The *'s mean those were remastered for this box. And ya know what? I'll buy 73 volumes of the bootleg series if they stay in the 60's and early-mid 70's with it, 'cuz it's Bob Dylan, and he was fascinating until he lost his muse around 'Street Legal'.
Oh, I see! Interesting about "Street Legal" being among those, there was new remaster of that one some years ago, wasn't there?
And of course I guess it's safe to assume they will re-use the new remaster of "Self Portrait" as it was on the recent box.
I'd be all for more Bootlegs Series, for sure, also from teh 80s and the 90s ... "Tell Tale Sings" is wonderful!
And put me among those who consider "Time Out of Mind" amongst his very best, too!