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king ubu

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About king ubu

  • Birthday 04/18/1979

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    Zurich, Switzerland

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  1. It's in the second, surprisingly and delightfully! At least it was when I checked the tracklisting last.
  2. I'd still have expected the Powell (all the more annoying, as the common reissues omit two tracks) and Pierce to be in there ... the others (Green, Most, Elliot) would certainly have been a kind of departure with the Swing sessions ... though I would not have minded them being included at all.
  3. Those are weird omissions indeed, thanks for pointing them out ... alas that French CD contains the same five tracks that were also part of the two previous Mel Powell CDs issued by Vanguard: https://www.discogs.com/release/14735742-Mel-Powell-The-Best-Things-In-Life https://www.discogs.com/release/14667510-Mel-Powell-Its-Been-So-Long So, two track missing ("My Last Millionaire" and "Soon"), it seems. While the Nat Pierce session is included in its entirety, it may be worth noting that the four tracks can also be found on a pretty good Fresh Sound compilation (quite certainly no match in sound quality): https://www.discogs.com/release/7238051-The-Swingin-Nat-Pierce-Band-Kansas-City-Memories
  4. Since they're usually called "Complete ... Album Collection", a discogs search is quite useful ... but if anyone finds a list, let me know please! It's not completely reliable, so you may want to try a few similar searches (i.e. you need to replace "sony" w/rca to find the Peter Serkin box, though the entry has both RCA and Sony Classical listed as labels): https://www.discogs.com/search/?q=complete+album+collection+sony&type=all&genre_exact=Classical add a genre filter depending on if you're looking for Leonard Cohen, Earth Wind & Fire and Judas Priest or Monk, Weather Report and Blakey or Fritz Reiner, George Szell and Glenn Gould (that latest category is the one I'm most into with these ... and running such a search does two things: make me realize how I bought gazillions of discs in the past 15 years, and also hurts with regards to boxes I skipped, such as the Rudolf Serkin or the André Previn). As for the original question, I use Presto Music (never any issue with my credit card there, and they got lots of money from me) ... and sometimes JPC or evil A as well. They offer plenty of lists (I never use, unless when browsing through offers), including one on Sony: https://www.prestomusic.com/classical/labels/1333--sony
  5. Stumbled over this old thread looking for a bit of info on Junko Mine as I'm considering to get the recent reissue of this album. https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/UVPR-60155 Sounds quite wonderful indeed:
  6. Thanks a lot @RiRiIII - much appreciated! An order from CDJapan with some of the first batch (#14, 15, 17, 20, is waiting to be filled as #11 is out of stock ... I've got a previous - prob. bootleg - edition of that, so no sweat). Will consider more of these (I do have previous eition of all the Shepp, Cherry and AEoC).
  7. Excellent, glad to hear most of us who ordered got their deliveries or are about to. Really happy things did turn up well! Just started listening with Vol. 1 again today, and while sound is rough there (first gig for the engineer and his equipment, the short notes state), the music is rough, too, and bubbling and intense, and sometimes pretty wild - and that is great to witness indeed!
  8. Yeah, mostly they're okay, but I've had some cost 30€ and turn up without 90° corners, cracks in covers (or even backs) etc. ... what started as a book dealer has generally gotten really bad at selling books (and good at supporting fascism) ... I've had plenty of new books ordered that were never delivered, i.e. the Ella Fitzgerald bio ... just gotten a new delivery estimate e-mail monthly for years, and when I canceled and created a new order for the paperback, the same thing started anew ... and of course the poor sobs in customer service have no clue. So I'm generally weary of them ... only thing that works reliably is major label music (classical CD box-sets mostly) that I pre-order or order right upon release ... if you wait a month or two, the same games started anew: monthly delivery estimate updates ... I've got a few order that have been running for two years, it'ss pathetic ... I just settled into accepting those items are oop, while amazon listed them as "in stock" for months and months - and sure I contacted customer service, see above ...) For the Ella book, currently they say 3 copies of the hardcover in stock, the paperback oop - I never got neither. https://www.amazon.de/Becoming-Ella-Fitzgerald-Transformed-American/dp/039324105X/ Sorry for the off topic excurse about lamentable american billionaires doing what they do best 🙃
  9. Thanks, it is indeed - didn't check yet (one thing I'm really weary of is all the cheap - and not so cheap, price-wise - print on demand crappily crappily printed books amazon is selling nowadays ... but with a new book there's hope at least in the first few months they'll sell decent copies).
  10. Okay, tried completing the order but it fails - seems they don't ship to Europe at all. Too bad, but worth a try.
  11. 20-25$ would be realistic for shipping, I think... probably after passing the order they will reach out about that? I have only gone through it until before payment and then stopped because it seemed wrong.
  12. They are there now! Anybody done a complete list of the reissues and care to share? Would be much appreciated!
  13. Agreed, indeed! Thanks Dan! But I wonder: free international shipping - can that be correct?
  14. Got my CDs today from SoundOhm – yowzah! They missed one and included another one twice, so I'll have to deal with a return – but compared with what we assumed the situation to be just a few weeks ago, that's pretty great!
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