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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. There's a four page introduction in English (rather lots of words in small prints), but no liners in the booklet. The cardboard sleeves have the original french notes on the back, if there were any (several have just catalogue listings/adverts).
  2. it's nice but not all that great, I think ... it was the only "Original Vogue Masters" release in red instead of black - and the disc combined it with another ten inch album that the box weirdly omits again: needless to say, it's OOP: http://www.amazon.fr/Argentinians-Paris-Schiffrin-Astor-Piazzola/dp/B0002VYE40/
  3. I'd definitely say so, yes!
  4. The *'s mean those were remastered for this box. And ya know what? I'll buy 73 volumes of the bootleg series if they stay in the 60's and early-mid 70's with it, 'cuz it's Bob Dylan, and he was fascinating until he lost his muse around 'Street Legal'. Oh, I see! Interesting about "Street Legal" being among those, there was new remaster of that one some years ago, wasn't there? And of course I guess it's safe to assume they will re-use the new remaster of "Self Portrait" as it was on the recent box. I'd be all for more Bootlegs Series, for sure, also from teh 80s and the 90s ... "Tell Tale Sings" is wonderful! And put me among those who consider "Time Out of Mind" amongst his very best, too!
  5. Ah, interesting, I had similar questions as BBS - but I'll not get this one since I've got all three JiP as well as the Vogue discs and I think that's about as much as I really need from Byas' European recordings of that vintage. I'd be all for a complete official set though, but I guess Mosaic would have long done it if they had ever planned to do it at all ... and if they had, no doubt the - long OOP - Definitive sets would have put their plans to full stop. Too bad, really!
  6. That's very good to hear!
  7. Jazz VIP? What's that, the improved version of Jazz Lips?
  8. Oh, sorry if I was unclear ... I've got the entire run of "Original Vogue Masters" and am a big fan on the series! I hesitated thus for a while if I should get the box, too, since it had little new material for me (I've got the Django and Bechet elsewhere) ... but I'm glad I did, since it's a nice package and cost no more than 35 or 40 € ... but as I'm familiar with nearly all of the music inside (safe for some alternates as on the Konitz disc, I think), I've not yet really listened to any of the discs as they're found in the box. So that should be clear now The Monk, btw, remains my favourite among his solo recordings - has been for fifteen years. A splendid record!
  9. Hey, great to see you around! Hope you're doing well!
  10. Not sure what the Monk remark is about ... I never said it wasn't included, did I? Anyway, the Monk album alone is reason to get this box - that is if you haven't got it already.
  11. very sad news - r.i.p., thanks for a lot of great music
  12. Look at this on-going Vogue thread for some discussion: While I've not listened to any of it, it certainly is a very nicely done set!
  13. what do the asterikses in the above list indicate? and note the box is titled Vol. 1 - seems they will release bootleg series 1-73 as Vol. 2 in 2073 or so ...
  14. No, a week left ... glad they added an international option for the CD + full DL, guess I'll join in, too!
  15. Indeed Finally took time to have a closer look, myself!
  16. Ethan Iverson has a great write-up on Bailey on his blog: http://dothemath.typepad.com/dtm/2013/10/donald-bailey.html Some very interesting observations there, for instance these: Then there's a great story on "The Sermon" ...
  17. you can see them without being a member (I'm not, either): https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nessa-Records/164776050253630?id=164776050253630&sk=photos_stream
  18. The re-packing and -grouping that Rearward does is a bit confusing ... they did some reissues that have like 80% overlap with other of their own reissues (the Shihab discs!). Escapes me why they do that. Rather stick to one "line" and bring out more music! But hey, this is a small complaint, since basically it's just great that anyone still bothers about Clarke/Boland!
  19. Thanks for sharing! I was aware but tend to quickly forget again ... will have to get both eventually (and a few more from Rearward, both Clarke/Boland and others).
  20. Okay, so they ARE different from the Hindsight material, then - thanks!
  21. Thanks a lot, got to have a closer look, somehow was under the impression the Hindsight LPs were covering earlier material. (edit for typo)
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