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Everything posted by (BB)

  1. I rarely use the cage, unless the tyke pulls hard on the leash and spills my beer.
  2. The Slime People Slick Rick
  3. The Law Phil Spector Lana Clarkson
  4. Nelson Mandela Nelson Eddy Nelson Riddle
  5. John McEntire is a Chicago based percussionist, he sometimes shows up playing synthesizer as well. You can find him on most of the Tortoise & The Sea & Cake sides. And they are all on Senior Clementine's most very favorite label ~ Thrill Jockey. Thanks for the heads up on this one I will try and check it out.
  6. I prefer my music on vinyl (especially the big bands) I grill my meat I make cakes from scratch I walk to the store I ride my bike into town If I could take the train when going on vacation I would do that too You can call me nostalgic if you like, I'm just doing what makes me happy.
  7. Jo Jo Gunne Jo Jo Dancer JoJo (some god-awful singer on YouTube)
  8. Much love for Mr. Martin here. The Clef 12" of this hangs on one wall of my office. This is a nasty bad image, if I have any time this week I'll scan in my cover. On the original the golds and greys are quite cloud-like with the heavy black ink lines holding it all together. The JATP vol. 6 (on two 45's) hangs about 3 feet from my nose every day. It is similar the above image, although it has a solid beige/taupe background and says Norman Granz' JAZZ at the Philharmonic on the music stand
  9. We (really the wife part of we) also make our food. It not that hard to do once you get a big bowl for mixing. Otto our 60lb standard poodle, stares at his bowl and drools while being served, once given the green light he eats it up in seconds flat. He had been having a problem keeping his food down, and this solved that problem. For cheap meat we are able to get recently expired meat, and never had an issue.
  10. Don Drummond Edward Ellington Frank Foster
  11. Hybrids may be good for the environment, but they can be deadly on pedestrians. I just about walked in front of one in a parking lot, it was in electric mode (no engine noise) and I was apparently in auditory mode, bout' dropped my dinner fixings.
  12. I don't know about my "favorite", but the Konitz & Marsh - Atlantic lp has been in heavy rotation for the last week or two. I have also been enjoying the Marsh & Tabackin ~ Tenor Gladness quite a bit as well.
  13. If I listen to radio at all it usually just the news on npr. But this morning I needed to take my wife's car and the radio was set on the anything goes community radio station. I was pleasantly surprised to hear Abbey Lincoln singing "Driva Man" with Coleman sounding very nice as well. The next song was an electronic/noise thing that sounded like a bunch of crickets with ADD. so I tossed in a CD and went on my merry way.
  14. According to the information in Gioia's West Coast Jazz, he mostly likely died of an OD then either fell and sustained head injuries or according to Dexter Gordon's version, Teddy Hale (a dancer in the show Wardell was working in at the time) and another person took the body to dump it in the dessert. Somewhere along the line Grey's neck was broken and his head was injured. Although there were also some that believed he was bumped off by a jilted lover or his dealer. Clear as mud.
  15. It really doesn't matter.....to Best Buy , since : a) there is no necessary connection between being a progressive , liberal or pinko and being opposed to Best Buy , and b) even if there were such a nexus , Progressive , liberal , pinko dollars aren't exactly the lifeblood of an electronics retailer selling music as a loss-leader , and c) Best Buy has already voted their own dollars a) I was speaking to big-box stores in general. My condensed line of thought goes like this: The bigger the buying power a company has the more pressure they can apply to their vendors to reach the never attainable lowest price. The vendors in-turn have to lower their costs often by lower the wages, cutting benefits or simply moving the jobs oversees to countries that have, shall we say, less stringent oversights on such matters. I have always considered issues of wages and working conditions to be issues of concern for left leaning people. This is to say nothing of the top down pressures these corporations are able to put on governments to adopt laws and regulations that are friendly to their business models. Nor does it take into consideration the negative effects on local economies and the limited diversity of products available for consumers. b) Probably not, and the unending drive to get the most crap for the lowest price will leave me shaking my head till I too old to care. c) not sure what you mean.
  16. Vote with your dollars. You can vote for every progressive, liberal, pinko, greenie you want, but if you spend your money with the big box retailers and gi-normous national chains it really doesn't matter. Shop Local - Shop at Owner Operator Businesses - Pay Cash
  17. The "O" that matters
  18. His Majesty wrote a tune called "When" that Jack Teagarden recorded on ~ Jack Teagarden at the Roundtable
  19. The Wolf Vincent Jules
  20. Happy Birthday to you.
  21. Whitesnake The White Stripes White Zombie
  22. Diana Ross and the Supremes Abe Most The Worlds Greatest Jazz Band "the WGJB originally alternated standards with Dixiefied versions of current pop tunes like "Mrs. Robinson,"", courtesy of Mr. Yanow
  23. Stan Lee Lee Young Young MC
  24. Huh? Somethin' ain't right? I hope the winner got their bid in early for the 10% discount.
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