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Everything posted by kinuta

  1. Feeling gloomy so something easy to read Harlan Coben - The Final Detail
  2. That's true of course. The point about 'The Honourable Schoolboy ' is that it completes the trilogy based on the British duel with Carla. 'A Murder Of Quality' has already been filmed starring Denholm Elliot but it's probably either hard to find or oop.
  3. Smiley has risen from the digital crypt. I'm surprised this old thread has resurfaced but sincerely hope Mr Weizen enjoys the show, I'm sure he will. 'Smiley's People' is also available from the BBC. It's a pity they never got round to completing the trilogy with 'The Honourable Schoolboy'.
  4. That's awful news, he was a great favourite of mine.
  5. The board is running slow. There sometimes a considerable delay opening the forum pages.
  6. Agree. Forget the 'story' and overlook TC's manic screen hogging and you are left with a surprisingly intense almost non stop action adrenaline rush film.
  7. Nobody but if any of you guys are ever in Tokyo I'll be happy to show you around.
  8. If I had to pick just two it would be the Sun Sessions and 50,000,000 Fans Can't Be Wrong. Every single cut on the latter is amazing imo. I'd also get your dad a compilation of his Xmas songs.
  9. I agree that Footprints has been flogged to death but there's an interesting up tempo vocal version on Rene Rosnes Art & Soul- D Reeves Voc R Rosnes piano Scott Colley bass Billy Drummond dr.
  10. Nat Cole Disc 5 Crusaders Disc 5 Jack Teagarden Disc 4 'Shades Of Night' session
  11. The Complete Recordings Of The Paul Desmond Quartet With Jim Hall Disc 2
  12. You're not kidding about the wretched sound quality. I actually had a burn of the lp which sounded great. Like a total idiot I gave it away when I got the cd !
  13. http://www.jazzcat-record.com/index-english.htm I have absolutely no connection to this firm. The pics of the covers alone are worth a look.
  14. Great record. I bought the Japanese version when it came out without any prior knowledge of the session. I just looked at the band line up and no further convincing was needed, even at the hefty $25 plus I had to pay. I remember coming home and putting on the headphones , that title track just blew me away , you know " where the hell have they been hiding this ?"
  15. Yes. I've read certain opinions on this board regarding the negative sound quality of the Lou Donaldson Mosaic. The sound seems a little 'narrow' but after a couple of tunes you no longer notice it. You do, however, notice and enjoy the hell out of Lou's playing. Don't hesitate, the LD Mosaic is really great. I often play it. The music is great, but to my ears the sound isn't, it's maximized like hell with hardly any dynamics left. But if you don't mind that, get it, you won't regret it. I don't that's true, Hans, but on my crappy old system it sounds fine ! ( Gnash, gnash
  16. Yes. I've read certain opinions on this board regarding the negative sound quality of the Lou Donaldson Mosaic. The sound seems a little 'narrow' but after a couple of tunes you no longer notice it. You do, however, notice and enjoy the hell out of Lou's playing. Don't hesitate, the LD Mosaic is really great. I often play it.
  17. My advice, for what it's worth, would definitely be to get the Art Pepper and Gerry Mulligan sets. Both are unmissable.
  18. The Laren Bacall thing was really off the wall. The pre- release buildup is beginning to sound empty. I agree that it seems to be meandering nowhere in particular. So many loose ends it's hard to keep count. After Tony beat up his minder he was shown vomiting copious amounts of blood in the toilet but there was no follow through.
  19. Kinuta, how are you able to watch the 5th season in Tokyo? I am still watching season three on cable (FOX). I download it from the internet. It usually comes on line early Tuesday afternoon. If you have a high speed fiber optic connection such as NTT Flets it's pretty easy to get '24' and all the other current shows. Drop me a line if you need chapter & verse.
  20. What happened to the first lady's cutie pa? The last we saw of her she was shot up and reunited with her kid, since then not a whisper. Anyone pick up the 'Robocop' old boys club act with Paul Crane( aka Ramano from ER) as the new sinister string puller. He was one of the bad lads in 'Robocop'. He ended up in a vat of toxic waste.
  21. It takes all kinds, I love sprouts. Some things I hate are octopus, in any shape or form, I loathe it. Korean cold noodles. Called 'reimen' in Japan are the pits. I has kind of indigestible hard super chewyness that leaves me wanting to barf. The dreaded ' shiokara'. This is the afore mentioned squid feet in a kind of chilli goo. Guaranteed nausea making. 'Macha' is the super bitter green tea used in Ye Olde Japanese tea ceremony and truly vile beyond words. Any of the numerous kinds of boiled intestinal dishes that are popular here. The whole spectrum of offal cuisine is laughingly called ' stamina' food in Japan. All uniformly hideous and inedible. 'Beef bowl' called gyudon in Japan is especially awful with great clumps of vile white cow fat just waiting to block your arteries. It is wolfed down by the truckload by risk oblivious suicidal idiots.
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