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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. Yeah ... hadn't read the title ... too late now So make this the post in a thread that appears in a thread that it doesn't appear in .... or some such
  2. Happy Birthday, Ronald!
  3. not, not? sure about that coma?
  4. John Coltrane: Blue Train Lush Life The Believer Black Pearls Stardust Bahia Tanganyika Strut (w/Wilbur Harden) Giant Steps My Favorite Things Olé Impressions Ascension Kulu Sé Mama Expression Sun Ship Om Stellar Regions some old favourites!
  5. Noble enough, but I take it, then, that you never, never, never ever buy ANY of the "Proper" boxes either and would rate them in the same camp. No Chrono Classics, no Timeless, no Hep, no JSP, no Mosaic of stuff that's older than 70 years, no Japanese reissues of PD material? This is getting silly. I've bought from jazzmessengers.com since they sell lots of labels that are hard to come by for me elsewhere (have to be bought locally for 250% of regular prices or have to imported from the US with ridiculous shipping fees), labels like Steeplechase, Pi, Tzadik, Uptown ... guess there's no way in making sure not a cent goes towards vending (manufacturing? people state it's all the same and jazzmessengers is part of it as if they knew ... it would not surprise to learn as much, no sir, but if you have secret record and proof, why not show?) PD stuff ... but then if you go to Starbucks, you will also silently donate to the NRA and other morons, so ... and remember, Concord is the label of Kenny the G'ster, so boycot them, too now, willya?
  6. Max Brüel - Vol. 1: Nondescript, Garlic Wafer, Lover Man (Metronome MEP 118, 45 rpm EP) got this as a gift from someone I "met" on another board ... very good! and now:
  7. yup, sounds great!
  8. guess being linked in to organissimo is good 'nuff
  9. Agree with Chuck .... but have gone through the same line of thought J.A.W. provides. The statement seems indeed to suggest they used the CD masterings, not just the underlying transfers.
  10. Yesterday stinks ... even when Shirley Horn did her Yesterdays-Yesterday thing ... not sure what my problem with Beatles covers really is, but somehow I think most of the songs (while fine by themselves, when played by The Beatles - no issues there, at least most of the time) just don't rend themselves well to swinging. Guess by clicking all the youtube links here, I could prove myself wrong, might give it a try eventually, but there's some tracks here I remember as dreck (again my former self might be terribly wrong ... I mean I like Bud Shank and all, but ...)
  11. Don't know Cow much, yet ... but Westbrook - damn sad news, and much too young, of course!
  12. Well, I posted all this in this very thread (#258) ... was somewhat disconcerted by the lack of reaction.
  13. They better not.
  14. i did so (went with the 40+ thing)
  15. McCoy Tyner, of course ... the late Blue Notes and the early Milestones!
  16. you guys are killing me! seriously though, what would be a good place to start listening to this hitherto unbeknownst to me compatriot of mine?
  17. Not much action here, alas ... the 3CD box on NoBusiness is a great document, though I can't really say I'm hooked by all I've heard of Moondoc's work (but then I don't have all the essentials yet, I think). Anyway bumping this for his current kickstarter project: Sounds good to me - I'm in! A week is left to mull it over ... The link: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1769859387/the-zoo-keepers-house-a-new-cd-from-jemeel-moondoc
  18. You can get "Big Chief" http://www.honestjons.com/shop.php?pid=34108&LabelID=15913&g=1 http://www.50milesofelbowroom.com/artist/147-sunny-murray.html
  19. very sad recently got hold of this beautiful solo disc, will give it a spin tonight:
  20. Watched "Magic City" 1.1 - 1.3 - pretty nice and stylish. No subs, so at times a bit difficult to follow (I'd hate watching in dubbed though, they always have the same four or five guys and gals dubbing all the films and series, it seems ... like Gaby from "Desparate Housewives", or rather her German dubbing speaker, is all over the place and it's quite a nuisance really). Anyway, missed recording 1.4 but will try and catch the remaining episodes - and if Season 2 will be aired, I'll be in, too. This is the kind of short thing I can squeeze in between the other things I want to do. Terrific!!! Oh, wow, that's cool indeed! I'm way behind, but we've got the DVD box of Seasons 1 and 2, only caught a few episodes of the first on TV ... Hopefully they'll air season three on some channel that offers original soundtracks (guess not though, German tv stations are too dumb for that and I don't think Swiss tv ever had any "Luther" on).
  21. same for the beautiful cover ... no info in the booklet (unless it's in the notes, but I don't want to re-read them all just to find out)
  22. errors? what, are you out of your minds?
  23. Great, thanks! Here's a link to that post:
  24. Rooster, is that just about a casual conversation after concert, or do you intend to do a real interview or something? Yes indeed! What's that black plastic thingie stuck to the trumpet right in front of his face? Is that a smartrumpet or something? Hate to see it when good musicians have to play such lousy things as Billy Gault in that long video .... Some comments to this video here with statements about Gault ... thous this being the intterzone, ya never know:
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