggin' Fricsay's frigidly freckled fickleness!
  12. only had one of them, gave it away without even bothering to compare ...
  13. Not sure if this re-packed one has been mentioned already: Guess it'll contain the same music as the old version, no clue if the very good booklet will be included or not. http://www.amazon.it/Complete-B-H-Verve-Holiday-Billie/dp/B00CN7YTV4/
  14. Just in case there are also two separate rather recent Japanese reissues of the albums - agreed on Sangrey's summary, enjoyable stuff!
  15. The McCoy is mighty good! I knew much of it beforehand and knew so much of the Mulligan (all but the Annie Ross and the unissued material) that I still haven't really explored that one ... but it is nice to have all those fifties Pacific sessions pulled together in one place.
  16. I've been wondering if the Fresh Sound one is as nicely done as their Nocturne box ... but the price it goes for is usually nearly twice as much. Couldn't make up my mind and don't have the music at all as a result Guess I got to change that!
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. http://www.audiophileimports.com/shop/product.php?productid=22580&cat=280&page=1 http://www.audiophileimports.com/shop/product.php?productid=22581&cat=280&page=2 not sure if this helps ...
  19. No worries, if you want to hear it, it's all there in your interivew! I'm far from the biggest Shipp fan around, but exactly because he comes across like this, I did enjoy the read so much! I'm firmly in that camp, too!
  20. As far as I know Fresh Sound was an RCA licensee at one time, and those releases were (are?) legit. No idea what the current situation in Spain is, with Sony now owning RCA. Okay, good - so Pujol did get some tapes there
  21. To my best knowledge, Avid do their own LP tranfers, yes - and I guess sticking to LP contents is a rather logical consequence of that (sure, they could have hounded for the three ten-inchers as well, but then the 2CD set wold need to be called what? "2 LPs and 3 not-quite-but-still-LPs on 2CDs?" ). I'd really wish for some good Tony Scott packages of all that material. There's not much more than a few Fresh Sound reissues (and those RCA thingies also from Spain and marketed by Fresh Sound/Blue Moon .... never quite understood if those are more legitimate than Fresh Sound or what).
  22. Yeah, well, if Joerg's a good promoter/supporter (and not just a smart business person), he should try and place such stories, maybe, rather than hitting the face of the youngster (and damn, I said it in 2001 and I still say it, she's a darn fine drummer) that does get a story. I found Tsahar's reply mostly very moderately and sensibly worded, I was kinda expecting a shitstorm but not there (and I don't like Tsahar's music much better than Ware's so that's nothing to do with my perception here).
  23. Thanks! Never cared much about Ware, so was totally unaware of these on-goings ... some nasty stuff!
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