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king ubu

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Everything posted by king ubu

  1. been doing just that all day today ! and I thought it was directed at me because of a remark I made - not naming Armstrong but a few others - in another thread were we had the same derailment going on ... but then maybe I have to accept that thread about japanese reissues often just aren't about the music per se but about the sound and presentation of it ... anyway, in the end it's all good
  2. btw: John Ogdon - The Complete RCA Album Collection (RCA, 6CD) pre-order on amazon.de is 27 € - just bought the Hammerklavier disc (it adds some of the Nielsen) and might take a pass here, but still, might be interesting (I'm not familiar even by name with much of it) - link: http://www.amazon.de/John-Ogdon--Complete-Album-Collection/dp/B00I4L172C/ Henri Dutilleux Edition (DG, 6 CD) already out in France (43 €): http://www.amazon.fr/Henri-Dutilleux-Edition-Limited/dp/B00HHYVZLU/ can't find anything on the DG site ... at that price, it's not a real bargain I guess, but should come with some good booklet? Herbert Blomstedt - San Francisco Years (Decca, 15 CD) pre-order is 42 € with amazon.de - no cover yet http://www.amazon.de/Blomstedt-San-Francisco-Years-Ltd-Edt/dp/B00HZ8J4TS/ Great Symphonies - David Zinman/Tonhalle Orchester Zürich (The Zurich Years 1995-2014) (RCA, 50 CD) pre-order is 93 € at amazon.de - prob. too much of a good thing, but I'm enjoying the Beethoven http://www.amazon.de/Great-Symphonies-Ludwig-van-Beethoven/dp/B00I0IL3FA/
  3. I guess the Richter would really be too much ... I'll rather add his DG set to my collection, eventually - been eyeing that one for a while.
  4. Glad I was not involved this time But ... ... with the second point there directed at me, I just want to add my 2c, namely that to me audiophilism and the on-going obsession about a few "classics" probably looks at least as elitist ... guess we're just into different things in the end. I mean it's not that I don't enjoy when something sounds good. I'm sorry if I appear elitist (though frankly I don't think I've ever been told I was, neither here nor in any other music discussion on- or offline ... well yeah, my little sis who preferred Ace of Base and stuff like that thought I was very elitist ), but my main driver is an on-going enthusiasm for the music and those that make it (meaning musicians more often than record producers, sound engineers et al, though obviously they're part of it as well), and I hope I will not ever lose that! Now, granted, not everybody wants to get acquainted with the sounds of Luis Russell or Evan Parker ... but to me it's kind of a necissity to find out ... like: where did that stuff come from? How did drummers sound before Klook and Max? Why does no one tell me about a great m-f like Dave Tough? Is Han Bennink a genius? How does Hamid Drake come accross live? There are thousands of things I want to learn and know, and I just can't be bothered to obsess about the sonic qualities of each and every record I buy (many are just around in one edition anyway, which makes life a bit easier, of course). So, most often (hey, I get grumpy every now and then, who doesn't?), no offense is intended at all, and I apologize for any offense taken from words of mine. But I'm definitely not out to appear elitist or any such crap, no sir.
  5. disc one ... probably going on into the night ... love "Mademoiselle Mabry"!
  6. Seems Amsterdam's Concertgebouw does present contemporary music with regularity and success. 2000 persons every saturday afternoon ... not sure if the Dutch are all masochists or what, but some premises here are definitely proven wrong. German article from a few days back on this, just in case: http://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/buehne-und-konzert/neue-musik-in-amsterdam-das-glueck-ist-mit-den-furchtlosen-12785242.html
  7. I'm quite hopeful. The Brown, Jarrett and Parker boxes each had cheapo facsimiles of the original books (as far as I could tell). Mine was dispatched today so I'll report back when it arrives. The new Basie set (Decca) has the booklet too - says so on the site of Universal Italy. So yes, I'd be hopeful, too.
  8. If I'm allowed to intrude for a sec, I've got two Weinberg discs so far and enjoy both (without pretending to find them "great" or whatever):
  9. No denying that! And it seems those who know think the stadiums, racetracks and all are great ... but still, it all raises so many questions, I just can't totally shut up.
  10. I loved the part about the Gulag and about ethnic cleansing and its valued tradition from tsarism to present ... as for the "thought", its gist was likely: some dude built Petersburg ... some other dude built Sochi.
  11. Very glad to hear Daley is still on the schedule! Love the first Carter/Bradford, will be all over the second - and the Tapscott, too!
  12. Complete, that is ... I'd be in for that, not for any of the others ... although having these in original shape (edits back in place) might be tempting (if there is any such option, I guess it would be Japanese?)
  13. Just in case: the BluSpec has the regular-length disc two of "Agartha".
  14. Hey, my remark was directed at myself this time, no need for bad feelings
  15. Would be good to know if the terrific and huge booklet of the original edition is included here as well .... it's one of the finest ever, I think, would be a true loss!
  16. Last time I looked, "The Shape of Jazz to Come" was still by Ornette Coleman?!? I'm not sure which Atlantic reissue program you refer to. I have around 10 Japanese Atlantics 60th Anniversary issues - WPCR 2xxxxx, they all sound excellent. I wasn't aware that these issues were thought to suffer from loudness/compression etc. I try not to read these threads....I only get anxious Good move. These threads can make you crazy. Yeah, proof above
  17. Yes, good read, great guy, Herbie!
  18. Yeah, just wanted to say I heard ol' Vlad is all crazy and geared up about them .... http://avaxnews.net/appealing/Welcome_Sochi_2014_The_Dark_Side_of_Sochi_Olympics_by_Artist_Vasily_Slonov.html
  19. Yeah, would be easier on the bank account, too
  20. I'll read from the sidelines, but don't have anything to contribute there yet ... but yeah, go ahead!
  21. just in case anyone stumbles over it ... I've got some of the Birdland material discussed here in this Ember 4CD set (there's a Charly one, too - not quite identical it seems, different cover, too ... and the Ember was also out in two 2CD sets ... don't think there was ever a Vol. 2): Great set!
  22. I guess you didn't then ... but it fits (some) Karajan like a glove
  23. as for Scherchen, there's Tahra ... they have their own website but it's hard to navigate (21 pages of available releases) ... look here: http://www.musicandarts.com/Tahra.html here's the website: http://tahra.com/index.php I've actually ordered one from Music & Arts that was unavailable everywhere else and it got delivered pretty fast ...
  24. Yes indeed - great word! As for "praxis", in german it's most common ... a doctor's office (what do you actually call that?) is called "Praxis", meanings 1b and 2 are common usage (not 1a, I think).
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