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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EMI_Music_Japan: Universal (non-us) is slowly but surely turning into Jordi (angel) 's boldest competitor
  2. Yeah, that line of reasoning would make since with a few "ifs", like: If they'd dig out the rarities, stopped combining the obvious with the obscure, and most important of all points: if they stopped ripping off other small labels! And it makes even more sense in the few cases mentioned where they did actually buy material from artists - but guess what? Their Nocturne box selled so slowly or badly that they never followed up with Vol. 2 ... is that just a coincidence or is there more to it? Like: if they operate with a clean policy, they can't make it work economically? So the argument is to support the majors because...? PD is legal. It's legal. The rest is consumer preference. Oh and FS stick it all on Spotify, another advantage. I know it's legal, that's not the point. There are sonic issues and moral/legitimacy issues that the law won't clear for us.
  3. Yeah, that line of reasoning would make since with a few "ifs", like: If they'd dig out the rarities, stopped combining the obvious with the obscure, and most important of all points: if they stopped ripping off other small labels! And it makes even more sense in the few cases mentioned where they did actually buy material from artists - but guess what? Their Nocturne box selled so slowly or badly that they never followed up with Vol. 2 ... is that just a coincidence or is there more to it? Like: if they operate with a clean policy, they can't make it work economically?
  4. Beside the fact you suppose that i'm way to fatalist, what's your point ? Jazz Artist always earn what they should have earned ? Those european PD reissues are ruining the business ? Tell me... I'm judging my supposition on the tone and content of your posts. My points can be read in my posts (and some points I've also made several times before can be found in the posts of Big Beat Steve and J.A.W. and David Ayers, too).
  5. Jazz music certainly isn't dying - but the reissue business is dead (and what's not is dying) and it seems the PD labels did and do play a part in that play. As for you being rational, you come across as fatalist to me, and there's a difference between those two..
  6. None, really, for the artist - but maybe for the listener: I assume if the reissues come from majors, they will still be based on sources closer to original masters than what you get from Freshsound? (edited to include quote)
  7. You come accross rather cynical. Sounds like "them dying poor" actually suits you. A rather lazy position there, not being willing to double guess one's own behaviour. Sorry if I get you wrong, but that's what I read from your post. Sure, maybe it won't matter, the CD is dying (like the artists), not much money to be made there for anyone, there's always been crooks and shady businessmen in the record industry (as well as in the promotion and booking industry) ... but just because something's rotten, it needn't stay that way, even less so if you *know* how to make your (admittedly small) contribution to change things.
  8. Chuck, not sure you're into that type of sightseeing, but if you want to visit the Vatican, it might be good to get tickets in advance: http://biglietteriamusei.vatican.va/musei/tickets/do?weblang=en&do
  9. Really can't agree. If material is public domain it is publically owned. That means that no-one can claim to own the license in those territories. Any payment made to the former license owner is a voluntary donation. If Bear Family do that then...it's curious, but it has no implications for what anyone else should do. I am sure Sony and Universal are grateful for the donations. Likely it has more to do with payment for access to original sources, but that is another discussion. Bear Sound's generosity to major corporations doesn't make Fresh Sound's activities illegal - they plainly are not. And that line of argument, to me, is no contradiction to what I said ... the voluntary donation ... are we sure about that, anyway? That really makes little sense to me, even though it's a knightly gesture, but usually also small and "good" labels are tough business operations - probably need to be if anyone's live and income depends on it. Not justifying any exploitation by this, btw, no sir. But again, if the Pujols were your friend, they would design their catalogue in a way that would add to what's around. Instead, he conquers and captures territory that is already claimed, sometimes as I said, by small operations.
  10. I meant that the connection you made with the EU 50 years loophole is an assumption (though it might be correct), not that indies contacted majors for licensing agreements. Well, I guess it's just that they could have made *some* money by licensing stuff that's like 45 years old, instead of waiting until it became PD? And by licensing they'd not have to do the work and carry the risk themselves. I very much see the point Chuck made above, about other reissues being stopped by stuff like Lonehill put it out (not sure if Mosaic ever considered a third Hodges box, for instance, but I guess with the Lonehill series, that's out of question ... but then again, the music in the first Hodges box has been PD for a while an no one really bothered to do it right, since Mosaic ... there's Fresh Sound and there's Avid sets, but as usual both don't even try and makesense in a way that they *add* to what's around officially, instead, they do the usual combination of stuff around and stuff that's rare, so that if you buy them, you'll end up buying - and spending money on - twice as many discs as you'd really need ... that's another of those abominable Fresh Sound practices, combine a rare one with an easily available one and have people buy it over and over again, just so they can get the rare one - another point for me that shows they're not the good type but the money-making clever and often disingenuous one).
  11. That's also what I've been told. I'm kind of two-fold here ... so much stuff is rotting (or has been lost already) in the vaults of the majors and they don't give a sh*t, literally.But still, when I have a choice and don't need to sell a kidney, I do go for the official release. Anyway, when I see Freshsound and others ripping off small labels like Mode/VSOP or Uptown or Mighty Quinn, that really pisses me off big time, and to me it's ample proof (if any more is needed) that the pretending-to-be-good-saviour-chap(s) there are in it only for the money ... if they were the true fans and stuff, as Pujol pretended in some intereview that was discussed here, too, he'd simly not, ever, rip off any small label. Not sure what my stance regarding Fantasy is ... Concord cares a tiny little bit, but not really ... and loads of stuff are OOP, so I understand those who do that route. I picked up most of the OJCs I wanted while they were around, but others couldn't, so ... But: Agreed. I fully agree in this respect!
  12. Do I get one if I bring my gun, too?
  13. Sheesh, get a rest folks! And please, where's them sources about *all* mono tapes being lost? The facts, ya know
  14. Thanks! Guess I'll just let my pre-order go through, it costs me less than 40€ anyway, so ...but I still wondered! How about the Legacy Edition of "Round About Midnight"? Have that one, too - but again I don't see any info on mono or stereo. I didn't bother to spend big money for the glued up albums box ... spent HUGE money on those metal spine boxes (they cost around 130-200 $ in Switzerland back then ....) and I'm more than okay with them, so I don't have the Albums Collection to compare.
  15. Someone asked above if the metal spine boxes included some of the music in mono, kinda suggesting they did ... Not having refined ears (or a mono button, neither on my amp nor in my head) and not being willing to rip it all to a computer and check visually ... can anyone expand on that? There are no notes whatsoever in all these Sony reissues, about if the music is mono or stereo (so naively I'd always assume it's the later, if it dates from, say, 1956 or later, als the Miles stuff does). Not even "Miles Ahead" is in mono - they actually state the box contains the first ever stereo reconstruction faithful to what was used on the original (mono) album, so ... Anyone knows of detailed information regarding mono or stereo being used on the box sets?
  16. Jim, this goes further off-topic, but of all the kickstarter and indigogo campaigns I took part in so far, there was only one other than yours where you got (actually get, it's not yet finished) such regular updates. And I think yours is the only one offering some video or other actual preview content, too. You handle that stuff in a great way
  17. They do ship the disc - at least it seems so, with the 15$ option ... but they don't specify additional shipping costs (which usually are around 8 $ or so). Will give this a moment to mull over, the campaign is running for a month, so ... Might it be for legal reasons that they don't offer the CD + DL (of all the music) internationally?
  18. the "rewards" are kinda for locals, too ... why not offer the longer DL version + CD internationally? beats me ... but this does look interesting!
  19. And Mosaics aren't meant to be cheap ... although with the US$ getting weaker and weaker in the past 15 years, they're at a point where to me, they do seem cheap. When I started buying, they cost me 150% of today's rates, there were times when they were up to 170% ... and yet they never seemed "expensive", really.
  20. Now $45 Not sure how that works for you (with VAT and shipping), but 42 € at amazon.de might be a rather good offer? 42 Eur is more expensive than $45. Yeah, I know, that's why I was asking about VAT and shipping - to me, it would end up cheaper for sure, but I woulnd't know about delivery to Israel.
  21. Ya know, they had wigs with integrated metronomes back then ... and George Washington had false teeth of wood (and his mouth emitted a rotten foulish stench) ... but then wood was good in a way, since it did help Ludwig van catch some sounds, putting a piece of it into his mouth, the other end on the piano (guess if he had wooden teeth, too, it would have been to no avail, but how wood, ahm, I know?)
  22. Pre-ordered one, too ... not sure I really need all of it, even more so as I have what I guess are the most essential ones (Sextant, Headhunters, Thrust) and a couple of others, too ... but hey, it's closing time!
  23. Sure hope the bidder had his commas right! And Blue Train, you seem like a fetishist, too, always having to chime in with your facts not fiction creed ... it does get tiring. Your facts are very often one man's opinion (namely yours). It's not worth boiling it up all the time, makes the impression your a facts-not-fiction-fetishist with no life (and little grip on how facts and fiction are related or how facts are "made"). Sorry, don't want to get personal, but your on-going lamento is really asking for it.
  24. king ubu

    Mose Allison

    long live Mose indeed!
  25. Now $45 Not sure how that works for you (with VAT and shipping), but 42 € at amazon.de might be a rather good offer?
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